Wide Ultra2 SCSI Adapter

From: Norbert Kasperczyk-Borgmann <nkb_at_informatik.fh-hamburg.de>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 12:08:22 +0200

In May Richard Eckman wrote a Summary (see below) about
a 64-Bit Dual Channel Wide Ultra2SCSI Adapter.

I've just checked the "Quickspecs"
at 'www.compaq.com/products/storageworks/adapters.html'
(dated from 2Q1999) but again there is no support for TRU64 mentioned.

Does someone know [perhaps Richard :) ] if this adapter is now supported

under TRU64UNIX ?
I like to bye this adapter for a Alpha Server 1000A 5/333 (with TRU64
4.0F PK1).
Is the Adapter supported for this machine?

It would be very nice if someone can answer my questions.


=== Summary from Richard Eckman (27. May 1999)
I noted on Compaq's Storageworks web page that they have a new 64-bit,
dual-channel ultra2 SCSI adapter (model number 348757-B21). Looking at
"Quickspecs" page, it appears that the card is supported on about every
operating system with the notable exception of Tru64 Unix. Does anyone
if this card is likely to be supported at some point by Tru64 Unix? I'd
to use one on a new XP-1000 workstation if it were ever supported.

Thanks to Shari Skinner Hovey (Shari.Hovey_at_compaq.com), I received the
good news from Paul Lorusso of Compaq:

        This is a very interesting request. The card being referenced
is an Intel only version of a product code named Mucho Grande. The "D"
version is supported on o/s's other than UNIX and OpenVMS. The "P"
under a different part number, is in qualification now and will be
as BTO/CTO and option kit on XP1000. I expect this to become available
the late May time frame under the following part numbers: SN-KZPCA-EB
and/or 103269-B21. We expect it to be supported under both 4.0E (will
require a patch) and 4.0F (native). Basically the "P" version includes
extra ROM to allow support under UNIX, and also an isolator chip that
allow Wide Ultra 2 (LVD) and Wide Ultra devices on the same channel
dropping everything down to Ultra speed. So, I believe you can indicate
he can have his 64bit 2 chnanel support on UNIX.

Norbert Kasperczyk-Borgmann
University of Applied Sciences - Fachhochschule Hamburg
Fachbereich E/I, Softwarelabor, Raum 1187
Berliner Tor 3,  D-20099 Hamburg, Germany
phone: +49 40 42859 3167
fax  : +49 40 2484 5852
email: nkb_at_informatik.fh-hamburg.de
Received on Wed Sep 01 1999 - 10:10:59 NZST

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