tru64-unix-managers by subject
- "Boren, Rich": [security] SSRT0675U Security Advisory- Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.0
- "df -k" and "du -k" differs from 200MB
- "standard support" vs. "prior version support"
- "Swap space below 10 percent free"
- "top 10" system monitoring tool
- "Touch time"
- "uerf/decevent-like" reporting utility for DS20
- "vmunix: task table is full" and a whole bunch of <defunct> proce sses
- 'Cannot read last block' ADVFS error.
- 'df -g' for GB--could this be possible?
- 'no namelist' when running netstat
- 'su' corrupting environ vars ?
- (ASDU) Can't change passwort for NT-user
- (no subject)
- (NO) SUMMARY: ASU, nis and NT-logins.
- (part 2) netscape problem after uptade V4.0D -> V4.0F
- (pc64-275) SRM v4.8 SCSI controllers
- (Re)configuration of partions
- (Re-post) Users couldn't print
- (send)mail with attachments
- (SUMMARY ??)w (output info)wrong
- (SUMMARY): yppasswdd: prpasswd ndbm update failed / rpc delay
- (SUMMARY)Postscript/Landscape Printing
- (unknown charset) [Á¦¸ñ¾øÀ½]
- (unknown charset) k³opoty z nawi¹zaniem po³¹czenia
- (update) help... sendmail upgrade- cant send out from clients
- -= problem z dzwiekiem POMOZCIE !!! =-
- .forward file/mail
- .forward not .forwarding
- .profile
- .SeCuRiTy files in /?
- .smdb. is missing Any suggestions on how to recover
- .so to .a libs
- .Xdefaults for CDE?
- .xsession with CDE
- /dot files
- /etc/hosts modification
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/passwd fiel gone
- /sbin/init.d script won't run at system startup, but will other times
- /sbin/loader... again
- /sbin/loader: cannot map Main
- /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map
- /sbin/restore cannot malloc ... errno = 22
- /usr partition at 119% on 4.0d
- /usr/bin/spell on 5.0a???
- /var always set group read on reboot?
- /var/adm/messages file - unique errors in it, and function of them
- /var/adm/syslog.dated disapeard ??
- /var/preserve
- /var/spool/mail/<user> and dxmail renumber
- 100 Mbs
- 1000baseT for Alphas
- 18 Gb disks
- 18,2GB disks on KZPAC (RA230/Plus)
- 2 different machines on 1 SCSI bus?
- 2 ES40 and raid controller
- 20/40 DAT Drive for XP1000
- 20480 characters
- 21" monitors
- 2nd CPU with Oracle
- 2nd SUMMARY KGPSA and SCSI install on ES40
- 36.4 GB SBB drives in a RA3000 RAID Config ?
- 36.4 Gig Drives
- 3com nic in a Alpha 255?
- 4-way memory interleaving
- 4.0 -vs.- 5.0 TRUCluster licenses
- 4.0B TruCluster 1.4A
- 4.0D install problem
- 4.0f & snmp on 1000A
- 4.0f & snmp on 1000A - correction
- 4.0F media summary.
- 4.0F media.
- 4.0F on a ES40 with SAP 4.6B
- 4.0f patch kit 2
- 4.0F PK 3
- 4.0F PK3 - crashes & mountd
- 4.0f su curiosity
- 4.0F TCR 1.6 'SCSI Pings'
- 4.0f upgrade - java mystery
- 4.0F vdump quota.user Hung archive
- 4.0G : can't mmap(2) more than 1 Gb !!
- 4.0G release date?
- 40g upgrade
- 4100 - will not reboot from 5.1 cdrom to upgrade
- 415 V 3 Phase UK power connection on AS8400
- 4d printing query
- 4D50T graphics card questions
- 4D50T graphics card questions (more info)
- 4D51T in DS10
- 5.0 and fibrechannel??
- 5.0 version.
- 5.0A Cluster - how to change a cluster members name
- 5.0A instalation on a GS140
- 5.0a patch kit
- 5.1
- 5.1 & HP4050
- 5.1 on EV67 DS20
- 52 pickup with devices
- 53875 scsi chip not supported under DU4.0D w/pk 5?
- 600au CMOS settings/SRM console
- 64 processes exceeded
- 72Gb disks
- 8-character userid limit?
- 8400 -> GS140 upgrade (EV5/440 -> EV6/700)
- 90%system usage
- ;-) I've forgot...thanx to Ansgar as well!
- <<< 550 Your System is being used as a SPAM relay
- ? virtual memory parameters - system hangs up
- ?Bug in mv in TU50
- [ SUMMARY] - Exceed -> CDE : users can't login
- [ADDENDUM] PWS 500au, Tru64 Unix 4.0F installation failure
- [addon] corrupted database
- [compaq unix] proplistd kills itself
- [Corrigendum] graphic card
- [DU4.0 NIS] /etc/yp/securenets not working
- [DU4.0] convert /var/yp/prpasswd to /var/tcb/files db ?
- [DUV4] quota.user files are as large as the filesystem
- [final summary] mush error
- [FOLLOWUP] AS1000A boot problem
- [FOLLOWUP] Remote backup
- [Fwd: ase script variables]
- [Fwd: consvar & tu devices]
- [Fwd: Mailing list help ...]
- [Fwd: Memory Management]
- [Fwd: Performance tuning of GS140]
- [Fwd: Upgrade]
- [Fwd: Using a rewriteable CDROM drive on TRU64 UNIX]
- [kernel idle] taking up %CPU
- [MORE INFO] High collision rates...
- [more] BOGUS files in /var/spool/mail
- [OFFTOPIC] what is the admin e-mail address to unsubscribe
- [Partial summary] mush error
- [partial summary] w does not function correctly
- [Q] Adding a fifth partiton to a disk.
- [Q] AdvFS fileset ID after disk swap.
- [Q] AS500 Firmware V5.7 update: Tested Memory.
- [Q] CAM SCSI Disk errors.
- [Q] Compaq Analyse and security
- [Q] DS20 disk I/O issue running PostgreSQL
- [Q] fonts question
- [Q] How do I change the indenity of the boot device permanently
- [Q] NFS over MemoryChannel
- [Q] PWS 500au + 4D10T + 4.0D installation
- [Q] PWS 500au, Tru64 Unix 4.0F installation failure
- [Q] Quotas from Tru64 to Linux.
- [Q] rcmd: socket permission denied
- [Q] Remote backup
- [Q] Samba versus Compaq's commercial offering.
- [Q] Security Audit - What package should I use?
- [Q] WU-FTPD 2.6.0: Can't list directories with ls command
- [Q] X Error from acroread with kde?
- [Q] X server timeout setting.
- [Q] X windows mail notification utility.
- [Q]: What is the best way to copy / ?
- [Question] Detecting IO bottlenecks on advfs filedomains
- [Question] Determining oracle memory usage
- [Question] Determining Space left on DLT IV
- [ Ev6 , DU4.0F and Amanda]
- [SUMMARY & further Q] PWS 500au, Tru64 Unix 4.0F installation failure
- [SUMMARY - addendum] Problem with CSLG OSF-USR license?
- [SUMMARY - I]: NSR V5.5.1 Automatic mount problem
- [SUMMARY - partial] X Error from acroread with kde?
- [SUMMARY 2] User Maint. Problems
- [Summary-partial] FRU error
- [SUMMARY: Adding Tape Drive]
- [SUMMARY:] GKS6.5 Installation failed / no fonts
- [SUMMARY] "vmunix: task table is full" and a whole bunch of <defu nct> processes
- [SUMMARY] 'Cannot read last blcok' ADVFS error.
- [SUMMARY] 2nd CPU with Oracle
- [Summary] : High collisions. [New Problem] : Performance sucks.
- [SUMMARY] : HSZ70 compatibility with newer/larger Compaq drives
- [SUMMARY] : Using rdist with ssh
- [SUMMARY] [partial] installboot (or equivalent) needed to make a bootable disk?
- [SUMMARY] Adding a fifth partiton to a disk.
- [SUMMARY] AdvFS fileset ID after disk swap.
- [SUMMARY] AIT II tape drives.
- [SUMMARY] automount problem
- [SUMMARY] Banners: How to remove all
- [SUMMARY] CAM SCSI Disk errors.
- [Summary] Compaq Enterprise Capacity Planner
- [SUMMARY] Comparison : Tru64 ES40 == ? RS/6000 AIX
- [summary] compiling ssh 2.0.12
- [SUMMARY] Confused by Alpha 4000
- [summary] corrupted database
- [summary] Creating accounts in bulk
- [SUMMARY] Curiosity: Graphics memory required
- [Summary] DAT tape drivers in Tru64 v. 5.0a
- [Summary] DEC 3000 300 memories
- [SUMMARY] Default Route Lost.
- [SUMMARY] Dumb advfs question
- [SUMMARY] escape key on serial console keyboard
- [Summary] F90 problem
- [SUMMARY] Full Installation Failure (fwd)
- [Summary] graphic card
- [SUMMARY] help... sendmail upgrade- cant send out from clients
- [SUMMARY] High collisions... etc
- [SUMMARY] How to clone the system disk
- [SUMMARY] How to undelete files...
- [SUMMARY] HP Laserjet 5SiMx on parallel port
- [SUMMARY] mem leak from 5.0?
- [Summary] mknod /dev/timedev
- [SUMMARY] More than 640x480 with Tru64 UNIX 5.0?
- [SUMMARY] new, unconfig'd DS-10 hang
- [summary] NIT network interface tap
- [Summary] Problems mounting CDRs
- [SUMMARY] Processes Weirdness
- [SUMMARY] PWS 500au + 4D10T + 4.0D installation
- [SUMMARY] Quotas from Tru64 to Linux.
- [SUMMARY] Remote backup
- [SUMMARY] Remote shell problems
- [SUMMARY] running defrag question
- [SUMMARY] running defrag question (2)
- [SUMMARY] segfault building gcc 2.95.2 on Tru64 5.1
- [SUMMARY] Storage system, SCSI, RAID
- [SUMMARY] system call to return CPU serial number
- [SUMMARY] Tape drive curiosity
- [SUMMARY] Tape Library NOT Visible
- [SUMMARY] TLZ09-AA and -LG ?
- [SUMMARY] Tru64 Patch Kit numbering
- [SUMMARY] Tru64 V4.0G upgrade rebuilds magtape device special files?
- [SUMMARY] TU 5.0A release?
- [SUMMARY] User. Maint. Problems
- [SUMMARY] weird firmware upgrade problem
- [SUMMARY] What version of sendmail in TU V4.0G
- [SUMMARY] Why can't I connect to port 25?
- [SUMMARY] X server timeout setting.
- [SUMMARY] X windows mail notification utility.
- [SUMMARY]: Another sort of smtp attack? (from all over the world)
- [Summary]: Connecting a Jukebox via HSZ70 controller for NSR
- [SUMMARY]: Linker help {MPI} "swtch_pri"
- [Summary]: Problem with cron file entry
- [Summary]: Problem with new disks
- [SUMMARY]Need advise ASE 1.6 and EMC2
- [SUMMARY]rsh/ssh difficulties
- [SUMMARY]startup daemons(scripts)
- [SUMMARY]Using SSH as root
- [SUMMERY] useradd does not work
- [tru64 du4.0] group quotas don't show up
- [tru64] Which audit events should be logged?
- [Tru64] X-Windows/CDE colors
- [UPDATE]rsh/ssh difficulty and Using SSH as root
- a DS-20, a DE600 and the New Hardware Delivery-2
- a moze tiger 133??? (tyan s1834)
- a possibly even stupider scripting question
- A problem in the rd_srvc_req() function...
- A problem with full installation using RIS
- A problem with NIS distributed automount maps
- A program that crashes Tru64 v5.0
- A question!
- A simple automount question
- A simple TERM type question
- a timezone question ...
- A8400 - GS140: How to obtain temparature readings
- A: compiled gd on 4.0F with jpeg/freetype extensions?
- A: where has all the memory gone?
- about at command
- about atm
- About backup and restore
- About HSZ50
- About NFS
- About osf_boot
- About Performance Manager
- About ping
- About terminals emulator...
- about Tru64 5.0A disk device name
- Access to Microsoft Access from Tru64 UNIX.
- accessing HP frecover on 4.0D
- Account Manager
- account mgr exiting by resource lost ??
- Accounting Options!!
- Accounts disabled - can't get in
- Accounts migration
- Accounts problem
- ace fifo and interrupt trouble with serial dev
- ace_regbase
- ace_regbase(was a summary)
- ACL: backup issues?
- acroread 4.0 error message
- Adaptec 2940
- Add locale setting
- Add member a Cluster???
- Add: disklabel problem
- addendum : C2+su
- addendum to ifalias script
- ADDENDUM: Cannot login into 4100
- Addendum: NSR V5.5.1 Automatic mount problem
- Addendum: SUMMARY: Question about array controllers and Tru64
- ADDENDUM: tar problems on DU 4.0D
- Adding a 18.2 GB drive to an AlphaSever 2000
- Adding a 2nd NIC to 2100 (3.2c) How do I know which Slot?
- Adding a Disk to a BA36R
- Adding a hot swap disk to 2100A
- Adding A SCSI Drive In 4.0E
- Adding DE500 to an GS140 ASE.
- Adding disk to DS10
- Adding FC Storage
- adding filesets
- Adding new hard drive to RAID 5
- Adding new hardware to server
- Adding new SCSI Drive
- Adding one more shared SCSI bus in TruCluster environment...
- Adding slower disk to existing advfs domain
- Adding Tape Drive
- adding to swap by using a swapfile
- Adding TTYs on 4.0f
- Adding Volumes to Existing File Domain
- Addition: Too many users!
- ADDITIONAL SUMMARY: Two questions about btcreate (Bootable tape)
- adduser and group file
- adduser script
- adduser script, the UID doesn't work, help...
- ADDVOL problem !
- ADIC VLS DLT 400 Tape Media Changer not visible on Tru64 5.0A
- Admin
- Administrivia: Tru64-UNIX-Managers information and policy statement
- Adobe Acrobat Reader is very slow...
- ADSL project
- Advanced Printing Software Doubt...
- Advanced Server for Unix
- Advanced Server Question
- AdvFS & NFS
- ADvfs async i/o
- ADVFS book
- advfs clone creation date
- AdvFS conversion problem..
- advfs daemon - what is it needed for
- AdvFS directIO
- ADVFS error
- advfs error/stupid networking question
- AdvFS Errors
- Advfs exception error
- AdvFS File Striping
- advfs fileset inconsistency / verify segfaults
- AdvFS filesystem limitations
- AdvFS I/O error in messages file
- AdvFS I/O error......Tru64 - ver.4.0D PK3
- AdvFS on 4.0F: any outstanding issues to consider?
- ADVFS problem
- AdvFS problem : Urgen Solution!
- ADVFS problems
- Advfs renaming question
- advfs rmvol and verify problem
- Advfs taking a long time to mount.
- AdvFS v4.0 BMT chains
- AdvFS v4.0 BMT chains)
- advfs vs. lsm
- Advfs, RAID & 2 servers
- Advfs-Utilities license needed?
- Advfs/ftx_recovery_pass problem
- AdvFS: "set free space alert" via command line?
- AdvFS: Max. number of files in a directory
- AdvFS: missing or corrupted disklabel?
- ADVS Error: bs_osf_complete
- AFS Client SW for Tru64 V4.0G and V5.0A
- again ASU401 problem
- again tru64 and informix
- AGAIN: file-on-file mount ??
- aio_max_num
- aio_max_num / aio_max_percent
- Aix CDE and securid
- All or part of device nexus information (bus/target/lun) is NOT setup!
- All processes show <defunct>
- Allocating more than physical memory
- allowing non-root user to run savegrp in 5.5.1
- allowing only ftp access
- Allowing X sessions for IP address ranges.
- Allowning non-privledged users to mount CDROM
- Alpha 1200
- Alpha 2100 Graphics Boards
- alpha 255
- Alpha 4100 and EMC - Summary
- Alpha 4100 and EMC Symmetrix
- Alpha 4100 Registers
- alpha 800 boot failure
- Alpha 8400 4.0d->4.0f upgrade: overflowed third level page table
- Alpha 8400 CPU Upgrade
- Alpha 8400 CPU Upgrade - Thank You!
- Alpha DS10L console over serial port not working....
- Alpha hardware error debugging
- Alpha machines
- alpha newbie help?
- Alpha OEM Resellers
- Alpha power down
- Alpha Station 250 dead after firmware upgrade
- Alpha XP1000 and Tru64 Unix video
- alpha-osf
- Alpha..Ev6/7 Performance Information
- AlphaBios to SRM Change
- AlphaBios to srm on DS10
- Alphaserver 1000 4/200 and CDE
- Alphaserver 2100 & DS-RZ1DF-VW
- AlphaServer DS10 Power On problem
- Alphastation 200 4/233 crash problem (fwd)
- AlphaStation 255 boot problem, no SRM console
- AlphaStation 255 capacitor...
- Alphastation 300
- Alphastation 500 5/266 CPU exeptions.
- Alphastation 500 Jumpers
- Alphastation 500 Jumpers)
- AlphaStation 500au boot problem
- Alphsserver 2000 & 4.0D installation problem
- Alter Files
- alternate Compaq/DEC patch ftp locations
- Alternate path to disk
- Alternative /sbin/it workaround?
- Alternative method of install?
- Alternative to SWXCR?
- Alternative way to mount advfs file systems
- Always the same message in the Root-Mailbox
- Amplfying Info: rerouting an IP Address to another (the last re ply was incomplete)
- Amplifying Info: rerouting an IP Address to another
- Analyzing hw error on 21164LX
- ANNOUNCE: collect-2.0 fixes
- ANNOUNCE: collect-2.0 fixes (2)
- Anomalous AdvFs domain system cannot open it I cannot find it!
- Anonymous ftp setup
- Another Mail Problem?
- another partial summary: Where'd my disk space go?
- Another routing question
- Another sort of smtp attack? (from all over the world)
- another update: Network setting will not save
- Answer to <s6ef79be.060_at_DGEQ.QC.CA> ?
- Antigen forwarded attachment
- Any body print bar code?
- Any CAM SCSI error wizard ?
- any ideas for best way to get online database copies
- Any internet phones for Tru64 UNIX?
- Any negative experiences with patchkit 6 for Tru64 v4.0-D
- any other tru64 mailing lists
- Anyone done an RA3000 Second Controller Option Upgrade ?
- anyone have 4.0F patch set #1
- Anyone using Apache+mod_perl+Oracle?
- Anyone using new chunk sizes on HSZ70?
- Anyone using the ITI-6021E Video/Ethernet Adapter from IntraServe r
- Anything similar to /proc under Linux?
- Apache 1.3.12 & Tru64 5.0
- Apache and KeepAlive
- Apache and SSL
- Apache not executing scripts correctly
- apache webserver weirdness
- Apache, Apache-JServ Build
- Apache-SSL / openssl on tru64 5.0A
- Apache-SSL Weirdness on Tru64 5.0a
- apache/oracle/PHP problem
- appending a FF without getting the trailing /n?
- applcation manager problem.
- arc/info version 8 on TU4.0F and TU5.0
- archive python under 4.0d
- archive search
- archiving with vdump
- Are there OS patches that solve the G++ symbol clash problem?
- Arg list too long.
- Arkeia on TRU64 5.0
- arp proxying on TU64 V5.0A
- Array 8000
- array size limitation in KZPAC-CB?
- AS 1000 4/200 SRM 5.4 disables graphics console
- AS 8400 problem...
- AS1000A boot problem
- AS1200 reconfig help
- AS1200 reconfig part II
- AS500/500 crashes with DU4.0D + PK5
- AS800-DECthreads (vpInit)
- AS8200 -> GS60 upgrade: Which comes first, the OS or the Hardwar e?
- Ascend front end for Alphas
- ASDU & NT domain trusts
- ASDU and nis/password synch...
- ASE 1.5, SCSI length and Network devices
- ASE 1.6 - aseagent dies , cannot bring services up
- ASE error messages.
- ASE problem
- ASE Service Status Error
- ASE Stanza file question...
- ASE with Raid 5 Configuration
- ASE-question
- Aselogger not logging.
- asemgr loooong delay after crashed node is restarted
- Asian Characters (Big-5)
- Asign passwords
- ASU member server question
- ASU problem with dllink
- ASU question - max connections
- asu startup problem
- ASU won't start
- ASU, grep and rsh errors, related?
- ASU, nis and NT-logins.
- at and leap year
- at command under Unix 3.2g wrong!!
