Thousans escuses for delay.
My question:
> Managers:
> We are running DU 4.0c on a 800. When I configure TCPwrapper I delete
> /usr/sbin/telnetd with "rm /usr/sbin/telnetd" (my mistake: I wish to run
> "mv ....". How can I solv this problem?
> If run "setld -l /cdrom OSFCLINET410" is right? This action delete any
> programs?
Thanks to all.
Dr. Thomas P. Blinn give me a quickly and easy solution:
If you have the media kit mounted on /cdrom, then
cp -p /cdrom/usr/sbin/telnetd /usr/sbin/telnetd
should just copy the one file you removed and no others.
setld will not load the OSFCLINET410 subset if it's already loaded. If you
want to use setld, then you must either first delete the subset (if you can)
and then reload it, or go into the /usr/.smdb. directory and remove the .lk
file associated with the subset (since that's what tells setld the subset is
Received on Thu Jul 08 1999 - 06:13:26 NZST