I am receiving the following messages when attempting to compile BIND 8.2.1
using Digital cc under Alpha V4.0. I would appreciate if anyone could give
me some hints on resolving the problem.
cc: Warning: /usr/include/net/proto_uipc.h, line 189: In this declaration,
parameter 1 has a different type than specified in an earlier declaration of
this function.
int socket P((struct proc *, void *, long *));
cc: Error: /usr/include/net/proto_uipc.h, line 189: In this declaration, the
e of "socket" is not compatible with the type of a previous declaration of
"socket" at line number 480 in file /usr/include/sys/socket.h.
int socket P((struct proc *, void *, long *));
Received on Wed Oct 20 1999 - 19:50:53 NZDT