- ATI Mach & V5.1
- ATM problem
- Attaching HP DLT 40/80 tape drive to DS20 box.
- Attempting to use tip for noninteractive purpose
- Audio on AS200
- audio problems on a 255/233
- Auditd fails under V4.0G
- Auditing file access errors
- auth 07ffc686 subscribe tru64-unix-managers
- auth 51014d1f subscribe tru64-unix-managers
- auth uses many %CPU
- authck not working
- Auto logout of locked CDE sessions?
- auto refresh on samba shares
- Auto-empty of CDE trash?
- AutoFS for Compaq Tru64 Unix
- Automating new accounts.
- Automount between Linux and Tru64 4.0f
- automount from DU to linux
- automount problem
- Automount startup problem
- autonice in Tru64 V4.0E
- AutoStart Java Application [autostart.csh]
- AutoStart Java Application [inet.local]
- availability of raid controller software.
- AW: File System Corruption
- AWK question
- AWK question (again)
- AXL PCI SSL accelerator card
- AXP assembler help required for PostgreSQL
- BA-350 and mylex raid controller
- BA350 disk sizes
- BA356 enclosure question
- BA356 Question
- background job logs off when process logs off?
- background processes are suspended
- Backing up system disk
- Backplane Revision!!!
- backup software
- Backup software for Tru64 v5.1cluster
- Backup solutions for remote system drives
- Backup stopped working
- Backward Compatibility
- Backward compatibility problem
- bad disk blocks or not?
- Bad ECU config w/Alpha 2100 & Qvision VGA
- bad HSG80 performance
- bad locations found in memory
- Bad lsm volumes
- bad namelist
- Baffled about host ip change after upgrade to 4.0F
- Banners
- Banners - Follow Up
- Banners: How to remove all
- Base license problems
- Basic debugging commands
- basic ld linker question
- BASIC question about telnet
- basic scripting question - for prior dates
- basic system checking
- Batch-System
- Benchmark Tape DLT7 on Tru64?
- Best way to upgrade hard drives
- Best way to upgrade hard drives - 2
- BIG /var/dt/Xerrors
- BIG ASU problem II
- BIG ASU-Problem
- binary files
- bind 8.2.2 p5 running away?
- BIND crash and cannot resart due blocking
- Binding a process to a single processor
- block large email to an alias?
- block size
- Blocked Ports
- BMC Patrol
- BMC-Patrol: KERFileUsedPercent ?
- BOGUS files in /var/spool/mail
- Books
- Boot and run without a local disk?
- Boot disk magic
- Boot Disk/LSM problem
- Boot failure
- Boot from CD to restore /usr filesystem
- Boot problem
- Boot problem after kernel rebuild
- boot remotely
- Bootable Firmware Floppy
- Bootable Firmware Floppy (corrected)
- bootable tape creation?
- Bootable tape fails to boot
- Booting 5.0A off of EMC disk
- Booting a DS20 from an HSG80 SAN
- booting hsc software 8.5
- booting OS CDs (4.0e & 4.0f) on an ES40
- booting remotely
- booting thing
- Booting TruCluster from an RA3000
- bootp and network booted kernels
- bootpd missing after new install
- Bootstrap Failure
- bp.conf of Veritas Netbackup in a trucluster environment
- break RAID5 into JBODs
- Breaking down a server and liquidating the components
- Breaking up a cluster
- breathing life into an old system
- broken "find" ?!
- broken 100mbps ethernet?
- btcreate / btextract hangs when booting from tape
- btcreate and scripts
- btcreate utility.
- btextract doesn't restore partition table.
- bug in fgets?
- Bug in installupdate from 5.0 to 5.0A
- Bug in TCP stack on Tru64 5.0???
- Buggy SWCC download page
- Buggy SWCC download page: still buggy
- BugTraq exploit to use crontab to read any file on 4.0D
- Build Report: XEmacs 21.1.9 with W3 4.0 under DU4.0E
- Building bind-8.2.2-PL5
- Building CVS on Tru64
- Building GCC on Tru64
- Building gcc-2.95.2 on Tru64 5.1
- building kernel without mounting /usr
- Burning true64 CD's
- c++ runtime libaries
- C++ test coverage/memory leak tools for Tru64?
- C-Compiler/Loader problems libm.a
- C/C++ compiler optimization switches for ev6 w/ 4.0E
- C/C++ with Non-Commercial Tru 5.0?
- C000629-3365
- C2 - CDE Login on 4.0B
- C2 and forgotten passwd
- C2 and XDM (I konw you seen this before)...
- C2 command-line user rename
- C2 Password Length Problem
- C2 question
- c2 security
- C2 security?
- C2 to BASE security conversion
- C2 woes
- C2+attributes modifications ?
- C2-Security and v5.1
- C2: Unlocking locked accounts after a while
- Cabletron SSR - X.25/LLC2 - Tru64 UNIX
- cache memory efficiency
- Calculating partition sizes
- calendar CLIENT
- Calendar server for tru64?
- Calender server on Tru64 ..?
- Call for Participation: Compaq Enterprise Technical Symposium 2000
- CAM Errors in uerf log
- CAM Errors on a Mylex
- CAM SCSI error event on Tru64
- CAM SCSI errors
- CAM-Errors update
- Cam_logger: CAM-ERROR packet
- cam_logger: STILL!!!! :-(
- Can 4.0f use 5.0 file domains?
- Can an AS2100 configure it's Paralell port?
- Can anyone explain thses kernel logs ...
- Can I add a ufs disk with content to LSM?
- Can I break a mirror without getting cut?
- Can I delete the files in /proc
- can i disallow telnets per user?
- Can I use non-Compaq branded disks in MA6000 SAN device ?
- Can not build 54GB stripe set successfully.
- Can not switch 4100 console from serial to graphics
- Can the timeout value for an FTP connection be lowered?
- Can TZ88 be used for direct pc backups
- Can you Load Balance two EMC Symmetrix SCSI connections
- Can't bind multicast packet to port
- can't boot DEC 3000/500 from 4.0F CD
- Can't boot tape build with btcreate
- Can't change password
- can't copy property list
- can't do minimal debugging without -g
- Can't FTP into server with C2
- can't get path for dir inode ??
- Can't increase root size using UNIX shell
- Can't install software after installing non-reversible patches
- Can't Login to CDE
- Can't login with NIS
- Can't make "Expect" work on Tru64 4.0f
- can't mount cdrom
- can't mount cdrom (errata)
- can't mount cdrom (not a summary)
- Can't open display: :0.0
- can't switch to full duplex
- can't switch to full duplex (cont again)
- can't switch to full duplex (cont)
- Can't telnet to server as root
- Can't update alphaserver 400 to v5.7 firmware?
- Can't use setup to add printers any more?
- can't use tcp/ip connect with SWCC 2.1
- Cannot boot from spare system disk
- cannot install DASM/Tivoli-Client on Tru64 5.0A
- cannot login in cluster member
- Cannot login into 4100
- Cannot make autoconf2.13 on True5.1
- Cannot open "dtterm" window in Digital Unix 4.0e/d
- cannot run dxclock
- Cannot su root -even from console
- Cannot su root-even from console
- cannot update firmware
- can´t delete a volume on asemgr
- captive account - Is it possible in UNIX and how?
- Captive login script for operators
- cat command
- cc compiler error
- ccat (compaq crash analisys tool)
- CD Mastering Software
- CD writer in AS800
- CD-Rom Drive Reg
- CDE "Style Manager" Colors
- CDE / NIS problem on V5.0a...
- CDE admin tools took a hike
- CDE also locking up for me
- CDE Login screen question.
- CDE not wanting to load on Tru64 5.1
- CDE workspaces
- CDE: system Admin Tools Gone!
- cdfs error
- Cern Libraries for Alpha Linux RedHat 6.2
- Certificate for Tru64 Unix or Sun Solaris
- Change my DU box to a new one.
- change timezone
- Changing a process' name
- Changing a users account
- changing boot device remotely
- Changing console without reboot
- changing from a text to graphic console
- changing isp's
- changing isp's: revisited
- Changing mail Servers!
- changing network card
- changing network card - once again
- changing NIS servers
- Changing number of log directories
- changing operating systems
- Changing parameters on an HSZ80 controller
- changing password problem
- Changing POP password
- Changing system name
- Changing tape drives?
- Changing telnet banner
- Changing the device IDs of a LSM mirrored root disk
- changing the host name
- Changing the hostname in ASE configuration
- Check for Quota/Filesystem Availability Before Committing File Copy/Move
- Checkpointing
- Checksum error (tu0; XP1000)
- Checksum error on XP1000 TRU64 v.5.0A
- chk-bf-quota message
- CIPCA driver not started
- ciężka sprawa...
- Clarification on IP Rerouting Issue
- Clarification: looking for a reverse telnet utility for 3.2c
- Clarification: putting LSM in ADVS destroyed data,no warning
- CLARIFICATION: WARNING: 4.0[BC] Upgrade / Firmware Update V5.2 bug
- Clarify: "Can't update alphaserver 400 to v5.7 firmware
- Clarify: Changing the device IDs of a LSM mirrored root disk
- CLARIFYING: Switched FC-Raid on several Servers ?
- cleaning up /etc/group file
- Clear AlphaServer 400 SRM password
- Clearing sockets
- client mail setup.
- Clones and T64 V5.0
- cloning systems via ris
- Closing mail relay with
- Cluster agent/director problems on Tru64 4.0G
- Cluster and problems with xhost +
- Cluster Environments with Workstations
- cluster failover and ipc issue
- Cluster faq
- Cluster network problems!!
- Cluster NIS problem
- Cluster service won't relocate automatically
- Cluster Upgrade from1.5 to 5.0A
- Cluster will NOT failover manually
- Clustering
- Cold Fusion on Tru64 Unix
- Collect on Clusters
- collgui
- Color cells
- Colour depth on XP1000 workstation
- COM1/modem port on ES40
- Combining VRT19-HA and TGA 8-plane ?
- Command line re-enabling of disabled user accounts under Tru64 V5 .1
- commodity scsi controllers for PC164
- Compaq 35/70 GB DLT tape + Tru64 5.0A = unable to write to devic e </dev/tape/tape2>; [5] I/O error
- Compaq 35/70 or Quantum DLT 7000
- Compaq Alpha/Intel Clustering?
- Compaq Analyser 2.1
- Compaq Analyze
- Compaq Analyze Web Site
- Compaq Analyze: Is this thing a joke???
- Compaq C T6.3 ADK Compiler for Tru64 UNIX available now
- Compaq C++ for Tru64 Sanity Kit
- Compaq C++ V6.2 buggy?
- Compaq C++ V6.3 for Tru64 Beta
- Compaq Capacity Planner 5.1A on Tru64 4.0D
- Compaq CC
- Compaq Enterprise Capacity Planner
- Compaq Fortran V5.3 Kit
- Compaq RA7000 available or N/A?
- Compaq SuperComputer Announcement
- Compaq T1510 Thin Client
- Compaq Tru 64 backward compatability
- Compaq Tru64 UNIX + OpenSSL
- COMPAQ Tru64 Unix 4.0x and NDS support
- Compaq Tru64 Ver. 5.0 Users Illegal PID
- Compaq/DEC
- Comparison : Tru64 ES40 == ? RS/6000 AIX
- Compatibility matrix for GS160
- Compiler Bug?
- Compiler version
- Compiling C-code
- Compiling error
- Compiling gcc-2.95.2 on Tru64 5.1
- Compiling GUN-make has problems.
- compiling mysql on 4.0f
- Compiling Openssl 0.9.5a on Tru64
- Compiling problems with Tru64 4.0d and ssh 2.2.0
- compiling ssh 2.0.12
- Compressing / noncompressing tape drives in 4.0f
- compressing print jobs
- Conditional Routing (or firewall)
- Conferences for DU/Tru64??
- Config issues after upgrade to TU64 5.0
- Config of a Gloria/Synergy card on ES40 with Tru64Unix 4.0F
- configuration file of DHCP
- configuration for number of sockets
- Configuration of Local Printer
- configure
- Configuring a DE500-BA EtherWORKS PCI 10/100 adapter
- configuring autoresponder
- configuring DNS
- Configuring Inetd to Listen on Selected Interfaces?
- Configuring ma network interface
- Configuring NetRAIN on TCS 5.1 nodes
- configuring PCI graphics card
- configuring postscript print queue from dec printsvr
- Configuring sendmail to support German and French special vowels in mail text bodies
- Configuring the generic UNIX policy file for Tru64 Unix
- Configuring TZ877 as a Remote Storage Node in NetWorker
- Conflicting NIS information.
- Confused about paging/swapping
- Confused by Alpha 4000
- Connecting a Sony Magneto-Optical scsi device to tru64
- Connecting a Storage Works 310 to an external disk.
- Considering 4.0G on Alpha 4100
- Console command for full duplex?
- console error.
- console is secured
- Console Login Bug
- Console not returned on a 5.0a cluster
- Console on serial port?
- console password
- console secure
- console secured
- Console variable for init when "boot" is typed
- Console variables resetting
- Console: svrsystem_mib is not running
- Consult about system
- consvar & tu devices
- Controller Names and Slot Numbers
- Controlling access to TCP/IP services.
- convauth errors on T64 v5.0
- Conversion courses
- converting 8char msdos names back to long file names
- Converting df -k To Megs
- Converting from NT to Tru64
- Converting UFS file system to ADVfs
- cool stuff?
- Copying an OS cd
- Copying users to 5.0 system
- Copying vdump tapes
- CORBA and Tru64
- Corrupt(?) sysconfigtab
- Corrupted auth.db in 4.0E--edauth no longer works
- corrupted database
- corrupted database (II)
- Corrupted Oracle Data Files [Mystery] 4.0f
- Corruption of /usr advfs domain
- Counter for Apache Server
- cpio - TZ88 vs TZ89
- cpp behaviour using "-M" switch
- CPU cards wanted for PB73 1000A/Tru64 4.0D
- CPU Comparison Page
- CPU error - #2
- CPU errors
- cpu EV revision?
- cpu exception in binary errlog
- CPU exception/LX
- CPU load on upgrade
- CPU machine check/exception - CPU 0
- CPU Speed
- CPU upgrade problem
- CPU Upgrade!
- cpu utilization
- crash on demand
- Crash with "panic (cpu 0): closef: f_count not 1"
- Crash!
- Crash: Free Vnode Isn't
- Crashes
- crazy mouse
- create a bootable tape on a remote machine
- Create Advfs domain
- create old "legacy" device on new T64 v5.0 system
- create or remove multiple accounts
- create setld-package
- creating a boot drive on a HITACHI
- Creating a Bootable System CD
- Creating accounts in bulk
- creating device disk on T64 5.0 (as in 4.0)
- Creating image of 4.0f/5.0
- creating some directories on another macine
- Cron and multiple cron
- cron daemon
- Cron Log
- cron logging.
- cron on ase cluster with oracle
- CRON Problem
- Cron scheduling
- Cron Script Not Running!
- cron spewing strangeness
- Cron syntax!
- Cron's email responses?
- Crontab not send mail...
- Cryptix
- CTRl-d causing the console hang
- Curiosity: Graphics memory required, Java Bug ?
- CVS build on Tru64?
- cxx 6.2 on v4.0f - missing symbol
- cxx and DXML in v5.0a
- cxx fails on NFS [2]
- cxx fails on NFS?
- Czechy-droga do Chorwacji
- Czy ktos wybiera sie do Chorwacji...?
- DAC960 question
- DAC960 Question (more details)
- DAT tape drivers in Tru64 v. 5.0a
- Data on 2 tapes.
- Data on 2 two tapes ???
- Data recovery on AdvFS disks
- DATE ??
- date command question
- Date for Patch Set 3 for 4.0F???
- Date manipulation
- Daylight savings ending in Aust. on 4.0F
- DBD-Oracle module for Perl underTru64 Unix
- dbmmanage authenticator for squid
- dbx
- DCE Runtime Services Product - Where is it?
- DCE runtime services v3.1
- ddr.dbase entry for DDS-3 RDAT under Tru64 4.0D/F, anyone?
- ddr.dbase entry for Quantum Fireball HD?
- ddr.dbase entry for Symmetrix
- ddr_config
- DDS3 on 1000A built-in narrow SCSI - controller?
- ddterm does not open
- DE435 NIC on a PW 433au?
- DE500 and DE600 hardware compatibility question
- DE500 issues
- DE500 problems
- DE500-BA not recognized by AS/200 conlsole
- DE50x Autonegotiate Setting
- DE600-AA
- dead machine
- dead process
- DEC 3000 300 memories
- DEC 3000 M600 memory error
- dec 3000 running openvms
- DEC Alpha 2100 question
- DEC C compiler warning for a #define
- DEC find vs. GNU find
- DEC laptop
- Dec messageQ
- DEC PW600au CPU Panic
- DEC/Compaq /sbin/it: security vulnerability
- DEC/Compaq rmtmpfiles: security vulnerability
- DEC3000 HW question..
- DecEvent & DS10/20
- DECEvent Licensing
- DEChub900 for sale
- declaser 5100 locked setup
- DEClaser 5100 printer exit jams
- DECnet on Tru64?
- DECServer 700 and serial connection over WAN
- DECserver 900TM configuration problem
- DECserver 90L+ with 5.0A
- Decserver 90m system file
- DecServer on UNIX above TCP/IP
- DECserver remote access
- Default disk partitions (disklabel)
- default font for a printed document
- Default gateway
- Default Gateway-problem
- Default interface
- Default permissions on directory and files
- Default route lost...
- Default routes on 4.0F
- defragment appears to corrupt AdvFS file
- DEGPA performance issues
- DEGPA performance issues - part 2
- DEGPA, ES40 and T64 V4.0F
- DEGPA-SA and AS1000 again
- DEGPA-SA giga ethernet woes
- Delay in starting CDE
- delegating user administration
- delete Line Feeder using vi editor?
- Deleting patches with dupatch: A nightmare ......
- Demo Licence for Compaq C++?
- Desktop publishing for Tru64?
- Desup dates for tru64 4.x?
- Detecting ethernet port speed.
- Determining faulty memory module
- determining number of open files: howto?
- Determining the IP alias that a user connects to
- Determining version of a library
- Developers Toolkit
- device and telnet listener
- device drivers
- Device names
- df -k problem
- Df strange usage in Advfs
- dflssiz and maxssiz
- dhcp and /etc/exports
- DHCP: Error: No hostname assigned!
- dhcpd not starting during boot
- DIA: cpu or memory error?
- Dialup connection problems
- Did Altavista Firewall become Raptor?
- Difference between auto-negotiate and FastFD
- differences in filesizes/diskusage
- Different accesscontrol to subdirectories
- diffutils-2.7: FNM_CASEFOLD' undeclared
- Digi Unix + EMC equipment
- Digiboard Acceleport Xem Drivers for 5.X?
- Digital "patches" mailing list dead?
- Digital PrintServer LN40
- Digital Server 3300R
- Digital server 53xx suitable for Tru64 Unix?
- Digital UNIX device driver kit?
- Directing Console Messages
- directories amount
- Directory Tree
- Disable network Card
- disabling kernel USB
- Disabling unused tcp ports (tru64 v4.0F)
- disaster recovery machine for multiple and varying DS20 platforms
- disaster recovery question
- discard running processes
- Discrepency in v5.1 Update Kit
- Disk Clarification
- Disk Configurations
- disk crashes
- Disk Drives in ES40's
- disk failure - which procedure to replace?
- Disk on SW300
- disk problem?
- disk quota slow
- Disk services that fail-over with TruCluster??
- disk size
- Disk Space
- disk upgrade
- diskconfig gui problem
- disklabel + raid
- DISKLABEL doesn't work on DU4.0f
- disklabel problem
- disklabel question
- diskless 4.0e ?
- Diskless client
- Diskquota problem
- disktab doesn't list 9.1Gb drive
- Displaying last
- Displaying system model ID string
- dlopen trouble on V4.0f
- dlopen: cannot load on 4.0D
- DLT 7000 Problem
- DLT changers
- DLT library info..
- DLT TZ89 installation Problem.
- DLT2000XT
- dlt7000,ra7000,as4100 availability?
- DLT8000 on V4.0G?
- dmu and NFS options for root file system
- dns 8.2.2/mail 8.9.3 (fwd)
- DNS and W2K
- DNS problem
- Do I need more memory???
- DOC and pdf files
- doconfig fails with PK4
- document formats.
