Order of hosts in /etc/exports (or /etc/exports.ase, etc)

From: John Speakman <speakman_at_biost.mskcc.org>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 13:15:37 -0500

Hi everyone,

This is kind of a supplemental question to the one I asked about
NFS over memory channel (I owe you a summary about this and
also about KZPACs but these issues are still unresolved!) - anyway
what I really need to understand is the significance of the information
in /etc/exports and its include files (/etc/exports.ase etc). they contain
lines like:

/SERVICENAME -root=host1:host2:host3:host4:host5:host6

my questions are:
(1) Am I right in thinking this is a list of hosts (well, network interface
addresses really, i.e., as in /etc/hosts) through which it's possible to
connect to SERVICENAME? Or is it just a list of interfaces on
which the service should be made available?

(2) Crucially (for me) is the order in which they are listed relevant?
FYI In my example host1, host2 and host3 are all different interfaces
on one computer, and host4, host5 and host6 are different
interfaces on a second computer.

(3) Should the IP addresses of memory channel interfaces be included
in the file? Or does Production Server not use it?

Our system: 4.0E pk3, two 4100s in one Production Server cluster,
a 500 and an 800 in an ASE cluster.

Many thanks for *any* insight into what these files do: we have a performance

issue and Compaq support are unwilling to give me this info, saying things
"you shouldn't edit the exports file" (OK, but if the previous system manager

edited it, should I take out the changes he made?) and "you need to add patch

kit 3" (did it), etc.

I will summarize.


> (1) The Exports list looks weird - is it right that it shows the tu
> interfaces but not the memory channel interfaces - maybe
> it should be:
> /CRDB -root=mc_crdb1:crdb1i:crdb1:mc_crdb2:crdb2i:crdb2
> -rw=mc_crdb1:crdb1i:crdb1:mc_crdb2:crdb2i:crdb2
> This cluster was once an ASE cluster (hence the second
> network interface, intended exclusively for ASE traffic)
> and I'm wondering whether at PS (and thus memory
> channel) installation time the then system manager should
> have updated the exports list and didn't!
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