Thanks to Serguei Patchkovskii and Arnauld Valeix.
The problem:
>I've a Dunix Workstation 4.0D with two NIC (tu0 and tu1)
> Both NIC are up and on the same network (e.g. and
> I set up the default gateway on the same net (e.g.
> If I get down tu0 (ifconfig tu0 down) the box can't get the LAN by tu1.
> Is it right ?
Both the Serguei and Arnauld said that the routes are not set up right
I show the whole Serguei's answer:
Nope, it is not right: I have a very similar configuration (two NICs on
the same class C subnet), and it works just fine. I bet your routes are
not set up right after you shut down the ty0 interface; besides, if you
want to avoid restarting services bind()'ing to the .1 address, you'll
have to add the .1 alias to the tu1 after shutting down tu0. Alternatively,
assuming that you are trying to guard against cabling failure, rather
than the network card failure, you can simply remove the routes pointing
to the tu0 interface, and add a route for .1 packets on the .2 interface.
You might have to take additional steps if you are running NFS - on 4.0D,
NFS by default bypasses the normal IP routing mechanism, and, on systems
with more than one NIC, it sometimes does not get it quite right. Search
the list's archives for the magic incantation.
Isidoro Sepe
Telesoft Spa
Via Nuova Poggioreale,snc
80143 Napoli
phone +390817564486
fax +390817564252
Received on Tue Dec 14 1999 - 09:48:55 NZDT