- Documentation for KZESC
- Documentation for LAT
- documentation on advfsstat
- Documentation on kernel parameters
- Does "DEC2100_A500" mean EV4 or EV5?
- Does / have to be root_domain
- Does anyone know how to interpret dia scsi messages. I have an IB M 36gb in a XP1000 that is locking things up.
- Does anyone use AdvFS & EMC Power Path software under DU 4.0d?
- Does anyone use StorageTek devices with Legato?
- Does too much memory harm?
- Does Tru64 support NIS+?
- Doing without network
- Domain inconsistency error
- DOS file conversion
- dos2unix -- re-summary
- dos2unix alternative FYI
- Double alignment on Tru64
- Doubts about RAID with ultrascsi 2
- download for trucluster v1.5
- Downloadable office software ?
- DPW433a and registering licenses
- DPW500au and AV321
- DPW500au shows no PK device after INIT command?
- dquot table
- DRD on TruCluster V1.6
- drive errors on raw devices
- Drivers for 5.1
- DS-10 and version 5.0
- DS-10 Error boot CPU 0 halted
- DS-series Decevent update
- DS10 and ES40
- ds10 booting to single user.
- DS10 vs. DS20 ???
- DS10 with Digital Unix 4.0D
- DS10 with TruCluster 1.6
- DS10L and graphics
- DS20 configuration
- Ds20 No graphics
- ds20 not booting with svrsystem_mib errors
- DS20 question
- DS20 Ultra SCSI Internal StorageWorks Shelf
- DS20[E] onboard Adaptec SCSI support on Tru64 UNIX?
- DS20E & Cheetha ST173404 as internal drives?
- DS20e Rackmount vs. Pedestal
- DS20E, AlphaStation 600A, and TruCluster 5.0a?
- dskcoll4d
- DT messaging problem
- DT messaging system could not be started
- dtadvfs & 666 perms for /etc/fstab
- DTK C compiler (V6.3-126) with -E switch produces incorrect output
- dtremote logins
- dtterm problem
- dtterm question
- dtterm Segmentation fault
- Dtterm Warning
- dtterm's soft/hard reset
- DU 3.2 -> True64 Unix upgrade
- DU on DS20 - HDD config; swap space
- DU-4.0G, AdvFS domain out of mcells. Suggestions?
- DU4-wuftp ?
- DU4.0d - ypcat sluggishness (ypcat or larger problem)
- DU4.0d/AS4100/firmware 5.7 - "!!! Console entry con text is not valid - Reset the system !!!"
- DU4.0d/AS4100/firmware 5.7 - "!!! Console entry context is not va lid - Reset the system !!!"
- DU4.0E install problem
- DU4.0F Pk4, DE600 and Netrain.
- Dual ethernet cards
- Dual IP-adresses on a NFS shar in a cluster service?
- dual NIC trouble
- dual redundant hsz question
- Dual redundant HSZ70/80 - can you partition disks?
- dual-boot
- Dumb advfs question
- dump -> restore question
- dump and 5.0A
- Dump bailing out - too much data - what can I do?
- DUMP command
- dump failing at 97% of /usr
- dump question...
- dump saveset with wrong date/time?
- Dump the memory of a running process
- Dumping a root file system that is advfs
- dupatch
- dupatch (fwd)
- dupatch crash
- Duplicate device id on 5.0A
- duplicate root account
- dx* programs 3.2 -> Tru64 5.0
- dxaccounts
- dxaccounts - adding users
- dxaccounts locked
- dxaccounts locked by another user.
- dxaccounts not pushing nis map?
- dxaccounts problem
- Dxaccounts problem...
- dxaccounts reports locked password files. IT IS NOT THE ".AM_is_running" PROBLEM.
- dxaudit
- dxkerneltuner, sysconfig
- dxmail and sendmail 8.9.3
- Dxmail missing from V4.0F distribution CD
- Dysk
- e-mail virus : navidad.exe
- easy 4.0d to 4.0g?
- ECU error message
- Editing /etc/auth/system/default
- ee Network adaptor and 4.0f
- EIA Network Card on 4.0F (cannot see or configure)
- EISA Config Utility program for the DEC 2000 system
- EISA configuration utility
- elfread command does not work
- Eliminating Trailing \n in a text file..
- Elm 2.5.2 segvi under Digital UNIX 4.0D pk#3
- ELSA Gloria 1280x1024 resolution
- Elsa Gloria Synergy graphics card
- Emacs 20.5.2 making W3 under DU4.0E
- emacs differences between 4.x and 5.0A
- emacs eraes my other mail inboxes
- emacs got biffed
- Emai - Local Configuration error
- email aliases
- Email from Wolfgang.Schulz - DO NOT OPEN
- Email server hardware
- Email Virus Sweeper for TRU64 Unix
- EMC & disk duplication on 5.1
- EMC 3930 feedback.
- EMC Symmetrix on TruCluster V5.1
- emulex lp8000
- emx.db from
- EN 57 jako pośpiech
- En: dxaccounts reports locked password files. IT IS NOT THE".AM_is_running" PROBLEM.
- End of support for 4.0e??
- Enhanced Proplems !
- Enhanced security - new accounts locked
- Enhanced Security-Password Defaults
- Enhanced security... or not?
- entering license info
- Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) Data Collector
- Enterprise Server Install
- Entries in /etc/routes for TruCluster members
- entry of 'swap device failed' in messages file
- env space increase
- environement variables
- Environnement variables in remote shell
- envmond
- Equal swap of spare disk?
- Equivalent command in Digital
- equivalent file to solaris's sd.conf
- Equivalent of Newsyslog/logrotate for DU 4.0d
- equivalent program
- erase key
- errata SUMMARY c2+attributes modification
- Error "Out Of Range"
- Error event: CPU exception
- Error in C compilation
- Error in LSM
- Error in serial port
- Error in TFTP Service
- Error message while doing installupdate from V4.0F > V4.0G
- Error on ES40 ADVFS
- error on HSZ70
- Error pipe broken after 1000 lpr/lpd printjobs
- Error reading syserr file
- errors compiling MySQL with gcc
- Errors in daemon.log on DS10 running Tru64 4.0f
- Errors messages in /var/adm/messages
- errors of sorts
- Errors on a tape drive
- Errors on disks; how to clear them?
- es-40 & Ingres II vs. 4.100 & Open Ingres
- ES-40 Mother Board Revision
- ES40 and Informix CPUs
- ES40 and networking
- ES40 does not boot!
- ES40 problems
- ES40 TOY problem
- ES40, TU4.0F, NHD3 CD bootlink ends w/undef'd symbols
- ES40/4.0F/TCR1.6 SCSI Errors
- ES40s and KVMs
- ESA10000 swap
- escape key on serial console keyboard
- etc/init problem
- EtherChannel and Smart Trunking Solutions
- Etherchannel NIC
- etherman
- Ethernet adapter
- Ethernet address checksum error
- Ethernet Capture Effect
- Ethernet Card Link Light Disappears During Boot
- Ethernet Chip 21040
- Ethernet chip in XP1000
- Ethernet network cards to be set up to be FAST (100) mode
- EV5 versus EV6 library versions ???
- Ev6 , DU4.0F and Amanda
- EV6 500mhz recall?
- EV67 processors in a AS 8400
- Exabyte 220 on Tru64 UNIX 4.0D
- Exabyte 8200 -> AS1000 Question
- Exabyte mamooth-2 tape drive supported on Tru64 5.0?
- Exceed -> CDE : users can't login
- Excel chart to automatically get device name
- Exception BOutOfMemory
- Excessive CPU consumption by /sbin/update on a GS60E
- Excessive page faults ?
- eXcursion problem
- Executables
- Expand the root file domain size
- Experiences with 5.1 Cluster !
- experiences with auditing ..?
- Export backup and copy of files on Nfs filesystem
- external disk for Alphaserver?
- External RAID on V5.1
- F77 Compilation problem
- f77 compiler options and static build
- F90 problem
- Failed NFS mount command
- Failover fails????
- Failover routing with dual-homed sites
- Fails after upgrade patch kit 3
- Fastest SCSI card for an Alphaserver 4000
- Fastor 22 and Media Robot Utility
- Fatal error
- FC-AL and Trucluster V5
- fcntl problem; DU 4.0F
- FDDI cards Y2K compliant?
- Fiber adapter
- fiber channel
- Fiber Channel RAID adapters - Price/Availability
- Fiber Channel Scsi
- Fibre Channel in an AlphaStation 500
- fiffernce between joind and bootpd
- File access monitoring
- File Needed
- File Purpose?
- File Size too big.
- File system concept in Tru64...
- File System Corruption
- file system full errors
- File System Problem
- File transfer problem
- file-on-file mount ??
- file_map_allocation
- Files
- files restarting when printing
- files too big for TAR
- Filesystem remote copy
- Final Edition: Multia boot problems
- Final Result ISP1020 Qlogic Problem
- FINAL SUMMARY: Tru64 4.0F on DS10
- Final Summary: Where'd my disk space go?
- find confusion?
- find: .: I/O error
- Finding files that are older than a number of hours rather than a number of days
- finding free space left in domain
- Finding Sizes of Files
- Firewalls
- Firmaware for 5.1 on a 20E
- firmware 5.8 on ES40 ==> motherboard damage
- Firmware affect of Tru64's generic kernel's view of system device s?
- Firmware Bug in V5.7 for PWS600a/au and 4d10T ?
- firmware on tru64 5.1
- Firmware revs vs. OS ver.
- Firmware update error on AS8400
- firmware update fail
- Firmware upgrade (to 5.7) using floppies from SRM
- Firmware v5.1 for Alpha Server 1200
- Firmware wont load correctly
- flaw in our backup/recovery
- Floating exception core ump while using vdump on a ESA12000
- FOLLOW UP: problems trying to redirect output from a command
- Follow Up: Strange Tru64 Networking Issue
- follow-up syslog.dated problem not solved
- Follow-up: ADVFS error
- Follow-up: MAC CRC errors on FDDI card
- Follow-up: TCP bug in Tru64 5.0A
- Following SSRT0636U patches
- Followup1: gcc 2.95.2: libgcc.a: __throw multiply defined
- Followup4: Upgrade to 4.0E crashes DEC3000 when starting X
- Followup: Summary: Loopback mounting (again)
- Followup: Weird automounter behaviour, 4.0E pk1
- font initialization error
- For Allen Belk RE RA3000 (mail failed)
- forcing "normal passwords"
- Forcing regular password changes
- fork/procdup: task_create failed
- fortran
- fortran 90 compiler error
- fortran f77 doesn't run properly
- Fortran style printing
- found in kern.log (Tru64 5.0A)
- Free AlphaStation 500 memory
- free memory checking
- Free Samples
- Free UNIX Software!
- Free Xwindows program for win98
- Fresh Install vs. Upgrade to 5.0A
- FRU error
- fsck allocation error
- FTP access
- ftp doubt
- FTP Error Checking
- FTP from the NT share drives to UNIX Sometimes failed
- ftp hanging on bare linefeeds
- FTP job
- FTP passive mode
- ftp problem (Incorrect passwd)
- FTP Problems!
- ftp query
- ftp question
- FTP restrictions
- FTP script - wildcards
- ftp(1) logging
- FTPD daemon
- FTPing over Gigabit ethernet.
- Full Installation Failure
- Fun with LSM - disabled plex/ empty???
- Further SUMMARY: Monitoring System, Memory, and Disk performance with MIBs and snmp
- FWD: Netscape server crash during startup
- Fwd: Request Information
- Fwd: Tru64 UNIX File System Administration Handbook
- Fwd: user log on problem
- FYI - (no question) Documentation on Kernel Attributes
- FYI - 5.1 Docs are now on-line
- FYI - CETS2000 Content Update
- FYI - D.H. Brown rates Tru64 Unix 5.0 and TruCluster 5.0
- FYI : New ftp site for OS patches
- FYI: Digital Unix and Tru64 Unix Documentation Available Online
- FYI: Flaw in KGPSA (Emulex Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters)
- G-NICII experience wanted
- Garbage File Names in /
- GB Ethernet cards and 4.0F
- gcc
- gcc 2.95 on 5.0A
- GCC 2.95.2 & Tru64 5.1 on DS-20
- GCC 2.95.2 on 5.0a - broken?
- gcc 2.95.2: libgcc.a: __throw multiply defined
- gcc and various alpha chips...
- GCC Compilation Failure - CPU Exception
- gcc poblem
- gcc-2.95
- gcc-2.95.2 woes
- GDB Threads not working correctly on Tru64 4.0f
- gdb: incomplete backtrace, strange step(?) in C++ (egcs 1.1.2)
- general sysconfig questions
- Generic logins
- Generic NQS on Cluster
- Get memory boards information
- get rid of /tmp_mnt
- getaddrinfo()
- Getting a disk to "fail-back" on a HSZ50 raid mirror.
- getting DE500 ethernet card to run at 100 Mbits
- getting finger style information
- getting info after a crash
- Ghostscript doesn't display characters
- Ghostscript on DU 4.x
- GigaBit Ethernet
- Gigabit Ethernet Cards for DU 4.0D
- Gigabyte fibre networking for AS8400
- gimp, java 1.2.2 and jpeg library
- Giving away compiled software
- GKS6.5 Installation failed / no fonts
- GNOME on Tru64
- gnu-pascal compiler
- Good way to compare file time between hosts ?
- GPC make error
- graphic adapters
- graphic card
- graphics terminal emulator ?
- grep a file system
- grep for "this" or "that"
- group id's above 32767?
- Group ownership on move
- GS140 + Tru64 4.0E crash
- GS140 running 5.0A
- GS160/GS320
- GS60 reliability
- gs60e/esa12000(hsg80) newbie question
- GS80 Needed right away
- GUI access fails after C2 Security
- GUI Tool to display system stats?
- gv-3.5.8 / Xaw3d
- gzip file size
- H22agent reporting permanently warnings
- Hacked?
- Half/Full-Duplex
- Halt Code on Alphastation 255/233
- Hard Disk Limitations
- Hard drive recommendation for DS20
- Hardware and Software support
- hardware persistence
- haslo ZIP - jak ???
- hate to do it, but... need some sources - alphas
- Having problems with btcreate/btextract
- HBA for Tru64
- head vs more
- HEADS-UP: syslogd might lose log data
- Hello Admins
- Help
- HELP - C2 has locked me out
- help - recognizing scsi devices on SRM ROM
- Help --- SUMMARY: tar & suppressing absolute path
- Help about ACL
- Help about printer red configuration!
- Help about trust relationships
- Help AS8200
- Help controler crash?
- Help DS20 Tru64 v4.0E not booting
- Help installing GNU C on Tru64
- help interpreting svcktcp_send console message
- Help required with regards to setting up IP print queues on versi on 4.0e of TruUnix64
- Help with Disks
- Help with launching oracle 8i installer(anyone know?)
- Help with logs, intruder access
- Help with RAW Devices
- Help with slip!!
- Help with tcpservers
- Help!
- Help! A serious problem on Digital Unix 4.0d
- Help! Bad locations found in memory
- Help!!
- Help, quick
- help-me can´t delete a volume on asemgr
- help... sendmail upgrade- cant send out from clients
- Help..............
- help: Re cron job accting
- Help: Trouble booting
- here document temporary files
- Here's a dodgy one!!
- Hi admins
- Hi admins, again
- Hierarchical Groups
- High collision rates...
- High Paging In activity
- High Paging In activity (Solved)
- High quality printing on an ES40 using /etc/printcap
- High queue depth on device
- High system load - can't find anything running
- Highly Available NIS Svc in V4.0F.
- Hitachi Data Systems disks
- Hitachi disks & ASE 1.6
- host name hiding
- host vs
- hostid being reset
- hostname woes
- Hot-pluggable feature support on Tru64.
- hotspot for tru64 unix
- How about moving /tmp in a cluster env and make one shared /tmp
- How add swap? OS 4.0F PERFORMANCE issues
- How can I add "new lines" in a large file ?
- How can I add a font alias ?
- How can I add the pathto all users' initialization (.profile, .lo gin, and .cshrc) files by one step?
- How can I determine the cause of defunct processes?
- How can I know tha actual net card mode
- How Can I know the IP Address of the processes?
- How can I view all previously installed PK's?
- How can user change login shell in NIS
- How can you connect a process to a port.
- How do I add another drive?
- How do I configure in my DE-500-BA Ethernet Card?
- How do I determine rzXX device name for a new disk
- How do I get Client Name?
- How do I get off htis mailing list?
- How do I get the SIPs for KZPBA-CB cards?
- How do I know if my system is breached??
- How do I migrate an AdvFS file domain from one server to another?
- How do we delete a directory from CVS...
- How do you replace a boot drive?
- How do you replace a drive that contains /tmp?
- How does firmware affect of Tru64's generic kernel's view of syst em devices?
- how does portmap choose IP ports
- how many threads is a particular user using?
- How many....
- How much i/o in a DS10?
- How omit O.S. from ftp initial message
- How send mail from Digital to intranet/internet??
- How smart is vdump?
- how to "find" only on this current directory not the subdirectory
- how to abort DEC3000 auto_boot ?
- How to add a new RAID disk or a HDD to the exising system?
- How to add more swap space?
- How to Assign ATM card's function to ethernet card ?
- How to calculate the size of a tar archive on tape
- How to change ARG_MAX
- How to change CDE login
- How to Change Hostname
- How to change Keyboard for PC clients running Exceed?
- How to change RAID controllers.....
- How to change the kernel
- How to configure ISAslots for soundcard/type of soundcard usable
- How to copy the security database from 4.0x to 5.0?
- How to create 'NoShell users' under C2 ?
- how to create a bootable CD ?
- How to create a new SW array
- How to define an IP no for an ethernet card whichis only used by LAT protocol
- how to deny smtp relaying with sendmail V5.6 ?
- how to detect voltage on a pin of the serial interface?
- How to determine DIMM configuration on ES40
- How to disable auto-logout?
- How to disable in-memory caching
- How to disable MTU discovery on DU4.0d
- How to exclude Files from Backup
- How to find System Saturation point (75% loaded) ?
- How to force users change their passwords?
- How to generate top 10 CPU usage by process for a day?
- How to get checksum information?
- How to get from 433a to 433au again
- how to get on this list
- How to get system prompt (>>>) upon power up ?
- how to go from 4.0G to 5.0A
- How to identify DE500 version of tu0 cards.
- How to implement ftpd -l
- How to install netpbm-1mar1994.p1 ?
- How to install the GNU C-compiler (gcc) on an Alpha Server 2100 ?
- How to install V4.0F on a DS10?
- How to interrogate Alpha server firmware level?
- How to log querries against SNMPd ?
- How to log tftpd activity?
- How to make a bootable disk
- how to make copies of CDs ?
- how to make manual ?
- how to make mpeg and AVI files on T64 with MME ?
- how to modify passwd file
- How to mount a 3rd party CD-ROM on the external SCSI Port?
- How to mount hard drives?
- How to obtain boot informations
- How to obtain temparature readings
- How to prevent users from running a shell (command)
- How to read html files in dtmail?
- how to reboot: reboot vs init 0
- How to recover an LSM Boot Disk ?
- How to recover ES40 SCREEN?
- How to remove "-D"
- How to remove ILOVEYOU worm from mbox format files?
- how to remove the last volume in a domain ?
- How to rename diskgroup name?
- How to reset an expired root pasword?
- How to retain LSM config info after de-encapsulate and copy root disks?
- How to run a full X section remotely?
- How to see when a user logged in
- How to set E-mail for digital Unix?
- how to set gh-chunks correctly ?
- How to set IP address on a DEC Laser 3500 Printer ?
- How to set tcp_conn_req_max_q?
- How to set the process priority for an su - <username> -c <comman d> command
- How to set up a LAT printer in printcap file
- How to setup Insight manager "Account Manager"?
- How to setup Raid 0+1?
- How to setup web server for Digital Unix 4.0E?
- How to shadow password file?
- How to slow down ftp process ?
- How to stop a beeper?
- How to tell what is running on each processor?
- how to tell what it loaded into shared memory
- How to undelete files...
- How to undo encapsulation waiting for reboot?
- How to unlock the ASE
- How to unsubscribe
- How to unsubscribe?
- How to upgrade the cluster to gigabit ethernet?
- How to use vdump/vrestore remotely
- How to verify NIC speed after change
- How use sendmail
- HP Laserjet 4500 Printcap file
- HP laserjet 5m and printcap
- HP Laserjet 5SiMx on parallel port
- HP network print filter, DU 4.0
- HP Office Jet T65 and Tru64
- HP scanner
- HP XP256 on Tru64
- HPC or Wildfire?
