Ver 4.0B P3 A4100 3 x 5/600 2GB mem 3493MB swap
Hi All ,
Couple of things . swapon -s shows :
Swap partition /dev/re0b (default swap):
Allocated space: 447159 pages (3493MB)
In-use space: 1 pages ( 0%)
Free space: 447158 pages ( 99%)
Total swap allocation:
Allocated space: 447159 pages (3493MB)
Reserved space: 382255 pages ( 85%)
In-use space: 1 pages ( 0%)
Available space: 64904 pages ( 14%)
The reserved space is 85 % .
Any idea why it would be so high .
I always have 300+MB of memory to spare .
I have a few identical systems , the others
use no more than 35 % .
These systems are used to run a 2 engine sybase
dataserver . Also as shown with top , only on this machine
the dataserver is started up with a static 900
MB and only grabs 1.6 MB ??
The 2 engines do not grab 900 each , it just looks like
it .
15428 sybase 53 0 909M 1744K run 146.2H 98.70% dataserver
15400 sybase 52 0 909M 1605K run 158.9H 80.30% dataserver
procs memory pages
r w u act free wire fault
5140 36 186K 41K 28K 133M
6139 36 187K 40K 28K 614
5140 36 187K 40K 28K 323
Thanking you ,
Gary Menna E-Mail
Information Technology Services Phone +61 2 9351-6360
University of Sydney (G05) Fax +61 2 9351-7711
* *
* When what is indestructible *
* Meets that which is irresistible . *
* The female always wins . *
* Monkey . *
Received on Tue Aug 03 1999 - 05:11:35 NZST