We're running several hundred NCD X-terminals off of two
Compaq AlphaServer 1200s with 2 Gb of memory and 2 CPUs running
Tru64UNIX 4.0D, patch level 3 and one AlphaServer DS-20 with 2 CPUs
and 2.5Gb of memory running Tru64UNIX 4.0F, unpatched. For whatever
reason, a few weeks ago, XDM started to die on each of our boot
servers. The symptoms were that users were no longer able to make XDM
connections to the server although users who were logged in were not
affected. XDM dies without logging any informative error messages, we
only know it has died when the users begin to complain.
We attempted to put XDM in the /etc/inittab with a respawn command
but unfortunately when XDM falls over it doesn't remove the lock file, so
XDM continually respawns and dies because the lock file still exists. Has
anyone ever had this problem before?
Jamie Jamison
Received on Thu Dec 23 1999 - 23:15:45 NZDT