- HPUX - Tru64
- HSG80 add connection
- HSG80 and SAN
- hsg80 raid10 oddness
- hsz config.
- HSZ Monitoring
- hsz writeback cache
- hsz40 array controller
- HSZ40 desupport Notice???
- hsz40 failure
- HSZ50 - Replacing ECBs using the on-line method
- HSZ50 storage works question
- HSZ50's - HELP!
- HSZ70 - read ahead cashe
- HSZ70 -> HSG80
- HSZ70 and 36Gb disk drives
- hsz70 chuncksize for oracle databases and preferred_id's
- HSZ70 compatibility with newer/larger Compaq drives
- HSZ70 configuration !
- HSZ70 HSOF 7.7 updated doc for chunk size--apply to HSZ50 also?
- HSZ70: step by step to add disks
- HSZ80/SWCC Agent configuration
- Hszterm for V5.0+
- Humidity!
- hung tcp port
- hupping a port # ?
- hushlogins
- HVD cards.
- hwmgr dsfmgr question
- hwmgr files
- hwmgr, raid, tru64 5.0
- I can kill processes ??
- I can't kill Zombie Processes...
- I cannot remove a file with an extra letter in its name!
- I have problem to change password
- I have troubles by trying to install a VXT2000 pack for Digital Unix OSF 3.2, in al Digital Unix 4.0E.
- I/O error
- I/O Error accessing shared storage
- I/O error on directories
- I/O errors writing to DLT7000 after writing around 2GB of data
- I/O Question
- I/O Questions
- I/O response time
- I/O Throttling/Smooth Sync
- I/O to tape drives through KGPSA hang after rebooting crossroads Fibre/SCSI bridge
- IASS LDAP package
- IASS/access.conf help
- IBM X station
- ID Mismatch
- IDE Zip use with 5.0
- IDE/SCSI RAID on Tru64 anyone?
- Identification of OS
- Identifying disk reporting soft errors
- Identifying external harddrive device.
- IDLE CPU usage? Performance question
- idle logout solution (For those Interested)
- Idle users (Part II)
- ifconfig
- ifconfig question
- Ignore the email: subject: adding to swap by using a swapfile
- iiostat for disks on shared bus
- ILOVEYOU virus
- imap -dparanoid wrappers disallowing access
- IMAP on tru64
- IMAPd and IPOP3d
- Implications of too-small swap
- Improving network performance of Tru64 4.0F ? Hubs and switches
- Inactivity logout
- inconsistencies between showfdmn and showfsets?
- increase / partition
- Increase groups per user
- Increase max-threads-per-user > 4096?
- increase size of /usr
- Increasing /tmp- area
- Increasing avail. # of file descriptors
- increasing max-proc-per-user at runtime
- Increasing per process memory allocation
- Increasing size of LSM volume.
- increasing swap
- Increasing swap space
- increasing the root partition
- Increasing the screen resolution on the console under 5.0A
- Increasing the size of the SGA
- Increasing Virtual memory
- individual processor status
- inetd/discard bug in V4.0F
- Infinite Inode Loop
- Info board for Open VMS.
- Info on compatibility between 4.0d & 4.0f
- Info Tru64Unix 5.0.
- INFO: DECnet-Plus v4.03 possible installation bug?
- Informal Survey of Tru64 UNIX customers on PPS (RFC 2783) support
- Information about storage mailing list
- Information with inodes...
- Information with inodes...Updated
- Information: Patch Kit 1 for Tru64 UNIX V5.0a available
- Informix & 4.0e
- Informix and Tru64 v4.0f
- Informix on Tru64 with SAN/Fibre-Channel storage ?
- Infoserver client software on Tru64 v5.0
- initial file ownership
- inittab
- Insight Manager Agent for Tru 64 V4.0d
- Insight manager documentation?
- Install 2nd DE500 card in AS2100
- Install 4.0F or 5.0?
- install DUV4.D in text mode ?
- install of a second hard- drive on a DPW 500
- Install of DE500-BA network card on Alpha 250 4/266 cont'd - how to rebuild kernel?
- Install problems with on DEC unix
- INSTALL-- JAVA OutOf Memory on Tru64
- Installation Cloning - RIS: "vfs_mountroot: cannot mount root"
- Installation cloning with RIS: "setld: specified subset(s) not av ailable on media"
- installation from hard disk
- Installation identical Tru64 systems ...
- Installation of ethereal
- Installation of gcc 2.95.2
- installboot (or equivalent) needed to make a bootable disk?
- Installing 5.1 on a Third Party Alpha
- Installing a 3X-DE600-AA ethernet card into an AlphaStation 500/3 33
- Installing DDS3 under 4.0D/F
- Installing DEGPA-SA fibre network card in AS8400
- Installing Digital Unix on Alpha PC164
- Installing Netscape Upgrade
- Installing Oracle in a TruCluster environment
- Installing the patch kit.
- Installing Tru64 on a DEC Alphaserver2000
- installupdate & kernel options.
- installupdate v4.0d->v4.0f upgrade - system currently down
- Interface configuration
- Intergraph graphs cards - need help on 500a systems
- Interim Summary: Crash!
- Internal AIO consistency error
- Internet i dostęp z sieci lokalnej
- Interrupts, I/O addresses - how to check which device is usig what ?
- InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Racial Discrimination)
- Intraserver SCSI adapter
- Intrusive randd in 4.0F
- invalid IP address - v5.0
- Invisible disk with TU 5.0A
- IO Performance of Ultra2
- IO problem with a cloned disk
- IOmega Jazz Drives under 4.0f & 5.1?
- iostat does not display all disks
- Iozone on FC-storage ?
- ip - takeover
- IP Address help
- Ip fragmentation
- IP Printing problem
- IP-Alias with duplicate IPs
- IP-Problem
- IPC mutex
- ipchains for tru64
- Irlandia
- is 4.0e trur64?
- Is 5.0A out yet?
- Is installing gcc a good idea?
- Is it possible to bind a inetd service to a particular IP address?
- Is it possible to make OS Disk Read Only
- is it possible to mirror the ingres raw log file on an Alpha runn ing tru64 unix
- Is it possible to reattach to an application running in the background?
- Is it possible to su to another user in middle of korne script?
- Is NIS+ supported on tru64.
- Is the DE-500-AA supposed to work in a 2100 3.2c??
- Is there a way to monitor CPU temps. on a DEC 3000?
- Is there any way Tru64 Unix and Solaris can interoperate with ACL's on NFS?
- Is this a known rpc.lockd problem?
- Is this a sendmail problem? or DU?
- Is Tru64 5.0 Binary compatible with 4.0F ?
- Issues with NFS version 3
- Issues with NFSv3 and Tru64 UNIX 5.1
- It is happening again...
- Jak skonfigurowac linuxa, (unknown charset) ¿eby mo¿liwe by³o logowanie roota przez telnet
- jak ustalic co generuj transmisje na modemie
- jak zrobic serwer WAP???
- Japanese Fonts
- java ?
- Java Development on Tru64 UNIX
- Java Instalation
- Java installation with OS Tru64 V5.0A on an AlphaStation
- Java Virtual Machine for Tru64-4.0e or f
- Java2 and Tru64 V5.0a
- Java3D - Display on Alpha workstation from Sun doesn't work!
- JDK 1.2.2-3: Can't connect to X11 window server
- Join Distribution?
- Joind and ASE.
- Joind and bootptab
- Jumping ECO Kits
- Just Good News
- JVM keeps crashing / hanging
- JVM on Tru64
- kartusze - Turcja
- KDE 2.0 Final for Tru64 released.
- KDE 2.0.1 for Tru64 available .......
- KDE 2.0.1 issues...
- KDE2 Beta on Tru64 available .......
- Kdevelop 1.1 and KDK 1.1 ported to Tru64 Unix ...
- Kerberos 5 and Tu5.0
- Kerberos5 and dtlogin
- kernel memory fault / panic stuck syncing disks
- Kernel option for memory usage.
- Kernel parameters
- Kernel re-build needed for new KZPAC-CB controller???
- Kernel Tuning (vmstat settings)
- Kernel Tuning!!
- key baord mapping pbm in Compaq ALpha 4.0f unix
- Keyboard lights flashing
- Keyboard problems using a console switch AXP/PC
- keyboard settings
- KGPSA causes system to hang during boot.
- KGPSA Controller installation creating havoc with /dev
- KGPSA on a ES40
- Killing Idle Users (Part II)
- Killing of idle users
- klucz LPT
- kn600_softerr_intr
- Knowledge Seeker IV
- Kompilacja (unknown charset) j±dra
- kontroler RAID IDE czy jest
- Kornshell
- ksh
- ksh date formats
- KSH question: test, [ ... ] and [[ ... ]]
- ksh(?)/cron error opening here document on /tmp
- KVM Switch Recommendations
- KVM switches for 3300L's?
- KVM switches that support Alphas/Tru64
- KZPAC & 18g drives
- KZPAC firmware version number
- KZPAC-CA: max capacity
- KZPBA-CX supported by as2100?
- KZPSC and Tru64 5.0?
- Ladebug and exception handlers?
- Ladybug and GPA on TU 5.0
- Large disk array setup
- Large Files after reading a Tape !!!!!
- Large Memory Jobs Not releasing RAM
- last / wtmp on 5.0a?
- last command
- last log corrupted
- Lastcomm command
- Late Summary: Do I need more memory
- Latest 4.0D Patch Kit
- Latest Supported version of O/S
- Lazy swap anyone?
- LDAP Summary
- ldap verification for passwords
- ldconfig -v under DU
- Leaping (Year) Lizards
- Legato / Networker question...
- legato and tz89 (again)
- Legato Client for Tru64 4.0f
- Legato Networker ClientPak for Unix enabler
- Legato Networker jb_config and Tru64 v5.0A
- Legato Networker: other mailing list support information
- Legato nsrmmd processes
- LFU over a network
- libcurses osf/1 & xpg4 compatibility
- Libcurses question
- in OSFOBSOLETE subset
- for 4.0D?
- libgd
- libpcap etherreal Summary
- libpcap, ethereal, ntop not on DUX 5.0
- Licensing
- Limiting a users CPU usage
- limiting access to particular hosts when using LDAP authentication....
- Limiting User Access in FTP
- limits of threads nfsd
- Line Printers under DU 4.0F
- Linker help {MPI} "swtch_pri"
- Linking problems on T64 UNIX 4.0F
- Linux --> Tru64 on AlphaPC 164SX ?
- Linux install fdisk newbie
- Linux installation on Alpha machines
- List like this for DG-UX??
- List Messages??????
- list of major companies using tru 64 platform
- Listing locked accounts at the command line??
- Listing shared libraries...
- lmf licensing problem?
- LN20X-FS security option
- Load Average returns significantly higher than it should.
- Load Balancing across Ethernet ports
- Loadbalancing, High Availability.
- loading DSOs in apache
- Localization: Characterset
- locate/updatedb for Tru64 4.0d-f
- location of archives
- location of CMOS battery on AlphaStation 500
- Locked Accounts
- Locked passwd & group file
- locked system files
- Locking down a machine.
- Locking up on CDE login
- Logging off idle users
- Login difficulties
- Login error
- Login Message at Anonymous FTP ?
- Login problem: server not available or timed out
- login screen
- Login to Windows NT domain from TRU64 4.0F
- Login troubles under DU5.0
- Logitech Cordless Keyboard/Mouse on Tru64 ....
- logs of tcpwrapper
- Long file passwd
- Long Usernames (> 8 chars) ?
- Looking for a command
- Looking for a definitive explaination of dns/bind
- Looking for a Dual Channel Ultra160 HBA for Tru64 (5.0A)
- looking for a reverse telnet utility for 3.2c
- Looking for ethernet packet filter program
- Looking for Fluent Program benchmrk result on Alpha
- Looking for Linux mailing list
- looking form decserver 90tl boot image file
- loop back device on DU?
- loop in rsh command
- Loopback mounting (again)
- Loopback mounting in tru64, 4.0E
- Losing telnet sessions
- Lost Console
- lost my floppy
- Lost printserver accounting information
- LOVE letter
- low cost SCSI-CD
- low network perfomance after installing DU 5.0
- low priority question on cron
- Lower case password on 4F?
- lpc command on Digital Unix 4.0D
- LPC status message "Waiting for xxxx to come up"
- lpd - Malformed from address
- lpd behaviour
- lpd debug messages
- lpd timeout then printjob restarted
- lpr and Paper Tray Selection?
- lpr segfault tru64 5.1
- LPrng compilitaion
- LPRng problems getting it to work.
- LSM - 'Disk rejected as clone' error / partition aliasing ?
- LSM - running volrootmir command questions
- LSM - voldiskadd won't add disk
- LSM and 4.0f
- LSM configuration database copies - only 8?
- LSM device problem
- lsm mirror creation
- LSM mirror synchronization
- LSM mirrored boot disk problem
- LSM Problem
- LSM question
- LSM setup: Internal volume daemon error
- LSM Symbolic Links
- LSM volume rename with ADVFS fileset inside
- LSM Woes
- LSM, advfs, and no /dev/vol dir
- LSM/mirroring questions
- Lubicie Stephena Kinga?
- LVM question
- M4 COmpile error
- Mac Address
- MAC address for the adapter
- MAC CRC errors on FDDI card
- Mach 64 Video Card on AS200/166
- machine won't boot, graphics problem?
- Machines not booting - dupdone error
- Mail doesn't recognize alias
- mail error
- Mail Log Errors!
- Mail Not Forwarding To Another Host
- mail problem
- Mail problem after full installation of V4.0F
- Mail problem after full installation of V4.0F - update
- Mail relay
- Mail UPDATE!
- mail with attachment via command line
- mail.local program
- Mailsetup
- mailx
- Mailx problem on Digital 4.0d
- Main and Standby AlphaServers Sharing Single IP Address
- make a process non swapable
- Makemap crashes on Tru64 UNIX 4.0F
- makemap for hash database type
- Making 4.0f see a quad card...
- Making the Delete key work from command line
- Malloc Problems stopping expire
- malloc_mem_alloc error
- Managing Remote StorageWorks Installation
- manipulation of time values in shell script
- manual of PERL
- Manual password change...
- Many troubles when upgrading from 4.0d to 4.0g
- mapping hard drive to NT
- Mapping physical drives to the mount points in 'df'
- max disk storage for gs140
- Max files per block size...
- max number of files
- MAx number of TCP connection
- Max Shared Memory on DU4.0x
- Max UFS size
- maximal number of users on Tru64 4.0F Digital UNIX
- Maximum available memory
- maximum PID value in TU5.0A
- maxusers and vm-mapentries problems
- maxusers change causing errors
- MC requirement for cluster / 5.0a
- Media Changer (CAM?) and Legato on v5.0a...
- Media changers under TruCluster5.0A
- mem leak from 5.0?
- Memory Channel without Cluster
- Memory error
- Memory Errors
- Memory file systems.
- Memory kernel option.
- Memory Leaks
- Memory limits in Tru64 UNIX 4.0G
- memory on an ES40
- memory problem - production machine down
- memory problems - more information
- Memory resident objects
- Memory troubles?
- memory upgrade
- Memory upgrade followed by crashes. Is it HW or SW?
- Merit radius under DU 4.0F and Ascend Box
- Mesagl; a good choice?
- Message from administrator - your document has been released from quarantine.
- message on console
- Message on messages file and console window.
- messages in DAEMON.LOG
- Metrics for Performance Manager
- MF Cobol 4.1.10
- mfs and pipes
- mh - "domain name required"
- mh mail conversion pine/imap
- MIB is not updated after icmp redirect
- Microsoft IntelliMouse drivers for Tru64
- Microsoft Sound Board on PC164LX
- Migrate to EMC disks in TruCluster 1.6
- Migrating from HSZ70 to HSG80
- Migrating from Tru64 v4.0F to new Tru64 v5.0a server
- Migration Existing Users to Cluster
- Migration tools for VMS - UNIX
- Mirror script
- Mirror script - an apology.
- Mirror Script.
- Mirror using LSM
- Mirroring advfs Filesets for Oracle and DU 4.0x
- misname correction: in adduser and group file
- Missing attachment
- Missing charsets in String to Fontset conversion
- mixed case DNS domains on Tru64
- Mixing NFS Digital Unix and Linux
- mknod /dev/timedev
- mkpasswd -HELP!
- mlock problem
- MME header files?
- Modems on COM 1 of Alpha box
- MODIFIED SUMMARY: Segfault buildning gcc-2.95.2 with Tru64 5.0A
- modifying the root device's disklabel
- Modifying User Accounts
- module IPI-120T not found in tc_option table, can't configure it.
- monitor and FC
- monitor for v5
- monitor for v5.1
- monitor program compile problem
- Monitor Program for V5.0A
- Monitor trouble on AlphaStation 200
- monitor utility for tu 5.0
- Monitor V1.8 for Tru64 UNIX V5.1 and earlier now available.
- Monitoring a HSZ70
- Monitoring System, Memory, and Disk performance with MIBs and snmp?
- mop 4.0f pk2 true-cluster1.6 problem
- More : vdump problem
- more about utility defragcron
- More desktops for CDE login manager?
- MORE INFO diskless 4.0e ?
- More info on Petition for sound support.
- More info on Quantum HD troubles
- more info on vrestore problem
- More Info: AdvFS conversion problem...
- More Info: Problems building mysql on Tru64 v5.0a
- More info: Telnet via a router
- More Information (CVS on Tru64 V 5.0)
- More Mail Observations!
- more on : Many troubles when upgrading from 4.0d to 4.0g
- MORE ON account mgr exiting by resource lost
- More on broken "find" ?!
- more on Crash!
- More on cxx problems.
- more on HEADS-UP: syslogd might lose log data
- More on Tru64 UNIX V5.0A update kits
- more over KZPAC-CB. off-line configuration utility?
- more precise CDE / su question
- more SUMMARY : Unknown daemon
- MORE SUMMARY: Tru64 ver. 5.0a Apache ver. 1.3.12 and MS ASP
- more SUMMARY: two questions
- more than 4 ethernet interfaces
- More than 640x480 with Tru64 UNIX 5.0?
- more tokens expected error when running a script
- Most CPU-consuming processes
- motif libraries
- mount 'advfs' via nfs
- mount option 'nogrpid' has no effect
- mountd
- Mountd hangs on start
- mounted file systems
- mountin CDROM
- Mounting a AS400 drive with NFS
- Mounting a tape drive
- mounting advfs
- mounting cdrom
- Mounting Linux-root via NFS from Tru64 server
- Mounting LSM disks to a non-LSM server?
- Mounting on to a CDSL
- mounting warnings
- Mouse/pointer problems
- moving /tmp
- Moving 46 GB of data across the web
- Moving AdvFS domains onto LSM mirror-sets
- Moving ADVFS filesets
- Moving Enhanced Security Files from 4.0e to 4.0f
- Moving on.
- Moving root from one disk to another
- Moving tape between slots on a tz8x7 with the Robot?
- mpage. Do U get correct output??
- Mpeg
- MPIBIN190 on Tru64 Ver 5.0A
- MQ Series on TruCluster/Tru64 4.0F
- mqueue!
- MS Office & CAP
- msfs_bread: msfs_getpage returned error 5
- msgs source/binary for Tru64...
- Mtools - year 100 problem
- Multi port ethernet cards for alpha.
- Multia boot problems
- Multimedia Services on V4.0d
- multiple cpu's on 2100
- Multiple cron daemons
- Multiple emails sent from cluster
- Multiple IP Addresses for Tru Cluster Service?
- Multiple messages
- multiple nic question
- Multiple NICs
- Multiple Processors
- mush error
- Must delete patches to insall subset
- MX problem - mail loops back to host
- myrinet on 4100
- mySQL on Alpha DS-10
- Mysterious DLT tape drive fault
- n/w prob
- N/w problem...
- named complains!!!
- nameservice on Unix 4.0d
- Narzedzie do dokumentacji kodu C++
- NCBI blast crashes on Alpha DS20 4.0F - solution
- NCD terms and Tru64
- NCSA httpd web response issue
- nedit/X11 error message: This program is an suid-root program...
- Need a help
- Need advise ASE 1.6 and EMC2
- need bigger partition on /
- Need clarification on AdvFS V3 and V4 compatibility
- Need Help Compiling gdb-4.17
- Need help deleting a Route
- Need help getting DE500-BA card to work with Alpha 250 4/266
- Need Help With Crashed AdvFS Domain
- Need help with tape configuration and commands
- Need help: RAID install
- Need online docs for TLZ9
- Need printing help - fast
- Need to access a remote tty as local?
