I had to re-installed network on my DS20 because I ran out of index space
and after clearing that problem, Networker would
not work.
Following the documentation and setld'ing from Cdrom, install seemed to go
fine. CLCMC314 seems to be loaded fine, but...
When I try to do a jb_config, I get a "Memory fault - core dumped" message
and no go.
If I try to start NSR by using the NSRstartstop start command, no daemons
show up as being started.
For the "I can't think of anything else, I removed the autochanger CLCMC314
and reinstalled and config'ed the kernal, still
same memory fault problem.
Quite lost at this point. Any ideas??
Don Andrews
Received on Sat Sep 04 1999 - 11:09:40 NZST