We have just discovered a problem with "usermod" that we had not
noticed before.
We are running DU V4.0D with patch kit #2 & C2 security.
When we use "usermod" to change an accounts primary group the account
is locked even though "administrative_lock_applied=0" is the default.
usermod -g 200 test1
Causes the account to be locked.
If we explicitly set the "administrative_lock_applied" as we change
the group the problem does not occur.
usermod -g 200 -x administrative_lock_applied=0 test1
The account remains unlocked.
Can anyone help with this?
[ Randy Rodgers
[ Senior Systems Programmer
[ Allen County/City of Fort Wayne
[ Information Systems
[ (219)427-5727
Received on Wed Jul 21 1999 - 18:56:29 NZST