Thank you for your prompt answers - because the mailserver told me about
a problem I sent the question twice. Sorry.
My original question was:
I tried to start a X-application in the following way:
$ DISPLAY=goaw04:0
$ export DISPLAY
$ SETUSER=sap comfax-x&
[1] 23745
$ Xlib: connection to "goaw04:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
X Toolkit Error: Can't open display: goaw04:0
[1] + Done(1) SETUSER=sap comfax-x&
Since this application works fine with a MAC (DISPLAY=iridium:0), ther must be sonething wrong on node goaw04. What??
Thanks to all those who responded, so far:
Leonard, Roger []
Thomas Leitner []
Michalis Kabrianis []
Chad Price []
Andrew Gillies []
Sean O'Connell [sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU]
jean.schuller []
1. simple solution (not very secure)
On host goaw04: xhost -goas04" (or simple "xhost +")
2. solution with good security
on host goaw04: xauth add goas04:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1
xauth list (looking what you´ve done)
Seems that everone - except me - knows how to do.
Have a good time
Werner Rost
Werner Rost, Mannesmann-Boge GmbH
Abt: KIR
Tel: 0228/3825-420
Fax: 0228/3825-398
Friesdorfer Str. 175, 53175 Bonn - Bad Godesberg
Received on Thu Aug 19 1999 - 14:13:08 NZST