On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Stan Horwitz wrote:
> One of my users (on an AlphaServer 4100 with DU 4.0d, patch kit #3, and C2
> security) is having trouble logging into his account. I am at a loss as to
> what would cause this problem and I am not normally involved with account
> management on this particular system. If anyone has any ideas on how to
> fix this problem, please let me know. Nothing out of the ordinary appears
> in the edauth entry for this account. I even reset the password, but
> still, what results from logging in via telnet is the following error:
> Account is disabled -- see Account Administrator.
> Core: cannot create core file -- system version limit (6) reached.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
Thanks to those who replied. After talking with someone at Compaq,
it became obvious that the edauth entry was incomplete. Starting
with a fresh edauth entry for this malfunctioning account fixed the
Thank you.
Received on Tue Nov 09 1999 - 16:16:33 NZDT