>From: Joerg Bruehe <joerg_at_sql.de>
>... the only reference coming to my mind is the "TekMetrics"
>Web-based questionnaire / ranking at
> http://www.tekmetrics.com/
>(But my point of view is that the candidate's general understanding,
>experience, opinions, willingness to learn, communications and
>_listening_/_asking_ skills may be more important
>than the facts already known.)
I strongly believe this as well.
>From: Arnaud.VERON_at_caramail.com
>check http://www.uwsg.indiana.edu/usail/
>and http://www.uwsg.indiana.edu/usail/test/
I have based my queries on whats available here.
>From: Chad Price <cprice_at_molbio.unmc.edu>
>Bob - I don't want to seem too rude (a warning that what I'm about to say
>could be construed as rude and insulting...)
>But how, if you don't know the questions to ask, are you qualified to
>understand the answers? Just a thought. Maybe you need to have a person
>with Unix and Perl skills in with you for the interview? Otherwise, be
Maybe a fair point, but I was very pushed for time, and have not had the
experience of being interviewed or tested for a UNIX admin job, I've sort
of grown into it. I could have rushed and made up some questions, but I
wanted to be fair to candidates, and not have anyting too easy, ao
anything too hard.
>From: Nathan Dietsch <ndietsch_at_davidjones.com.au>
for a nice long list of questions, that came too late for use
>From: anthony.miller_at_vf.vodafone.co.uk
for some DU specifics,
>From: Jim Fitzmaurice <jpfitz_at_fnal.gov>
>From: Barry Treahy <treahy_at_mmaz.com>
>From: Scott L. McCracken <scottm_at_synergex.com>
for other suggestions.
Received on Mon Aug 09 1999 - 08:39:38 NZST