Problem in Timeout from LPD

From: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 08:47:39 -0600

I have some printer connected to Cisco Router using LPD service from
router. When the printer is set offline for change paper and not is ready
in ten minutes, send a request to queue of Unix and the queue change status
of Sending to Waiting with the follow messages in lpr.log

Nov 9 10:20:53 cpiu02 lpd[28005]: WARNING -- read_all_chars: read timeout
after 600 seconds
Nov 9 10:20:53 cpiu02 lpd[28005]: WARNING -- sendfile: no response to
write null byte -- return REPRINT

This is the problem. When the printer is set ready, the report finish, but
the queue send again the report and is printed two report.

The questios is:

How and when change the timeout for the queue printer remote. the change is
 DU or Cisco Router.

My DU Box is:

AlphaServer 2100 5/375
Du 4.0E Patch Kit 2
Cisco Router 2511 Firmware 11.1

Thank In Advance

Marcelo Alonso M.
Received on Wed Nov 10 1999 - 15:11:50 NZDT

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