[Summary] ASE 1.6: NFS und Samba

From: Gerhard Nolte <gnolte_at_gwdg.de>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:32:42 +0100 (MET)

Dear Gurus,

I asked:

> Configuration:
> 2 Alphaserver with Tru64 Unix V4.0F and TCR 1.6 ASE. PK 1 is applied.
> Two services configured: a NFS Service msf-fs and a user defined
> service msf-smb that runs the samba software and serves data from the
> NFS service to the PC world.
> Problem:
> If the two services are running on the same machine I'm unable to relocate
> the NFS service:
> 8< ---------------- excerpt from daemon.log -------------------- >8
> Nov 8 11:57:59 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase AseMgr Error: Unable to stop service 'msf-fs' - Relocation not successful.
> Nov 8 11:57:59 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase AseMgr Error: Unable to relocate `msf-fs` to `msfd52-ase`.
> Nov 8 11:57:59 msfd45 ASE: msfd52-ase Agent Error: timeout waiting on '/var/ase/sbin/ase_mount_action 17200 stop msf-fs ra3000_dom#AGs /var/ase/mnt/msf-fs/AGs advfs -force_unmount' action completion
> Nov 8 11:58:01 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase Director Error: can't stop service
> Nov 8 11:58:01 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase AseMgr Error: Stop failed - Unable to stop service.
> 8< ------------------------------------ >8
> If they run on different machines the relocation works like a charm.

Thanks to

"Cardenas Carcamo, Carlos" <Carlos.Cardenas_at_sonda.com>
"Seel, John" <John.Seel_at_us.faulding.com> Pedro Cunha

who all suggested to check whether there are processes accessing
/var/ase/mnt/msf-fs/AGs instead of the NFS exported filesystems. That
was NOT the problem.

Compaq Service figured out that I configured the NFS service to "force
unmount" with fuser and this fuser command hangs. Deleting and
redefining the NFS service without "force unmount" solves the problem.

Btw: the asemgr is buggy concerning the "force unmount" configuration: it
does not disable that option.

Thanks all

Gerhard Nolte
MPI fuer Stroemungsforschung			Email:	gnolte_at_gwdg.de
Bunsenstr. 10					Phone:	+49-551-5176-716
37073 Goettingen, Germany			Fax:	+49-551-5176-483
Received on Thu Nov 11 1999 - 08:34:36 NZDT

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