- need to change inetd.conf
- Net Interface Collisions on Cluster
- Netatalk for Tru64?
- netatalk under Tru64 unix
- netbackup on 4.0E
- netconfig problem in Tru 64 UNIX 5.0
- Netpartitioning
- NetRAIN and network interfaces
- NETrain for Tru64
- NetRAIN implementation questions...
- Netrain on clusters
- NetRAIN problems on V4.0F
- NetRAIN problems using GigaBit network adaptors (DEGPA) !
- Netrain question
- NetRain timeout problem with DEC500-BA
- Netscape --> Bookmaks problem
- netscape 4.5 core dumps on D/U 4.0F
- netscape cache ignoring set limit
- Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6
- Netscape server crash during startup
- Netscape V4.7 and Java (fonts application)
- Netscape V7.0+ True64 V4.0D
- Netscape Versions for V4.0d
- Netscape4n +Java +xterms
- netstat
- netstat output question
- Netwerk interface card half, or full duplex
- Network
- Network Address Translation
- Network Audio System (NAS) and forwarding sound
- Network Cards, IP Addresses for several web sites?
- network config
- Network Crossover Cable Question
- Network IP Problem.....
- network monitor
- Network Partition
- Network printer configuration
- Network Printer Q's
- Network Problem with ping and telnet
- Network problems [SUMMARY]
- Network problems...
- Network routing
- Network security problem - Open email relay
- Network setting will not save
- Network setup!
- Network startup problem with 4.0F, patchkit #3
- Networker / index problem ...
- Networker 5.2.0 on 4.0f
- Networker 5.5.2 fails to backup to nsrserverhost when the storage node is full
- Networker and recover
- Networker License
- NetWorker SingleServer
- Networker vs other products
- Networker Y2K problems
- Networth 4000 switch
- New 4.0f Patch Kit!
- New 5.1 cluster install and OPS 8.1.6 dynsym index error from dbassist
- new boot disk
- New Ds10L install
- new dupatch revision
- New Hardware Delivery-3
- new kernel prob!
- New login picking up old idle time.
- new machine
- New printer
- New problem!
- new sendmail on Tru64 5.0a
- New video card
- New wtmp-file?
- new, unconfig'd DS-10 hang
- News from the Tru64 UNIX product marketing world..
- Newsgroups on UNIX
- NFS and rpcinfo problem
- NFS client problem with Tru64 5.0X
- NFS error
- NFS file lock problem.
- NFS file size limit
- NFS Hangs Between Tru64 Unix 5.0 and Network Appliance
- NFS issue
- NFS limitation ?
- NFS mount from Tru64 to Linux 2.2.5-15
- nfs mounting a cd located on a Solaris 7 box on a Tru64 box
- NFS mounts FreeBSD -> Tru64 5.0
- NFS or samba problem
- NFS performance
- NFS performance between linux and tru64
- NFS performance on 4.0G and above
- NFS Problem
- NFS problems
- NFS problems in a switched network
- NFS problems.
- NFS question
- nfs questions
- NFS root mount not quite right
- NFS root permissions after copying AdvFS drive
- NFS server and client problems.
- NFS server: stale file handle fs(2963,187157) file 162950 gen 32770
- NFS tape & Windows NT Alpha Keyboard
- NFS timeout/delay problem
- nfs write error
- NFS write error !
- nfs write error (cont)
- NFS-Mounting Digital FTP Site
- NFS3 problems
- NFS3 RFS3_LOOKUP failed
- nfs3 write error
- NFS: Unix vs. VMS
- nhd cd question
- NIC at FastFD??
- NIC Configuration
- NIC Settings
- NIS account unlocking
- NIS across the pond
- NIS between 5.1 & 4.0f?
- NIS Client binds to wrong server
- NIS du4.0e-winnt4
- NIS error: slave map is empty for the domain
- NIS problems
- NIS question
- NIS reliability under load; can anyone testify
- nis version problems
- NIS with a mix of C2/Non-C2 machines
- NIT, network interface tap
- No available network ports
- No ConsolePrompt with external disk attached
- No free inodes
- No Grab!
- No login: Too many users!
- No mails from tru64-unix-managers ?
- No man pages after building BIND 8.2.2-p5
- No more beep on XP1000
- no name list
- No remote printer access
- no space says a sort script
- No Subject
- no way to go from dtm to arc ?
- no-SUMMARY: ES40, TU4.0F, NHD3 CD bootlink ends w/undef'd symbols
- Non UNIX Question?
- Non zero LUN on an HSZ based TZ89 : How to create the tape device special file names
- Non-deterministic startup scripts
- Non-kernel dbx without development license?
- Non-postscript serial printer on tcp/ip
- Non-Technical request
- Non-Technical request/ditto
- Nonrecoverable Medium Error when booting and CAM_ERROR packet
- not able to log in as user
- Not enough units to load OSF-BASE?
- Note on hsz(x)term
- NOVELL 5.0
- Novell NDS eDirectory 8.5 on Tru64 Unix
- Novell NDS support for Tru64 Unix 4.0x ???
- Now I have a disk group, how to get to a mirror?
- nslookup
- NSM Jukebox - Mercury 31
- NSR - Not Enough Space
- NSR 5.5 problem
- NSR schedule problem
- NSR V5.5.1 Automatic mount problem
- NSR WISS errors
- NT Share!
- ntp strangeness
- Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine.......
- number of mem-modules?
- number of ptys and sshd2
- NW Interface Card Speed setting
- o3d
- OAS3, Oracle7.3.2, tru64 4.0g
- Oascan
- Odp: chlodzenie pII
- Odp: Internet i (unknown charset) dostêp z sieci lokalnej
- Odp: Kajaki CZARNA (unknown charset) CHAÑCZA
- Odp: Nie (unknown charset) mia³a baba (unknown charset) k³opotów to kupi³a sobie AMD i VIA
- Odp: pare slow refleksji
- Odp: Pilkarski poker 2
- Odp: Rozstanie a samopoczucie.
- Odp: VE i Maestro w Italii
- Odp: Wygral futbol radosny
- Odp: Zapraszamy na wyjazd do Turcji
- off the subject question
- OFF TOPIC: xdvi and excursion problems
- off-topic//security
- offline a cpu
- offline printer: reboot was needed to bring it up again
- OFFTOPIC : Oracle account passwords in shell scritps?
- Offtopic: KDE2 Beta 4 available for Tru64 Unix systems.
- Old 24needle printer aon /dev/lp0
- Old DEC Servers S/W?!
- old server/diags
- Oldies but goodies
- Olympic Daylight Savings changes in Australia
- Once more lsm question
- One more time: IP rerouting
- Open GL Libraries for 5.0a??
- OpenGL on Tru64 V5
- OpenGL package
- OpenGL question..
- opening .RTF files???
- openssl snapshosts ... fatal error using alpha-(cc) compiler
- OpenSSL/stunnel on tru64 5.0A
- opinions on 4.0G
- OPS 8.1.6 + OFIN 11i + TruCluster 5.1
- optical drive: device is an invalid device or cannot be opened
- ORA-07337 smsmat: shmat error DU4.0f
- Oracle 7.3.4 on V5.0A
- Oracle 7.3.4 under 5.0
- Oracle 8.1.5 instances
- oracle 8.1.5 on 5.0, 5.0a, 5.1
- Oracle 8.1.6 database
- Oracle 8.1.6 install
- Oracle 8.1.6 OPS disk setup
- Oracle 8i problem on 4.0F
- oracle error, bacause of disk I/O ?
- oracle installation is looking for /bin/cxx
- oracle mailing list
- Oracle Mailing List ??
- Oracle on Digital UNIX 4.0D - OS problems
- Oracle OPS with Tru64 are there any good books?
- Oracle Parallel Server
- Oracle Parallel Server and Tru 64 V5.0A
- Oracle problem
- Oracle tablespace problem
- Oracle TNS Listeners in an ASE 1.6 environment
- Oracle tuning and operating system i/o buffer
- Oracle users and large memory
- Oracle Web Server problems
- Oracle, raw partitions and block sizes
- Oracle815 vs NFS
- Order of hosts in /etc/exports (or /etc/exports.ase, etc)
- OSF-USER Liense
- OSF/1 system " Check-Up "
- OSF1 adding an external disk
- OSF1 V5.0 1094 alpha: usermod refusing to remove secondary groups using -G option.
- osf_boot
- OSI kit and ldap with ssl
- OT - cold site, tape rotation services??
- OT: <ctl+d> says 'please type exit to logout'
- OT: conferences
- OT: strange hardware problem with alpha oem-board-based server
- Other backward compatibility problem
- Other lists
- Overland_4110
- Packet Filtering
- packetfiters
- Page Faults size
- pam in Tru64
- panic
- Panic Due to EMX driver error
- Panic: kernel memory fault
- parameters the kernel for oracle (shared memory)
- pare slow refleksji
- Part 2 - Alpha 8400 4.0d->4.0f upgrade: overflowed third level page table
- Part II: Tru64 C optimisation
- Part Numbers for Software Support Contract.
- PARTIAL SUMMARY: inconsistencies between showfdmn and showfsets
- PARTIAL SUMMARY: Makemap crashes on Tru64 UNIX 4.0F
- Partial SUMMARY: nhd cd question
- PARTIAL SUMMARY: Simple raid help needed
- partial summary: Where'd my disk space go? (more info)
- Partial summnary
- Partitioning a GS140
- passthrough drivers not loading???
- passwd API
- Passwd change problem
- passwd error
- passwd lock
- passwd message
- Password
- password aging
- password and group files are currently locked by another user
- Password changes upon CDE login...
- Password checking ALMOST okay...
- password cracker
- password expiration date
- Password file is locked
- Password lifetime ?
- Password question
- Password sharing with DU4.0D, NS Dir 4.1, Novell Net. 4.11
- Password sharing with DU4.0D, NS Dir 4.1, Novell Net. 4.11 PART II
- password syntax settings - Tru64 4.0F
- Patch 461, OSFPAT00046100440 4.0f patch kit #4
- Patch 6 for Tru64 V4.0 D
- Patch download problem
- Patch installation
- Patch installation problem
- Patch Kit 2 4.0f
- Patch Kit 3 for DU v4.0D
- Patch Kit 4 for 40F
- Patch kit 6 for 4.0D
- Patch Level
- Patch t64v51as0001-20001144
- Patch: Digital Unix 4.0f running Trucluster V1.5
- patches (not) installed?
- Patches available for 5.0a?
- Patching
- Patchkit for rmfset, clonefset bugs?
- Patchkit level after recovery
- Paths
- Pb with the /var/spool/mail directory
- PB73B 1000A 4/233 & 18GB 7200rpm disks?
- PC a TV
- PCXAL and Raritan Switch
- Peculiar Problem
- per-proc-datasize
- Performance measurement
- Performance Mgr
- Performance monitor and debugger ??? (URGENT AND FAST PLEASE)
- Performance Monitoring
- performance monitoring tools
- performance problems
- Performance Tuning 5.0a
- performance tuning issues
- Performance tuning of GS140
- Perfromance testing for system Saturation = 75% load? (4.0F)
- Periodic reboots?
- Perl 5 setld kit?? Where?
- Perl script in cron
- perl suid script fails.
- perl,tru64 5.0, db-hash test fails
- PerlTk panic on Tru64 4.0f
- Permission denied
- permissions in / and down got messed up
- pgp50i and unaligned access errors
- PHP&Apache
- PHP4
- Physical Memory Shortage??
- Physical memory usage
- PID limits
- pine and gv: LD_LIBRARY_PATH visibility
- Pine configuration question
- Pinning a process to a processor
- pkgadd for Tru64
- Please help
- Please help with compilingerrors in C++
- Please help.
- Please Remove
- PMAGD Cable Assembly
- pmgr
- Poland ??
- Poor performance on an AlphaServer DS10L.
- POP on Tru64 5.0a
- POP3
- POP3 server and passwords
- popd
- Poppassd and Enhanced Security
- Popper with enhanced shadow security with nis....
- Port in User
- porting question
- Portsentry and logcheck
- posix threads
- Possible IP Redirect Problem
- Possible security issue with the FTAM ocp command
- Possible Y2k problem with NSR
- post patch question
- postscript header files for HP printers
- Postscript/Landscape Printing
- PostUpgrade CD hang
- power management question
- Power outage corruption on an AdvFs raid set
- Power Outage!
- power supply failure
- power-on errors
- Powerfail/UPS/AutoRestart question
- PPP and TRU64
- PPP does not clean up routing tables?
- PPP on TRU64 5.0
- ppp question
- ppp session status
- ppp transfer rates
- Precompiled GNU GCC for DU4.0D/Tru64 5.0 - where?
- Preliminary summary: ADVFS error
- Premature end of script headers
- primary defects ?
- print filters
- Print Graphics on T64U 4.0F
- Print on Decserver on Unix via TCP/IP
- Print on Decserver on Unix via TCP/IP (More info)
- print queue hanging repeatedly
- Print Services APIs
- Print Software Graphics on Tru64 Unix
- Printcapentry for Lexmark networkprinter
- printer daemon won't start
- Printer escape codes
- Printer Form Length
- printer quenes
- Printer-headings missing
- Printing Audit Information
- Printing Banner Pages
- Printing Chinese on Postscript printer
- printing directly to port 9100
- Printing from DTPAD
- Printing from windows via Advanced Server
- printing in landscape
- Printing on DS700 using LPD/LPR
- Printing on LN17 using samba
- Printing on Printers attached to NT Machine
- Printing problem AIX->Tru64->JetDirect
- Printing problem with HP and Jet Direct Cards
- Printing problems after upgrade from 4.0b to 4.0d
- Printing to a remote queue on vms
- Printing to NT on LAN
- Printing to serial printer via printserver doing the staircase
- Printing with xerox printer
- Printqueue to different trays ??
- problem booting multia desktop
- problem compiling elm under 4.0F
- Problem compiling Mysql
- problem compiling perl 5.6.0 on tru64 5.0a
- Problem configuring dual-redundant HSZ50 controllers
- Problem copying "local socket" mode files
- Problem gaining access to account information
- problem getting thru in sqlplus when firing thru crontab
- Problem in 5.0A, with "who -M" command.
- Problem in compiling libpq++ library (PostgreSQL 7.0.2, 4.0D)
- Problem in va_start() with DIGITAL C++ V6.0-010 on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 (Rev. 1229)
- Problem initializing lsm
- Problem installing 5.0 on an alphaserver 1200
- Problem installing Tru64 UNIX on DS10
- Problem maxuprc (=64) exceeded
- Problem NIS: How to change OSF1 masterserver in a SUN masterserver
- Problem printing in CDE
- Problem printing man pages
- Problem removing directory in Tru64 4.0F
- Problem resolution monitor
- problem running DS20 ethernet card at 100 Mbits
- Problem running psemon on V4.0F with PSE160
- Problem starting an ASE service
- Problem starting MySQL from boot script
- Problem with 4.0G system recognizing disk size
- Problem with 72 lines of page length for DEC LA75 printer
- Problem with a vdump
- problem with alpha machine
- Problem with ARP-broadcast from DE500-BA in 100Mbit mode
- Problem with bind and Firewall?
- Problem with cluster
- Problem with cron file entry
- Problem with CSLG OSF-USR license?
- Problem with DE500-AA ?
- Problem with DEGPA-SA Digital PCI-to-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
- Problem with directories ownership when restoring with tar
- problem with display
- Problem with dxadvfs and envmon
- Problem with find (or something else)
- Problem with find in 5.0?
- problem with gcc
- problem with group memberships
- Problem with GS60E and RCU
- Problem with installing FP2000 on Tru64 Unix 5.0
- Problem with installupdate & disklabel
- Problem with internal and external disks
- Problem with KZPAC raid controller
- Problem with KZPSA adapter
- Problem with ladebug: Assertion failed
- Problem with locked accounts on 5.0a - bug?
- Problem with mail command
- Problem with MailStudio 2000 (3.0)
- problem with mailx using -r and -s
- Problem with Mirroring of Plexes at LSM
- Problem with named in V4.0e
- problem with networker: nsrexecd cannot map port
- Problem with new disks
- Problem with nfsd under Tru64 4.0F
- problem with Oracle on True64 unix 4.0d
- Problem with pacct
- problem with rsh
- Problem with SAP R/3 - Informix - Tru64UNIX
- Problem with scp / rcp
- Problem with SNMPD under 4.0D
- Problem with SU
- Problem with the ASDU
- Problem with the kern_mod_40e.tar patch released today
- Problem with tlz9l/networker/5.0a...
- Problem with tty settings
- Problem with TZ89 on ES40.
- problem with usermod
- Problem with vrestore
- Problem with Web server
- Problem z Telnetem
- Problem: X backingstore on TU64v5.0a, COMET
- Problems adding a new SCSI Card
- Problems building kernel after installing DEGPA Gigabit Card
- Problems building mysql on Tru64 v5.0a
- problems compiling cobol at a 4.0-F system
- Problems compiling Frontpage voting software
- Problems Compiling GCC2.95.2 on True64 unix 5.1
- Problems creating AdvFSdomain
- Problems getting mod_perl to run in shared mode....
- Problems in Cluster V1.6
- Problems in the Open3d insrtallation procedure.
- Problems mounting CDRs
- Problems printing to HP ColorJet 5 in Tru64
- Problems recognizing a new SCSI controller
- Problems relocating services in TRU ASE V 1.6]
- Problems running Oracle Applications 11.0.3 on Tru64 4.0G
- Problems trying to add a 2nd member into a TruCluster 5.X
- problems trying to redirect output from a command
- Problems upgrading from 4.0g -> 5.1
- Problems using vdump with a tlz10 DAT tape drive on an XP1000 wit h factory loaded 5.0A.
- Problems with AlphaStation 255/233 and 3 PCI Cards
- problems with auto_action on 164LX
- problems with cc on DUnix 5.0
- Problems with class scheduling
- Problems with Cloning Process - V5.1
- Problems with cpio
- problems with cvs, rcs and diff
- Problems with deleting a HSZ70 unit
- Problems with dtwm/twm
- problems with dynamical memory allocation in Dec stations
- Problems with gcc
- Problems with Java 1.2.1
- Problems with Latin-2 fonts/keyboard
- Problems with lsnrctl
- Problems with makedbm building passwd.byuid map
- Problems with NFS
- Problems with nmap
- Problems with passwords..
- Problems with Pine imapd on DU4.0d
- Problems with POP server on one acct.
- Problems with raid sets on HSZ70 Raid controller
- Problems with writeback cache on an HSZ40 controller
- Problems with Xfig
- problems with ypserv
- Probs compiling MySQL
- probs compiling OpenSSL 0.95a on Tru64 [NOT memory problem!]
- probs with cxx
- procedure to fill a disk with "1"s
- process information
- Process Private Memory Kernel Parameter
- Process take all CPU (obreak)
- Process Thread in Digital Unix
- Process up or down?
- Process using too much cpu
- Processes Weirdness
- Processor registers at panic
- processor speed
- ProFTPd
- PROFTPD on 4.0D
- program to convert a ACT! .dbf file into a .csv file
- Program to make changes in the Postscript files
- Programowanie Perl DBI - ksiazka
- programs to convert alpha nt servers and workstations to unix servers and workstations
- Progress database on a V5.0A cluster
- Progress DB performance on RA7000
- proplistd terminates itself
- Protrace File
- Proxy ARP on Tru64 UNIX?
- ps command: CPU consumption is more than 100% ??
- ps hang
- ps output nsignals
- ps returns WCHAN=nxmbloc
- pthread_create_problem
- pthreads error in make
- PTY question
- putting filesystem in ADVFS destroyed data, no warning
- PWS 433a and Tru64
- PWS500au problem
- PWS600au and a KZPSA
- pza :
- Q regarding Tru64 Raid Driver...
- Q: Apache doesn't like PHP WITH MYSQL?
- Q: compiled gd on 4.0F with jpeg/freetype extensions?
- Q: disappearing tape drive?
- Q: how to make Preventive Maintanance for servers
- Q: how to tell what is using a mounted fs
- Q: Is it possible to run Tru64 on an Alpha Server 7305?
- Q: problems compiling MySQL under 4.0D
- Q: what to do with "log half full" panic
- Q: where has all the memory gone?
