From: Paul Crittenden <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:39:32 -0500

Original message:
>Last year we used the joind DHCP server to hand out private 10 class
>addresses. We used AltaVista Firewall 97 also. Students being what they
are >were not happy they couldn't go to game sites and play games, guess
they >didn't want to study, and to chat with other folks.
>Anyway, I am going to change from handing out private ip addresses to
public >this fall. I think I know how to change the joind configuration
for the new >addresses but what will happen to those users that have a 10
class address >currently once the changeover is done? Are there files I
should remove so >they won't ask for the 10 class address? Are tips and
tricks will be >appreciated.

Thanks to:
Trey Valenta
Rick Beebe
Mark Galinas

The consensus was I should be able to reconfigure the DHCP server to the
new addresses and it should work. Also, Linux with IP Masqurading was
suggested which I knew about but haven't had time to investigate.

Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College

Y2K? Why not 3?
Received on Wed Aug 18 1999 - 15:42:28 NZST

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