Original message:
>Hi managers,
>I've a problem with Advanced File System.
>When I run dtadvfs, I obtain a window asking me for a host >selection. This
>doesn't occurs before. When I select my own host, system displays a> >new
>error window with the message: "Failed to make agent connection >to
> >host:<my_hostname>.<my_domain>"
>I've analyze the /var/opt/advfsd/logs/advfsd log file and I've seen >the
>latest line which says:
>"Tue Nov 16 11:44:55 1999 | AUDIT | WARNING -Failed security check | >File
>socket_agent.c | line 573
The error was due to there wasn't included the IP address of my machine in
the /etc/hosts file.
Thanks to Esa for his/her quick reply.
Felix, I tried to connect spscifying the IP address in the host list window,
but it doesn't worked OK. Thanks also to you for your help.
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Received on Tue Nov 16 1999 - 12:50:34 NZDT