- QLogic Fibre Channel HBAs
- QMAIL Start automatically
- Qpopper 3.0.2 on Tru64 4.0e + patchkit 4
- qpopper2.53 - TRU64 4.0F
- QT binary / kdevelop question
- Question
- Question about "arp -s ... pub" and virtual ips
- Question about array controllers and Tru64
- question about kernel virtual memory size
- Question about level of incremental backup for dump/vdump
- Question about ln (link)
- Question about NIS Slaves Maps
- question about patches
- Question about RA3000 and non-cluster
- Question about the software product library.
- question off the subject
- Question on Networker
- question on process creation and termination
- question on upgrade of 4.0F ---> 4.0g or 5.0
- Question: Different patch kits in a cluster
- Question: Do i need more memory or not?
- Question: Ramifications of these security implementations
- Questions
- questions about "ioscan" -like commands
- Questions about LSM (after I installed a hard drive this weekend)
- Questions about Microsoft's Active Directory
- Questions about SWCXR RAID Arrays, Parity Errors, and Parity Repairs
- Questions brought up by SUMMARY: Firmaware for 5.1 on a 20E
- questions on applying patches
- Questions on KZPSC
- Quick Question
- Quick question..
- quota
- quota files and oracle physical backups
- quota not getting enforced
- quota not getting enforced - UPDATE
- quota.user size
- ra230 number
- RA300 (HSZ22) Storage Management
- Ra3000 Config without a QB5TWAB-SA
- RA3000 performance
- RA3000 performance, a short summary
- RA7000 HSZ70 with 18GB disks
- RA8000 configuration
- Rack for alpha server 4100.
- Radius and 4.0D
- raid 5
- RAID 5 across RA3000 channels a benefit?
- RAID 5 question
- Raid Array 3000 and DS20.
- RAID Array 3000 issues
- RAID Configuration Problems
- RAID Configuration Utility disk two
- raid controller name ?
- RAID kzpac-ca to kzpac-cb upgrade
- RAID reconfiguration
- Raising the datasize limit/ulimit system wide.
- raising ulimit
- Ramifications of turning off ftp daemon
- random numbergeneration
- Raster Errors on HP Laserjet 5Si
- Raw devices on EMC array
- raw devices with TruCluster V1.6
- rcinet equivalent on a sun
- RCM console
- rcp
- RCS ci/co modifies binary files
- RCS Question
- rdump and C2 security
- rdump problem
- rdump question
- RE
- re cpu exception event in binary errorlog
- RE disks with poor performance
- re SUMMARY: Upgrading firmware in a cluster
- Re-partitiion disk
- Read old LSM rootdg after CD installation
- Reading a VMS-floppy?
- reading CDs created with HP Easy CD Creator on Alpha
- Reading DAT Audio tapes?
- Reading TLZ07 tar tape on TLZ04 unit ??
- Reading VMS tapes on tru64?
- README!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- real audio server
- Real Audio/Video Proxy?
- Real difference between KGPSA NT / Unix-VMS
- Real Madryt
- Real world TruCluster NFS file server
- reassigning UID for users
- Reauthentication
- Reboot alphas when network link changes? ICK!
- Reboot on another disk
- reboot on telnet request
- Rebuild kernel failed
- Rebuilding a machine from backup
- Recognizing the tape drive when booting off of 4.0F CD-ROM
- Record of failover
- recover from a relabeled volume?
- recovering files from a vdump save-set
- redirecting data stream
- Redundant Power Supply Failure (Tru64 v. 4.0D - PK5)
- Redundant Power Supply has Failed.
- Referal please
- Referenses running mySQL?
- Referral please OPENVMS/UNIX bar code library
- refresh rate Gloria Synergy-8
- regarding .new files
- Registering Oracle events
- rejected summary
- Remote access to Alphastation XP900
- Remote Admin Software?
- Remote backup strange behaviour
- Remote backup using vdump
- Remote Console Administration of Tru64 boxes
- Remote logins refused on Tru64 5.0A
- Remote mount of NTFS file system
- remote or local access???
- remote print spooling
- remote printer using lpr/lpd over a SLIP line Question
- remote restore to system booted off 4.0D CD
- remote shutdown, UPS
- remote vrestore takes forever
- Remote X access under enhanced security.
- remote X server starting problem
- Remove patches when upgrading to DUV4.0G & TCR 1.6?
- Remove the BINARY directory
- Removing a disk from a StorageWorks cabinet
- removing a lot of old files
- Removing a user
- Removing tu0?
- Removing Users!
- Renaming a server
- Renaming cluster services
- Repair disk
- repair possibilities for possibly corrupt tar archive
- repartitioned... no tape dev?
- Replace KZPSA with KZPBA
- Replace NT with DU
- Replacing a scsi advfs hard disk
- Replacing Characters in many files?
- Replacing original disk shelf in 2100?
- REPOST: nhd cd question
- REPOST: Oracle 7.3.4 on V5.0A
- REPOST: System crash ES40 DU4.0F TruClusterV1.6
- RePost: What is the latest SWCC ??
- Request for direction
- request for PPP invocation script with CHAP/PAP auth on 4.0F
- rerouting an IP Address to another
- Resend with detail information: DEC LA75 LAT printer w/ 72lines/page setup issue
- Reserved swap space
- Resizing partitions in AdvFS
- Resource limits for users
- Respawn entries in /etc/inittab file
- Response Time Issue!
- Restarting nfsd/nfsiod daemons
- restore problem
- restoring a file from a tar file with a "*" in it's name...
- Restoring a UFS filesystem
- Restoring a UFS filesystem (MORE)
- restoring AdvFS file systems
- restoring system to another system (Disaster Recovery)
- Restrict user login to specific hostname
- Restricted User
- Restricting Logins
- Restricting printing
- Result: Too many users logged on already?
- Retaining password fron Base to C2 Security
- Retirement of DU4.0D
- rewinding / nonrewinding tape devices
- rexec tar-ball ?
- RIS and the performance.
- rlogin
- RMC and RCU
- rmfset and ftp?
- rmfset bugs??
- rmvol error
- RogueWave
- root access denied
- root and usr on same partition ?
- Root Default Shell
- root disabled
- Root file system has grown
- Root login refused on this terminal
- round_robin_switch_rate what does it do?
- Router problem?
- Router: To Setup a Tru64 server as a gateway?
- routes
- routing issue with 2nd NIC
- Routing question
- Routing Question, I think????
- Routing Table
- rpc not port mapping legato client deamons
- rpc.lockd Dies Mysteriously
- rpc.lockd failure
- rpc.lockd on 5.0 / RAID arrays on 5.0/patch1
- rpc.lockd rpc.statd
- rpc.lockd, rpc.statd & lockf
- rpc.statd problems
- rpc.ttdbservd and NetISAM errors
- rpc.ttdbserverd errors
- rsh
- rsh : process not attached to a terminal
- rsh not working after changing to C2
- rsh/ssh difficulty
- rt subsys kaio attributes
- Running a binary loaded elsewhere
- Running a script using "at"
- running defrag question
- Running Large Memory Programs
- running out of resources
- running rsh in a C2 environment
- Running superuser commands via a Fasttrack server on Unix 5.0a
- ruptime
- RV: ECU for DECpc 150 AXP
- RV: Locked passwd & group file
- rz1db - rz2da disklabels
- S-Plus
- S75acct won't start on reboot
- Samba & gcc
- Samba download
- Samba file share & TruCluster ASE
- Samba on a HPC160 cluster
- samba on du problem
- SAN and Storage Training
- SAN's Truc Cluster, and Heterogeneous environments
- Sanity Check on LSM encapsulation
- SAP on TRU64
- sar
- sar -d
- sar in 5.1
- SAS with Xwindows
- Satan & COPS
- Saving ARC NVRAM on AlphaStation 200
- SBB disk problem
- SBB disk problem: details
- SBB Shelf configuration
- Screen resolution
- Screend on a single host
- Screend Problems!
- Screensaver passwd v login passwd
- script failures after v4.0e pk3 install
- script for printer control
- Script help
- Script Location
- Script not running from rc2.d upon reboot
- script to easily display IP aliases
- script to lock passwd file
- script to modify passwd file
- Script to monitor log sizes
- scripted ftp - is it possible and if so how?
- Scripting problem with rhost
- SCSI CAM Errors
- SCSI CD-rom
- SCSI config utility
- Scsi controller - adaptec 2944 question
- SCSI controller for Tru64 Unix 4.0D
- SCSI controller for XP1000
- SCSI controller Memory Error Messages
- SCSI drive dying?
- SCSI Error messages - Bus Reset
- SCSI errors
- SCSI event
- scsi events and advfs problem
- SCSI ID's of internal devices
- SCSI peripherals upgrade on DEC 3000/500
- SCSI Timeouts
- SCSI Xfer Parameters and other hardware questions
- SCSI/CAM Layered Product on 5.0
- scu equivalent on a solaris box
- Seagate Scorpion-24 DAT Tape Drive Problems
- seagate ST318416N in AS 500au
- Search files
- Search ORNL/LMES Public Mailing List Web Server
- searchable archive?
- Searching Files!
- searching for 'inet_addr' and others libs
- searching for 'inet_addr' and others libs -- AGAIN ---
- searching for documentation about kernel C data structures
- searching for file transfert program via serial line
- Second Summary for Trouble with Alphastation 255/233
- Second Summary: Netscape server crash during startup
- Secuity thingies & Best Practices
- Secure Console (firmware level) for 2100
- Secure Console on AlphaServer 400
- secure file transfers
- secure ftp & netscape roaming access
- Secure FTP question
- secure passwd in heterogeneous network
- Secure shell usage in a NIS environment
- Secure terminal session
- Secure terminal session.
- Securing FTP with C2 security
- Security Bulletins Digest
- security information
- Security warning about kdebugd for people who haven't seen it yet...
- seeking Tru64 consultants in Boston area
- segfault building gcc 2.95.2 on Tru64 5.1
- Segfault buildning gcc-2.95.2 with Tru64 5.0A
- segmentation fault
- SELF-SUMMARY: at and batch quirks
- send me S.A.T.A.N
- Sending an Email Attachment from a Script
- sendmail
- Sendmail "Domain name required" -- Urgent
- Sendmail & the virus...
- Sendmail -IASS problem
- sendmail 5.65v4.0 on DU 4.0D
- sendmail 5.x under DU 4.0b
- Sendmail 8.10.1 and Dec UNIX 4.0
- sendmail 8.10.1 on 5.0a TruCluster not posting statistics
- Sendmail 8.11
- sendmail 8.11.0 on Tru64 v5.1
- Sendmail 8.11.1 build on Tru64 UNIX
- Sendmail 8.3.9
- Sendmail and chopping attachments
- sendmail Cannot mail directly to programs
- Sendmail Compile error!
- Sendmail Configuration
- Sendmail Configuration Question: General Purpose Relay
- Sendmail Encryption and Security
- Sendmail Issue!
- Sendmail Limitations
- Sendmail Name resolution
- sendmail on Alphas.
- sendmail on Tru64
- Sendmail problem
- Sendmail Problems
- Sendmail question?
- SendMail Systems - Help
- Sendmail, relaying, and Tru64 5.0A
- Sendmail, relaying, and Tru64 5.0A (fwd)
- sendmail.8.9.1 compiling problem
- sendmail: connection timeout with exchange server
- sendmail: empty "from"-Field in "Delivered"-Status Mails
- sendmail: persistant read lock on aliases.db
- Senmail 8.9.3 & 8.10.0
- SEOS/ Etrust Access Control
- Serial console on a XP1000
- Serial port acces
- Serial port config and UPS
- serial port query
- Serial ports
- Serious problem with ASE configuration!!!
- Serious Problems with ASE Configuration !!!
- Serious problems with ASE Configuration!!!
- Server Perfomance
- service pack
- Service rauth2
- Set up a Decserver 90M for remote access into a V5.0a machine
- setld
- setld hang
- setld kit build question
- setld problem
- Setld problems.
- setld removed all files under /usr/bin!
- setpgrp: Deviation from manual
- Setting a session timeout.
- setting HOSTNAME
- Setting lance ethernet cards
- setting maximum open files with ulimit
- setting the S3 Trio 64 screen size at Tru64 5.0
- Setting up a DECserver 90M
- Setting up a dial-out modem
- Setting up IP via DHCP...
- Setting Up Key Functions
- settling question
- setuid on a C program that then tries to execute scu to eject an mo disk fails.
- Setup a Tru64 server as a router?????
- setup for LaserJet 2100M ?
- shadow password under 5.0a
- shared library RPATH oddities
- Shared Libs under DU 4.0F
- Shared memory
- shared memory error with Oracle
- Shared memory segment with 0 attaches
- shared storage server configuration
- sharing /auth and /home
- Sharing Internet Connections
- Shell question
- Shell script
- Shell Script for changing Priority automatically
- shell variables
- Shm-Max Kernel Param
- shmx error
- show date from x number of days ago
- shutdown -h ends up in singleuser mode
- shutdown from cron failed
- shutdown problems
- SIMBA on the Alpha
- Simple Question
- Simple raid help needed
- Single Bus vrs Dual Bus
- single member v5 cluster w/o MC
- single-user mode -> no home directory
- Slip
- slow backups over the network
- slow backups over the network part 2
- Slow Connection
- Slow FTP
- Slow printers
- slow ps and w output
- Slow responce times on ES40
- Slow Startup After moving
- Slow xemacs on 4.0f
- SmartUPS+PowerChute+Tru64 problem
- smauthd man page on V5.1?
- SMB mounts
- smp processor utilization as reported by collect
- SMS and Paging solutions for Tru64
- SMTP Auth, Cyrus SASL and C2
- SnapServer
- Sniffer Software!
- SNMP and Ascend boxes
- SNMPD Broke
- snoop command in dec?
- snoop or equivalent command
- So many messages from the ASE on deamon.log
- SOCKET errors with SWCC-software
- Sockets
- Software Compatibility with 4.0G
- Software RAID-5 versus Hardware RAID-5?
- solaris equivalent of dxkerneltuner or sysconfig
- Solid State Disks, Larger swap area, Maximum memory per CPU
- Solution to mailx problem
- Solution: DS20 Internal shelf
- Some printing questions..
- Some problem around my own Xmodmap table
- Some problems with OPS
- Some questions about df utility
- Some questions about joind.
- Some Tru64 UNIX news you may find interesting..
- Something about tcp/ip and sockets
- Sony AIT II drives...
- sort of): /sbin/it security vulnerability
- Sound on Tru64
- Sound on Tru64 Update
- Sound Support
- Sound Support Petition
- Soundcard with Tru64
- source for pronounceable passwords algorithm?
- Southbridge in 264DP / DS20
- Space problem in a server
- Spam on tru64-unix-managers
- Speed up AdvFS-Cloning and NetWorker-Saving to 4-Drive-Library
- Splus revisited
- SQUID on DEC 4.0a
- SRM settings not retained for pk (SCSI controller) params
- SSH 2
- ssh 2.2.0
- ssh 2.3.0 and tru64
- SSH and libwrap.a
- ssh root login with no password
- SSH Secure Shell
- ssh vs. ssh2
- SSH2 - 4.0D
- ssh2 SLOW
- ssh2/tcp_wrappers on 4.0f
- SSL on Tru 64
- SSL on Tru64 4.0f
- Staircasing when printing to Xerox laser
- stale przypisanie ip-arp ponownie
- Standalone X.25
- Stange problem with my mail server
- Starting Mail!
- startup daemons(scripts)
- startup script
- Startup Scripts
- Static routes
- Static routes, not!
- std_kern.mod patch problem part 2...
- stdargs.h bug? V4.0F, PK#3
- Still having trouble compiling apache
- Storage solutions ...
- Storage system, SCSI, RAID
- Storage Works Array 200
- Storage Works Command Console not working with HSG80 ACS V8.5F
- Storageworks Command Console
- StorageWorks command console on HSG80 cluster
- Storageworks compatibility issue
- StorageWorks RAID warnings
- Storing config on disks in ESA100000
- strange behaviour of consvar
- strange CD-ROM error ...
- Strange Java problem
- strange ln behaviour
- Strange message
- strange output
- Strange results from a simple "rm" and 'cp" commands...
- Strange TCP/IP behaviour with additional network addresses
- Strange Tru64 Networking Issue
- Strangeness and the 4100
- strip (or is it stripe?) size for Raid 0+1
- Stripping out white space
- Stripping vmunix
- stty ? and man pages
- stty: tcgetattr: Not a typewriter
- stupid scripting question
- su
- su + C2?
- su command without password entry from non 'root' account
- su help
- su ing
- su problem with cron
- SU root on ?
- su under Tru64 UNIX version 5.1
- Su/Security problem
- Subject: joind not correctly responding ?
- subscribing to the list
- subscribtion
- subset version for 5.0A
- Sudo 1.6.3p5 and expect 5.32.1 on OSF1 V5.0 1094 alpha / OSF1 V4. 0 1229 alpha
- sudo and script
- sudo and UPM
- sudo program
- Suggestions for removing /etc/passwd entries
- SUIMMARY on Satan & COPS
- SUM CORRECTION file_map_allocation
- SUM file_map_allocation
- SUM2 (?) file_map_allocation
- SUM: Dump bailing out - too much data - what can I do?
- SUM: gimp, java, and jpeg libs
- SUM: Install of DE500-BA network card on Alpha 250 4/266 cont'd - how to rebuild kernel?
- sumamry: Info Tru64Unix 5.0.
- SUMARRY: Help with RAW Devices
- SUMARRY: Reserved swap space
- SUMARY of :Advfs, RAID & 2 servers
- SUMARY: /sbin/init.d script won't run at system startup, but will other times
- SUMARY: Adding a hot swap disk to 2100A
- SUMARY: ds20 not booting with svrsystem_mib errors
- SUMARY: FTPD daemon
- SUMARY: Help: Trouble booting
- SUMARY: Installation of gcc 2.95.2
- Sumary: N/w problem...
- Summany: Cam Errors
- SUMMAR: fh3tovp
- SUMMARY #2 - Long Usernames (> 8 chars) ?
- SUMMARY #2: Does / have to be root_domain
- SUMMARY 'advfs' via nfs ?
- SUMMARY ( LAST) : DLT TZ89 installation Problem.
- SUMMARY (2): Combining VRT19-HA and TGA 8-plane ?
- SUMMARY (2): patches (not) installed?
- Summary (2): Port in Use
- SUMMARY (ADDENDUM): adding a ufs disk with content to LSM
- Summary (appended): CDE workspaces
- SUMMARY (late) - dx* programs 3.2 -> Tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY (Partial) : Power outage corruption on an AdvFs raid set
- Summary (Partial) Terminal Servers
- SUMMARY (partial): Serial port speed on XP1000
- SUMMARY (Please help).
- Summary (so far, problem not solved yet): Staircasing when print ing to Xerox laser
- SUMMARY (sort of): /sbin/it security vulnerability
- SUMMARY (UPDATE): /var always set to group write on reboot
- SUMMARY + add-on: TLZ06 + TLZ07 compatible for 60m + 90m DAT ?
- SUMMARY - /var always set to group read on reboot (not!)
- Summary - Adding Hard drive to Raid 5
- SUMMARY - advfs daemon waht is it needed for
- SUMMARY - AdvFS I/O error......Tru64 - ver.4.0D PK3
- SUMMARY - Alpha OEM Resellers
- SUMMARY - Best way to upgrade hard drives
- Summary - CPU Speed
- SUMMARY - different printer trays
- SUMMARY - different printer trays (not solved, yet though)
- SUMMARY - emulex lp8000
- SUMMARY - Enhanced Security and Passwords
- SUMMARY - ES40 500Mhz recall?
- SUMMARY - Fiber Channel RAID adapters - Price/Availability
- SUMMARY - Is it possible to su to another user in middle of korne script?
- SUMMARY - Long Usernames (> 8 chars) ?
- SUMMARY - monitor utility for tu 5.0
- Summary - Network Cards, IP Addresses for several web sites?
- SUMMARY - passthrough drivers not loading
- Summary - problem getting thru in sqlplus when firing thru c
- SUMMARY - Restrict user login to specific hostname
- Summary - Retaining password fron Base to C2 Security
- Summary - Slow Connection
- SUMMARY - Solid State Disks, Larger swap area, Maximum memory per CPU
- SUMMARY - Tru64 UNIX V5.1 / Oracle 8.0.6 / SAP R/3 4.6D
- Summary 2 : CAM SCSI errors on Tru64
- SUMMARY 2 : Compaq 35/70 or Quantum DLT 7000 [or Digital TZ89]
- SUMMARY 2 : How omit O.S. from ftp initial message
- SUMMARY 2: "uerf/decevent-like" reporting utility for DS20
- SUMMARY 2: Main & Standby Servers Sharing Single IP Address
- SUMMARY 2: Use doconfig to upgrade network card on Alpha?
