Summary: File too large

From: Per Klitgaard Madsen <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 08:56:20 +0200

First of all another search engine can be found at
Thanks for all the replys, and if I had searched the archives I would have
found the answers.

The short answer is: Yes there is a limitation in tar.
>From the release notes (I knew I should have read them):
    File size: 8 GB (4 TB with extended option). Therefore I would try the
-E option (from Matthias Reichling).

Thanks again,

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Per Klitgaard Madsen []
> Sendt: 7. juli 1999 14:24
> Til:
> Emne: tar: File too large
> Hi,
> Hope this is not too trivial (the archive search engine seems to be down).
> When trying to do a tar of a file of around 8Gb or more, we get the error:
> tar: 'the file' : File too large for archive format, truncating to
> 8589934591 bytes
> Is the the expected behaviour? If so, is there a workaround? We are in the
> process of introducing networker backup on this particular machine, but in
> the meanwhile we depend upon tar.
> Regards,
> Per.
> Name: Per Klitgaard Madsen. Company: Sonofon, Skelagervej 1, DK-9000
> Aalborg
> Phone: +45 72127741. Fax: +45 72127989 e-mail:
Received on Mon Jul 12 1999 - 06:56:42 NZST

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