ld inquiry!!

From: Juan Enriquez <Juan.Enriquez_at_vtt.fi>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:42:05 +0300

 I am new to Tru64 UNIX, and I have errors in the linkage stage.
 I try to execuate this small program
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

 double n;

 n=3.0; printf("n=%f\n",sin(n));
 printf("FIN \n");

 This is just a test program in the real program I call FORTRAN 90
subroutines from C functions, and my main program is a C program. The
compilation process is ok (cc -c main2.c ), but during the linking process
(ld main2.o -lm -o main) I obtain a strange error.
"$ ld main2.o -lm -o main
Error: Undefined:
Please , could you tell me what I am missing in the linkage stage.
 best regards,
   Juan Enriquez Paraled
Received on Wed Jul 14 1999 - 11:44:52 NZST

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