- SUMMARY 4.0f upgrade - java mystery
- Summary 415 V 3 Phase UK power connection on AS8400
- SUMMARY : /usr/bin/spell on 5.0a???
- SUMMARY : /var/adm/syslog.dated disapeard ??
- SUMMARY : 64 processes exceeded
- SUMMARY : ADDVOL problem !
- Summary : AS 8400 problem...
- SUMMARY : Ascend front end for Alphas
- SUMMARY : Boot failure
- SUMMARY : booting thing
- SUMMARY : bootpd missing after new install
- SUMMARY : btcreate and batch files
- SUMMARY : bug in fgets?
- SUMMARY : c2+attibutes modification ?
- SUMMARY : cannot run dxclock
- Summary : CD-Rom drive reg
- SUMMARY : CDE / NIS problem on v5.0a...
- SUMMARY : Changing telnet banner
- SUMMARY : Compaq 35/70 GB DLT tape + Tru64 5.0A = unable to writ e to device
- SUMMARY : configuring PCI graphics card
- Summary : Device names
- SUMMARY : DU4.0E install problem
- SUMMARY : dump -> restore question
- Summary : dxaccounts locked by another user.
- Summary : EISA configuration utility
- Summary : File system concept in Tru64...
- SUMMARY : GCC 2.95.2 on 5.0a - broken?
- SUMMARY : getting finger style information
- SUMMARY : How to change RAID controllers...
- SUMMARY : How to obtain boot informations
- summary : HSZ70 configuration !
- SUMMARY : I/O error on directories
- SUMMARY : Legato / Networker question...
- SUMMARY : for 4.0D?
- SUMMARY : login screen
- Summary : LSM mirrored boot disk problem
- SUMMARY : Mirror script
- SUMMARY : More : vdump problem
- SUMMARY : mounted file systems
- SUMMARY : msgs source/binary for Tru64...
- SUMMARY : Mtools - year 100 problem
- SUMMARY : Netscape --> Bookmaks problem
- SUMMARY : Netwerk interface card half, or full duplex
- SUMMARY : Networker / index problem...
- SUMMARY : New printer
- SUMMARY : Open GL Libraries for 5.0a??
- Summary : Oracle Parallel Server and Tru 64 V5.0A
- SUMMARY : Popper with enhanced shadow security / NIS
- Summary : primary defects ?
- SUMMARY : print quene
- SUMMARY : Problem with tlz9l/networker/5.0a...
- Summary : Q regarding Tru64 Raid Driver...
- SUMMARY : Replace NT with DU
- SUMMARY : Replacing original disk shelf in 2100?
- SUMMARY : restore problem
- SUMMARY : rexec tar-ball ?
- Summary : Secure terminal session
- SUMMARY : Serial port acces
- SUMMARY : Some problems with OPS
- SUMMARY : syslog.dated problem not solved
- SUMMARY : syslogd running on a daily basis
- SUMMARY : tcl/msql question
- SUMMARY : Tcp Wrappers and hostname/ip mismatch...
- SUMMARY : tcsh for Tru64 UNIX 5.0
- SUMMARY : Trace utilities...
- Summary : Trouble with Alpha Station 255/233
- SUMMARY : Unknown daemon
- Summary : Upgrade 4.0G to 5.0<X> really not possible ?
- SUMMARY : User Names > 8 chars. (again)
- Summary : V4.0F Installupdate
- SUMMARY : xfs died
- SUMMARY :"account mgr exiting by resource lost"
- SUMMARY ADDENDUM-True64 on 3305
- SUMMARY AlphaStation 255 boot problem, no SRM console
- Summary and Question: Tru64Unix and ADSM/TSM
- SUMMARY Auto-empty of CDE trash?
- SUMMARY Automating account addition.
- SUMMARY Automating account addition. II
- Summary Basics part1 DEGPA Performance issues
- SUMMARY but still weird: Unable to request >918MByte RAM
- SUMMARY cpu exception in binary errlog
- SUMMARY CPU exception/LX
- Summary DECserver 90L+ with 5.0A
- SUMMARY Discrepency in v5.1 Update Kit
- SUMMARY disk problem
- Summary Double word allignment on Alpha processors
- SUMMARY dquot table (fwd)
- Summary dxaccounts locked
- SUMMARY Dxmail missing from V4.0F distribution CD
- Summary EV67 processors in a AS840
- SUMMARY Failover fails????
- SUMMARY FTP Error Checking
- Summary Gigabit fibre networking for AS8400
- SUMMARY Hitachi disks & ASE 1.6
- SUMMARY How to install netpbm-1mar1994.p1 ?
- SUMMARY How to install V4.0F on a DS10?
- SUMMARY How to interrogate Alpha server firmware level?
- SUMMARY how to make copies of CDs ?
- SUMMARY How to read html files in dtmail?
- SUMMARY Hszterm for V5.0+
- SUMMARY II - Fiber Channel RAID adapters - Price/Availability
- Summary II: BA-350 and mylex raid controller (fwd)
- Summary Installing DEGPA-SA fibre network card in AS8400
- SUMMARY Is it possible to bind a inetd service to a particular IP address?
- SUMMARY kernel parameters
- SUMMARY KGPSA Controller installation creating havoc with /d
- SUMMARY Kill Script to remove lat terminals, and telnet sessions
- SUMMARY LSM question
- SUMMARY Mail problem after full installation of V4.0F
- Summary MPIBIN190 on Tru64 5.0A
- SUMMARY multiple cpu's on 2100
- SUMMARY new boot disk
- SUMMARY of sar quest
- SUMMARY on : using Tapes / disks on remote machines or vice ver
- SUMMARY on dia (followup to BA-350 and mylex raid controller)
- SUMMARY Part#2: Is there a way to monitor CPU temps. on a DEC 3000?
- SUMMARY Polish posts
- SUMMARY problems with cc on DUnix 5.0
- SUMMARY rdump question
- summary re OSIS/IASS
- SUMMARY Regarding TRUE64 DS3305 white box.
- Summary RIS and the performance.
- Summary round_robin_switch_rate what does it do?
- SUMMARY sar in 5.1
- Summary Slow FTP
- SUMMARY SMS and Paging solutions for Tru64
- SUMMARY snoop or equivalent command
- SUMMARY Suggestions for removing /etc/passwd entries
- SUMMARY system V Utilities
- SUMMARY Training Sites
- SUMMARY Tru64 5.0 on DEC 3000
- Summary Truss equivalent on Tru64
- SUMMARY turning console massages off
- SUMMARY TWO: fsck allocation error
- SUMMARY unsupported systems
- SUMMARY Use doconfig to upgrade network card on Alpha?
- SUMMARY Veritas NetBackup vs. Legato Networker
- Summary VT510 and LA30N companion printer
- SUMMARY Weird NFS behaviour...
- SUMMARY What does "warning: Symbol table header magic is 0x0" mean?
- SUMMARY(2): Help Quick, moved shlib shlib.old
- SUMMARY(2): How to log querries against SNMPd ?
- SUMMARY(2): maximum PID value in TU5.0A
- SUMMARY(3): maximum PID value in TU5.0A
- SUMMARY(Add'l info): How to verify NIC speed after change
- SUMMARY(late): DE500-BA not recognized by AS/200 conlsole
- SUMMARY(no): vnode table is full message in kern.log
- SUMMARY(partial): V4 cluster crash when idle node rebooted.
- SUMMARY+new probl. telnetd: All network ports in use
- SUMMARY+UPDATE : DLT TZ89 installation Problem.
- SUMMARY+UPDATE+NEW QUESTION: Perl 5 setld kit?? Where?
- SUMMARY+UPDATE: V4.0F kernel/paging problems?
- Summary- Backward compatibility problem
- Summary- Compiling C-code
- SUMMARY- emacs got biffed
- SUMMARY- gnutar
- SUMMARY- mkpasswd -HELP
- SUMMARY- post patch question
- SUMMARY- telnet with socks
- SUMMARY- telnet with socks (2)
- SUMMARY-2: system error while backing up with networker
- SUMMARY-isp switchover problems
- SUMMARY-probs configing sendmail
- SUMMARY-update: Cron scheduling
- Summary. lpd timeout then printjob restarted
- Summary... and more questions.: (Was: yppasswd, root and the old password...)
- SUMMARY2 - Restrict user login to specific hostname
- SUMMARY2: compiling ssh-2.1.0.pl2
- SUMMARY2: Does too much memory harm?
- SUMMARY2: Linux --> Tru64 on AlphaPC 164SX
- Summary2: Login to Windows NT domain from TRU64 4.0F
- SUMMARY2: Printing to serial printer via printse rver doing the staircase
- SUMMARY2: Q: what to do with "log half full" panic
- SUMMARY2: single-user mode -> no home directory
- SUMMARY2: Some problem around my own Xmodmap table
- SUMMARY2: tcpwrappers allowing access
- SUMMARY2:SBB Shelf configuration
- SUMMARY: "Can't Login to CDE"
- SUMMARY: "Swap space below 10 percent free"
- SUMMARY: "Touch time"
- SUMMARY: "uerf/decevent-like" reporting utility for DS20
- SUMMARY: 'df -g' for GB--could this be possible?--alternatives
- SUMMARY: 'no namelist' when running netstat
- SUMMARY: 'su' corrupting environ vars ?
- SUMMARY: (2) reboot on telnet request
- SUMMARY: (INCONCLUSIVE) Linking problems on T64 UNIX 4.0F
- SUMMARY: (PARTIAL) dd close error
- SUMMARY: (send)mail with attachments
- SUMMARY: .forward not .forwarding
- SUMMARY: .profile
- SUMMARY: .Xdefaults for CDE
- SUMMARY: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map
- Summary: /var/preserve
- SUMMARY: 1000baseT for Alphas
- SUMMARY: 18,2GB disks on KZPAC (RA230/Plus)
- SUMMARY: 19.1 Gb Hard disk on Alpha 2100A
- SUMMARY: 2 different machines on 2 SCSI bus (long)
- SUMMARY: 20480 characters
- Summary: 21" monitors
- SUMMARY: 36.4 GB SBB drives in a RA3000 RAID Config ?
- SUMMARY: 3com nic in a Alpha 255?
- SUMMARY: 4.0 -vs.- 5.0 TRUCluster licenses
- SUMMARY: 4.0f su curiosity
- SUMMARY: 4.0F TCR 1.6 'SCSI Pings'
- SUMMARY: 4.0F vdump quota.user Hung archive
- SUMMARY: 4.0G release date?
- SUMMARY: 40g upgrade
- SUMMARY: 5.0 and fibrechannel
- SUMMARY: 5.0a patches
- SUMMARY: 5.1 & HP4050
- SUMMARY: 8-character userid limit?
- SUMMARY: 90%system usage
- SUMMARY: <<< 550 Your System is being used as a SPAM relay
- SUMMARY: ?Bug in mv in TU50
- SUMMARY: [kernel idle] taking up %CPU]
- SUMMARY: [KZPAC-CA: max capacity]
- SUMMARY: a possibly even stupider scripting question
- SUMMARY: A problem with full installation using RIS
- SUMMARY: A program that crashes Tru64 v5.0
- SUMMARY: A question!
- SUMMARY: Access to Microsoft Access from Tru64 UNIX.
- SUMMARY: Accessing DLT7000 _at_ non-default density
- SUMMARY: Account Migration
- Summary: Accounts disabled I can't get in
- SUMMARY: Accounts problem
- SUMMARY: ace fifo and interrupt trouble with serial dev
- SUMMARY: ace_regbase
- SUMMARY: ace_regbase (second pass)
- SUMMARY: ACL backup issues
- SUMMARY: acroread 4.0 error message
- SUMMARY: Add locale setting
- SUMMARY: Adding a 18.2 GB drive to an AlphaSever 2000
- SUMMARY: Adding a 2nd NIC to 2100 (3.2c) How do I know which Slot ?
- SUMMARY: Adding disk to DS10
- SUMMARY: Adding new SCSI Drive
- SUMMARY: Adding to swap by using a swapfile
- SUMMARY: Adding TTYs on 4.0f
- SUMMARY: Adding volumes to file domain
- SUMMARY: Addition of a single expansion cabinet to an ESA10000
- SUMMARY: adduser and group file
- SUMMARY: ADIC VLS DLT 400 Tape Media Changer not visible on Tru64 5.0A
- SUMMARY: Adobe Acrobat Reader is very slow...
- SUMMARY: AdvFS directIO
- Summary: ADVFS error
- SUMMARY: ADVFS problem
- SUMMARY: Advfs problems
- SUMMARY: AdvFS v4.0 BMT chains
- SUMMARY: Advfs-Utilities license needed?
- SUMMARY: AdvFS: "set free space alert" via command line?
- SUMMARY: ADVS Error: bs_osf_complete
- SUMMARY: allowing non-root user to run savegrp in 5.5.1
- SUMMARY: allowing only ftp access
- SUMMARY: allowing users to mount different CDROM volumes
- Summary: Allowning non-privledged users to mount CDROM
- SUMMARY: Alpha 4100 Registers
- SUMMARY: Alpha 8400 4.0d->4.0f upgrade: overflowed third level page table
- SUMMARY: Alpha DS10L console over serial port not working....
- SUMMARY: alpha newbie help?
- SUMMARY: alpha newbie help? -Reply -Forwarded
- SUMMARY: Alpha power down
- SUMMARY: Alphaserver 1000 4/200 and CDE
- SUMMARY: Alphaserver 2100 & DS-RZ1DF-VW
- SUMMARY: AlphaServer DS20 Processor Upgrade Problem
- SUMMARY: Alphastation 500 5/266 CPU exceptions.
- SUMMARY: AlphaStation 500au boot problem
- SUMMARY: alternate Compaq/DEC patch ftp locations
- SUMMARY: Alternative method of install?
- SUMMARY: Alternative way to mount advfs file system
- SUMMARY: Always the same message in the Root-Mailbox
- SUMMARY: Analyzing hw error on 21164LX
- SUMMARY: Another routing question
- SUMMARY: Any CAM SCSI error wizard ?
- SUMMARY: Anyone done an RA3000 Second Controller Option Upgrade ?
- SUMMARY: anyone have 4.0F patch set #1
- SUMMARY: Apache 1.3.12 & Tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY: Apache and KeepAlive
- SUMMARY: Apache doesn't like PHP WITH MYSQL?
- SUMMARY: Apache,Apache-JServ Build
- SUMMARY: Apache-SSL Weirdness on Tru64 5.0a
- Summary: appending a FF without getting the trailing /n?
- SUMMARY: architecture of Compaq's machines
- SUMMARY: ARG_MAX parameter
- Summary: arp proxying on TU64 V5.0A
- SUMMARY: AS500/500 crashes with DU4.0D + PK5
- SUMMARY: AS8200 -> GS60 upgrade: Which comes first, the OS or th e Hardware?
- SUMMARY: ASE 1.5, SCSI length and Network devices
- SUMMARY: ASE error messages.
- Summary: ASE with Raid 5 Configuration
- SUMMARY: assemgr loooong delay after crashed node is restarted.
- SUMMARY: at and leap year
- Summary: at command under Unix 3.2g wrong!
- SUMMARY: Attempting to use tip for noninteractive purpose
- SUMMARY: Audio on AS200
- SUMMARY: auto refresh on samba shares
- SUMMARY: autonice in Tru64 V4.0E
- Summary: BA-350 and mylex raid controller
- SUMMARY: BA356 Question
- Summary: background job logs off when process logs off?
- SUMMARY: background processes are suspended
- SUMMARY: Backup software for Tru64 v5.1cluster
- summary: Backup solutions for remote system drives
- SUMMARY: backup/restore/disaster recovery for Tru64 ...
- SUMMARY: bad namelist
- SUMMARY: Banners
- SUMMARY: basic ld linker question
- Summary: BASIC question about telnet
- SUMMARY: basic system checking
- SUMMARY: basic system checking (UPDATE)
- SUMMARY: BIG /var/dt/Xerrors
- SUMMARY: BIND crash and cannot resart due blocking (fwd)
- SUMMARY: Binding a process to a single processor
- SUMMARY: block large email to an alias?
- SUMMARY: Blocked Ports
- SUMMARY: Boot and run without a local disk?
- SUMMARY: Boot disk magic
- SUMMARY: Boot Disk/LSM problem
- SUMMARY: Boot problem
- Summary: Boot problem after kernel rebuild
- SUMMARY: Bootable tape fails to boot
- SUMMARY: Booting a DS20 from an HSG80 SAN
- SUMMARY: booting OS CDs (4.0e & 4.0f) on an ES40
- Summary: break RAID5 into JBODs
- SUMMARY: Breaking up a cluster
- SUMMARY: breathing life into an old system
- SUMMARY: btcreate / btextract hangs when booting from tape
- Summary: Bug in TCP stack on Tru64 5.0???
- SUMMARY: Bug in v5.0 installupdate command
- Summary: Buggy SWCC download page
- SUMMARY: BugTraq exploit to use crontab to read any file on 4.0D
- SUMMARY: Building bind-8.2.2-PL5
- SUMMARY: Building CVS on Tru64
- Summary: Building GNU C on Tru64 5.0
- Summary: Building GNU C on Tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY: C++ test coverage/memory leak tools for Tru64?
- SUMMARY: C2 and forgotten passwd
- SUMMARY: C2 command-line user rename
- SUMMARY: C2 Password Length Problem
- Summary: C2 question
- SUMMARY: C2 to BASE security conversion
- SUMMARY: C2 woes
- Summary: C2: Unlocking locked accounts after a while
- SUMMARY: Calculating partition sizes
- SUMMARY: Calender server on Tru64 ..?
- Summary: CAM SCSI error event on Tru64
- SUMMARY: Can 4.0f use 5.0 file domains? NO!
- SUMMARY: Can I break a mirror without getting cut?
- SUMMARY: Can I delete the files in /proc
- SUMMARY: can i disallow telnets per user?
- SUMMARY: Can not build 54GB stripe set successfully
- SUMMARY: Can TZ88 be used for direct pc backups
- SUMMARY: Can you Load Balance 2 EMC SCSI Connections
- SUMMARY: can't boot DEC 3000/500 from 4.0F CD
- SUMMARY: Can't change password
- SUMMARY: can't do minimal debugging without -g
- SUMMARY: Can't telnet to server as root
- SUMMARY: Can't update alphaserver 400 to v5.7 firmware
- SUMMARY: can't use tcp/ip connect with SWCC 2.1
- SUMMARY: Cannot boot from spare system disk
- SUMMARY: cannot install DASM/Tivoli-Client on Tru64 5.0A
- SUMMARY: Cannot login into 4100
- SUMMARY: cannot login to cluster member
- SUMMARY: captive account - Is it possible in UNIX and how?
- summary: cc compiler error
- SUMMARY: CDE "Style Manager" Colors
- Summary: CDE workspaces
- SUMMARY: cdfs error
- SUMMARY: CDR8424S & cdrecord
- SUMMARY: change timezone
- SUMMARY: Change Video
- SUMMARY: changing boot device remotely
- SUMMARY: Changing console without reboot
- SUMMARY: changing from a text to graphic console
- SUMMARY: changing network card
- Summary: Changing number of log directories
- SUMMARY: Changing parameters on an HSZ80 controller
- SUMMARY: Changing POP password
- Summary: Changing the host name
- SUMMARY: Checkpointing
- SUMMARY: CIPCA driver not started
- Summary: Clarification: looking for a reverse telnet utility for 3.2c
- SUMMARY: cleaning up /etc/group file
- SUMMARY: cloning complete server / DU 4.0d
- Summary: cloning systems via ris
- SUMMARY: cluster and problems with xhost +
- SUMMARY: Cluster faq
- SUMMARY: Cluster network problems!!
- SUMMARY: Cluster NIS problem
- SUMMARY: Cluster service won't relocate automatically
- SUMMARY: Cluster Upgrade from1.5 to 5.0A
- SUMMARY: Cluster will NOT failover manually
- SUMMARY: Collect on Clusters
- Summary: Color cells
- SUMMARY: COM1/modem port on ES40
- SUMMARY: Combining VRT19-HA and TGA 8-plane ?
- SUMMARY: Command line re-enabling of disabled user accounts under Tru64 V5.1
- SUMMARY: Compaq 35/70 or Quantum DLT 7000 [or Digital TZ89]
- SUMMARY: Compaq Alpha/Intel Clustering?
