I recently submitted a request for help on my copy of Advanced Server for UNIX not working. I had wondered if it was SAMBA related, as everything would start except for the lmx.svr process.
1 response helped ensure me that SAMBA wasn't the issue, as he had it and ASDU running on the same box, and he also cautioned me in looking out for other primary contollers/browsers that could mess it up.
The solution was that the actual INSTALL script was failing. During the install, some 'lmx' accounts and groups are created. Those account creations failed because I had 2 instances of duplicate group names in my /etc/group file. After I fixed those entries and then reinstalled, everything worked fine.
Thanks also go to 'Dave' at Compaq for helping me here....
-Ken Kleiner
Received on Fri Jul 09 1999 - 20:32:17 NZST