I raised this problem about 12 months ago and got a resolution, which is summarised in the list. However, things have changed a little and I am now trying to install Exceed 6.1 on Windows 98 still using DU3.2g with C2.
I have changed the things that were required to sort the problem out in the previous listing which was to add lines into /etc/auth/system/ttys and /etc/auth/system/devassign, only this time, it hasn't fixed the problem, I am still getting the message "Cannot obtain database information on this terminal". I suspect the problem lies with Windows 98 better security than the previous Windows 95. I have installed plain-text passwords in Windows 98, as that was required to log on to our network.
Any other ideas?
Any information would be greatly appreciated, if you could email me directly at the address below
Glenn Newbery Email: glenn_at_bnd.com.au
Systems Manager Voice: +612 9722 5631
B&D Australia Fax: +612 9772 3830
Received on Mon Jul 12 1999 - 04:48:19 NZST