- SUMMARY: Compaq Analyze: Is this thing a joke???
- SUMMARY: Compaq DLT8000 on V4.0G? ... & V4.0D & Quantum brand
- SUMMARY: Compiling error
- SUMMARY: compiling gcc-2.95.2 on Tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY: Compiling gcc-2.95.2 on Tru64 5.1
- SUMMARY: compiling MyODBC-2.50.28 with gcc on 5.0
- SUMMARY: compiling mysql on 4.0f
- SUMMARY: compiling MySQL with gcc on Tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY: Compiling Python 1.5.2 on Tru64 5.0
- Summary: compiling sendmail.8.9.1
- SUMMARY: compiling ssh-2.1.0.pl2
- SUMMARY: Conditional Routing(or firewall)
- SUMMARY: Conferences on DU/Tru64
- SUMMARY: configuration for number of sockets
- SUMMARY: Configuring Inetd to Listen on Selected Interfaces?
- Summary: Configuring maNetwork Interface
- SUMMARY: Configuring sendmail to support German special vowels
- Summary: Confused about paging/swapping
- SUMMARY: Considering 4.0G on Alpha 4100
- SUMMARY: Considering 4.0G on Alpha 4100 - Revision
- SUMMARY: Console command for full duplex?
- SUMMARY: Console locking up.
- SUMMARY: console password
- SUMMARY: Console variable for init when "boot" is typed
- SUMMARY: Console variables resetting
- SUMMARY: convauth errors on T64 v5.0
- SUMMARY: converting 8char msdos names back to long file names
- SUMMARY: Converting UFS file system to ADVfs
- SUMMARY: Copying vdump tapes
- SUMMARY: Corrupted auth.db in 4.0E--edauth no longer works]
- SUMMARY: Corrupted Oracle Data Files [Mystery] 4.0f
- SUMMARY: cpio - TZ88 vs TZ89
- SUMMARY: cpp behaviour using "-M" switch
- SUMMARY: CPU error - #2
- SUMMARY: cpu EV revision?
- Summary: CPU upgrade problem
- SUMMARY: Crash on demand
- SUMMARY: Crash/It is happening again
- SUMMARY: Crash: Free Vnode Isn't
- Summary: Create Advfs domain
- SUMMARY: create old "legacy" device on new T64 v5.0 system
- SUMMARY: create setld-package
- SUMMARY: Creating image of 4.0f/5.0
- SUMMARY: Cron and multiple cron
- SUMMARY: cron daemon
- SUMMARY: Cron Log
- Summary: cron on ase cluster with oracle
- SUMMARY: Cron scheduling
- SUMMARY: Cron's email responses?
- SUMMARY: Crontab not send mail...
- SUMMARY: cxx 6.2 on v4.0f - missing symbol
- SUMMARY: cxx and DXML in v5.0a
- Summary: daemon.log errors
- SUMMARY: Date for Patch Set 3 for 4.0F???
- SUMMARY: Date manipulation
- SUMMARY: Daylight savings ending in Aust. on 4.0F
- SUMMARY: DBD-Oracle module for Perl underTru64 Unix
- Summary: dbx
- SUMMARY: ddr.dbase entry for Symmetrix
- SUMMARY: DDS3 on 1000A woes
- Summary: DE500 problems
- Summary: de600-aa NIC into an alphastation 500/333
- SUMMARY: DEC C compiler warning for a #define
- SUMMARY: DecEvent & DS10/20
- SUMMARY: DECEvent License
- SUMMARY: Decserver 90m system file
- SUMMARY: Default Gateway-problem
- SUMMARY: Default permissions on directory and files
- SUMMARY: Default routes on 4.0F
- Summary: DEGPA, ES40 and T64 V4.0F
- SUMMARY: DEGPA-SA giga ethernet woes
- summary: delete Line Feeder using vi editor?
- SUMMARY: Deleting patches with dupatch: A nightmare ......
- Summary: Demo Licence for Compaq C++
- SUMMARY: Desktop publishing for Tru64
- SUMMARY: Desktops in CD login manager
- SUMMARY: Desup dates for tru64 4.x?
- SUMMARY: determining number of open files: howto?
- SUMMARY: Developers Toolkit [where|what]
- SUMMARY: Device Specifications for NSR 5.5.2 on TRU64 V5.0A
- SUMMARY: dhcpd not starting during boot
- SUMMARY: Did Altavista Firewall become Raptor?
- SUMMARY: Difference between auto-negotiate and FastFD
- SUMMARY: Digiboard Acceleport Xem Drivers for 5.X?
- SUMMARY: Digital "patches" mailing list dead?
- SUMMARY: Digital server 53xx suitable for Tru64 Unix?
- SUMMARY: dir '/.local..' under TruCluster V5.0 (fwd)
- SUMMARY: disabling kernel USB
- SUMMARY: Disabling unused tcp ports (tru64 v4.0F)
- SUMMARY: disaster recovery question
- SUMMARY: disk failure - which procedure to replace?
- Summary: Disk services that fail-over with TruCluster??
- SUMMARY: disk size
- SUMMARY: disklabel
- Summary: disklabel problem
- SUMMARY: diskless 4.0e ?
- SUMMARY: Diskless Client
- SUMMARY: disktab doesn't list 9.1Gb drive
- SUMMARY: displaying last
- SUMMARY: DLT changers
- SUMMARY: DNS problem
- SUMMARY: do i need more memory
- SUMMARY: doconfig fails with PK4
- Summary: Does "DEC2100_A500" mean EV4 or EV5?
- SUMMARY: Does / have to be root_domain
- SUMMARY: Does too much memory harm?
- Summary: doing without network
- SUMMARY: Dos2unix
- SUMMARY: DS10 with Digital Unix 4.0D
- SUMMARY: DS20 (Tru64 V5.0a) and KZPBA-CB
- SUMMARY: Ds20 No graphics
- SUMMARY: DS20[E] onboard Adaptec SCSI support on Tru64 UNIX?
- Summary: DS20E & Cheetha ST173404 as internal drives?
- Summary: DS20e Rackmount Vs. Pedestal
- SUMMARY: DT messaging system could not be started
- SUMMARY: DTK C compiler (V6.3-126) with -E switch produces incorrect output
- Summary: DU 3.2 -> True64 Unix upgrade
- SUMMARY: DU-4.0G, AdvFS domain out of mcells. Suggestions?
- SUMMARY: DU4.0F Pk4, DE600 and Netrain.
- SUMMARY: Dual IP-adresses on a NFS share in a cluster service?
- Summary: dual redundant hsz question
- SUMMARY: DUMP command
- summary: dump failing at 97% of /usr
- SUMMARY: dump question...
- SUMMARY: dupatch crash
- Summary: Duplicate device id on 5.0A
- SUMMARY: duplicate root account
- Summary: dxaccounts - adding users
- SUMMARY: dxaccounts problem
- SUMMARY: dxaccounts reports locked password files. IT IS NOT THE ".AM_is_running" PROBLEM. (fwd)
- summary: dxkerneltuner/sysconfig equivalent in solaris
- SUMMARY: easy 4.0d to 4.0g?
- SUMMARY: ECU disk/ace_regbase(was a summary)
- SUMMARY: Editing /etc/auth/system/default
- SUMMARY: ee Network adaptor
- SUMMARY: elfread command does not work
- Summary: Eliminating Trailing \n in a text file..
- SUMMARY: Elm 2.5.2 segvi under Digital UNIX 4.0D pk#3
- SUMMARY: Elsa Gloria Synergy graphics card
- Summary: Emacs 20.5.2 making W3 under DU4.0E
- Summary: Emacs erases my other mail inboxes
- Summary: Email - Local Configuration error
- SUMMARY: email aliases
- Summary: EMC Symmetrix on TruCluster V5.1
- SUMMARY: Enabling 32-bit UID's
- SUMMARY: Enhanced security... or not?
- SUMMARY: Entries in /etc/routes for TruCluster members
- SUMMARY: entry of 'swap device failed' in messages file
- SUMMARY: Equal swap of spare disk?
- Summary: equivalent file to solaris's sd.conf
- SUMMARY: Equivalent of Newsyslog/logrotate
- SUMMARY: Error event: CPU exception
- SUMMARY: Error messages in /var/adm/messages
- SUMMARY: Errors on a tape drive
- SUMMARY: ES40 and networking
- SUMMARY: ES40 does not boot!
- SUMMARY: ES40/4.0F/TCR1.6 SCSI Errors
- SUMMARY: ES40s and KVMs
- Summary: ESA10000 swap
- Summary: etherman/ethereal/tcpdump
- SUMMARY: Ethernet address checksum error
- Summary: Ethernet Capture Effect
- Summary: Ethernet Card Link Light Disappears During Boot
- SUMMARY: Ethernet chip in XP1000
- SUMMARY: Exabyte 8200 -> AS1000 Question
- SUMMARY: Exabyte mamooth-2 tape drive supported on Tru64 5.0?
- SUMMARY: Excessive CPU consumption by /sbin/update on a GS60E
- Summary: Export backup and copy of files on Nfs filesystem
- SUMMARY: external disk for Alphaserver?
- SUMMARY: External RAID on 5.1
- SUMMARY: f90 compiler error
- Summary: FC-AL and Trucluster V5
- SUMMARY: fcntl problem; DU 4.0F
- Summary: fiber channel
- SUMMARY: Fibre Channel in an AlphaStation 500
- SUMMARY: Fibre on TruCluster 1.6
- SUMMARY: file system full errors
- SUMMARY: File transfer problem
- SUMMARY: file-on-file mount ??
- SUMMARY: files too big for TAR
- SUMMARY: find confusion?
- SUMMARY: Finding files that are older than a number of hours rath er than a number of days
- Summary: Finding Sizes of Files
- SUMMARY: Firmaware for 5.1 on a 20E
- SUMMARY: firmware 5.8 on ES40 ==> motherboard damage
- SUMMARY: Firmware Revs. vs. OS ver
- SUMMARY: firmware update fail
- Summary: Firmware upgrade (to 5.7) using floppies from SRM
- SUMMARY: Firmware upgrade TL822/TZ88
- SUMMARY: firmware upgrade V3.2 (DEC 3000/600)
- SUMMARY: Firmware wont load correctly
- SUMMARY: forcing "normal passwords"
- SUMMARY: Forcing regular password changes
- Summary: Fortran style printing
- SUMMARY: found in kern.log (Tru64 5.0A)
- SUMMARY: fsck allocation error
- SUMMARY: ftp problem on v4.0f
- SUMMARY: ftp script-wildcards
- SUMMARY: Fwd: Using a rewriteable CDROM drive on TRU64 UNIX
- SUMMARY: Garbage File Names in /
- SUMMARY: gcc 2.95.2: libgcc.a: __throw multiply defined
- SUMMARY: GCC Compilation Failure - CPU Exception
- SUMMARY: gcc running across various alpha chip sets
- SUMMARY: gcc-2.95.2 woes
- SUMMARY: gdb: incomplete backtrace, strange step(?) in C++ (egcs 1.1.2)
- SUMMARY: general sysconfig questions
- SUMMARY: Get memory boards information
- SUMMARY: Getting a disk to "fail-back" on a HSZ50 raid mirror.
- SUMMARY: getting DE500 ethernet card to run at 100 Mbits
- SUMMARY: getting info after a crash
- SUMMARY: Giving away compiled software
- SUMMARY: Good way to compare file time between hosts ?
- SUMMARY: graphics terminal emulator
- SUMMARY: grep a file system
- SUMMARY: grep for "this" or "that"
- SUMMARY: group id's above 32767
- SUMMARY: GS160/GS320
- SUMMARY: gs60e/esa12000(hsg80) newbie question
- SUMMARY: GUI Tool to display system stats?
- SUMMARY: gzip file size
- SUMMARY: gzip file size (reprise)
- SUMMARY: Hacked
- SUMMARY: Halt Code on Alphastation 255/233
- SUMMARY: Hard drive recommendation for DS20
- SUMMARY: head vs more
- Summary: Help
- SUMMARY: Help AS8200
- SUMMARY: Help Controler crash?
- SUMMARY: Help DS20 Tru64 v4.0E not booting
- SUMMARY: Help with launching oracle 8i installer...
- SUMMARY: here document temporary files
- SUMMARY: Here's a dodgy one!!
- SUMMARY: High system load - can't find anything running
- SUMMARY: hostname woes
- SUMMARY: How about moving /tmp in a cluster env and make one sha red /tmp
- SUMMARY: How can I add "new lines" in a large file ?
- SUMMARY: How can I know the actual net card mode
- Summary: How Can I know the IP address of the processes
- SUMMARY: How can I view all previously installed PK's?
- Summary: How can user change login shell in NIS
- SUMMARY: How can you connect a process to a port.
- SUMMARY: How do I configure in my DE-500-BA Ethernet Card?
- SUMMARY: How do I determine rzXX device name for a new disk
- SUMMARY: How do I get the SIPs for KZPBA-CB cards?
- Summary: How do you replace a boot drive?
- summary: How do you replace a drive that contains /tmp?
- SUMMARY: how many threads is a particular user using?
- SUMMARY: How omit O.S. from ftp initial message
- SUMMARY: How to add more swap space?
- SUMMARY: How to assign ATM card's function to ethernet card
- SUMMARY: How to avoid OUTLOOK thinking your email is junk and/or Adult email
- SUMMARY: How to Boot a Dec3000 running Open VMS with the disk full
- Summary: How to calculate the size of a tar archive on tape
- SUMMARY: How to change CDE login
- SUMMARY: How to change Keyboard for PC clients running Exceed?
- SUMMARY: How to copy the security database from 4.0x to 5.0?
- SUMMARY: How to create 'NoShell users' under C2 ?
- Summary: How to default to Xterm session
- SUMMARY: how to deny smtp relaying with sendmail V5.6 ?
- SUMMARY: how to detect voltage on a pin of the serial interface?
- SUMMARY: How to determine DIMM configuration on ES40
- SUMMARY: How to disable in-memory caching
- SUMMARY: How to exclude Files from Backup
- SUMMARY: How to force users change their passwords?
- SUMMARY: How to get checksum information
- SUMMARY: How to get from 433a to 433au again
- SUMMARY: how to get on list
- SUMMARY: How to get system prompt (>>>) upon power up ?
- SUMMARY: how to go from 4.0G to 5.0A
- SUMMARY: How to identify DE500 version of tu0 cards.
- Summary: How to install the GNU C-compiler (gcc) on an Alpha Serv er ?
- SUMMARY: How to log querries against SNMPd ?
- SUMMARY: How to make a bootable disk
- SUMMARY: How to mount hard drives?
- SUMMARY: How to obtain temparature readings
- SUMMARY: How to remove file "-D"
- SUMMARY: How to remove ILOVEYOU worm from mbox format files?
- SUMMARY: how to remove the last volume in a domain ?
- SUMMARY: How to rename diskgroup name?
- SUMMARY: How to run a full X section remotely?
- Summary: How to see when a user logged in
- SUMMARY: How to set E-mail for digital Unix?
- SUMMARY: How to set IP address on a DEC Laser 3500 Printer ?
- SUMMARY: How to setup a LAT printer in a printcap file.
- SUMMARY: How to setup Insight manager "Account Manager"?
- Summary: How to setup Raid 0+1?
- SUMMARY: How to setup web server for Digital Unix 4.0E?
- SUMMARY: How to slow down ftp process
- SUMMARY: how to tell what is using a mounted fs
- SUMMARY: how to tell what it loaded into shared memory
- SUMMARY: How to undo encapsulation
- SUMMARY: How to unlock the ASE
- Summary: How to upgrade the cluster to gigabit ethernet?
- SUMMARY: How to use vdump/vrestore remotely
- SUMMARY: How to verify NIC speed after change
- Summary: HP Laserjet 4500 Printcap file
- SUMMARY: HP network print filter, DU 4.0
- SUMMARY: hsg80 raid10 oddness
- Summary: Hsz config
- SUMMARY: hsz writeback cache
- SUMMARY: HSZ50 - Replacing ECBs using the on-line method
- SUMMARY: HSZ50 question
- SUMMARY: HSZ70 - read ahead cashe
- SUMMARY: HSZ70 and 36Gb disk drives
- SUMMARY: HSZ70 HSOF 7.7 updated doc for chunk size--apply to HSZ50 also?
- SUMMARY: HSZ80/SWCC Agent configuration
- SUMMARY: hushlogins
- SUMMARY: hwmgr
- SUMMARY: hwmgr dsfmgr question
- SUMMARY: hwmgr, raid, tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY: I have problem to change password
- SUMMARY: ID mismatch
- Summary: IDE Zip use with 5.0
- SUMMARY: IDE/SCSI RAID on Tru64 anyone?
- SUMMARY: Identifying external harddrive device.
- SUMMARY: ifconfig question
- SUMMARY: imap -dparanoid wrappers disallowing access
- SUMMARY: IMAP on Tru64
- SUMMARY: implement ftpd -l
- SUMMARY: Implications of too-small swap
- SUMMARY: Incorrect disk space reporting
- SUMMARY: Increasing LSM and ADVFS
- SUMMARY: increasing max-proc-per-user at runtime
- SUMMARY: Increasing size of LSM volume.
- SUMMARY: Increasing the root partition
- SUMMARY: Increasing the size of the SGA
- SUMMARY: Infinite Inode Loop
- SUMMARY: Infoserver client software on Tru64 Unix V5.0
- SUMMARY: initial file ownership
- SUMMARY: inittab
- Summary: Insight Manager Agent for Tru 64 V4.0d
- SUMMARY: Install 2nd DE500 card in AS2100
- SUMMARY: Install 4.0F or 5.0?
- SUMMARY: install DUV4.D in text mode ?
- SUMMARY: Installation Cloning - RIS: "vfs_mountroot: cannot mount root"
- SUMMARY: Installation identical Tru64 systems ...
- SUMMARY: Installing 5.1 on a Third Party Alpha
- SUMMARY: Installing Oracle in a TruCluster environment
- SUMMARY: installupdate & kernel options.
- Summary: installupdate V4.0D->v4.0f upgrade - system currently do wn
- Summary: Intergraph graphs cards - need help on 500a systems
- SUMMARY: Intraserver SCSI adapter
- SUMMARY: Intrusive randd in 4.0F
- Summary: invalid memory write access from kernel mode
- SUMMARY: IO problem with a cloned disk
- SUMMARY: iostat does not display all disks
- SUMMARY: Is 5.0A out yet?
- SUMMARY: Is it possible to reattach to an application running in the background?
- Summary: Is there a way to monitor CPU temps. on a DEC 3000?
- Summary: Is this a sendmail problem? or DU?
- Summary: ISDN on DPW 500au
- SUMMARY: Java2 and Tru64 V5.0a
- SUMMARY: JDK 1.2.2-3: Can't connect to X11 window server
- SUMMARY: Jumping ECO Kits
- SUMMARY: Kerberos 5 and Tu5.0
- SUMMARY: kernel memory fault / panic stuck syncing disks
- SUMMARY: Keyboard problems using a console switch AXP/PC (fwd)
- SUMMARY: kn600_softerr_intr
- SUMMARY: ksh date formats
- SUMMARY: ksh(?)/cron error opening here document on /tmp
- SUMMARY: KVM switches that support Alphas/Tru64
- SUMMARY: KZPCA raid size limit and off-line configuration
- SUMMARY: KZPSC and Tru64 5.0?
- summary: Large files after reading a Tape !!!!!
- SUMMARY: Large Jobs not releasing RAM
- SUMMARY: last command
- SUMMARY: last log corrupted
- SUMMARY: Lastcomm command
- SUMMARY: Lazy swap
- SUMMARY: legato and tz89 (again)
- SUMMARY: Legato Networker ClientPak for Unix Enabler
- Summary: Legato Networker jb_config and Tru64 v5.0A
- SUMMARY: Legato nsrmmd processes
- SUMMARY: Libcurses question
- SUMMARY: Limiting a users CPU usage
- SUMMARY: Linking problems on T64 UNIX 4.0F
- SUMMARY: Linux --> Tru64 on AlphaPC 164SX
- SUMMARY: Listing locked accounts at the command line??
- SUMMARY: Listing shared libraries...
- SUMMARY: lmf licensing problem?
- SUMMARY: Load Balancing across Ethernet ports
- SUMMARY: Loadbalancing, High Availability.
- SUMMARY: Localization: Characterset
- SUMMARY: location of archives
- SUMMARY: location of CMOS battery on AlphaStation 500
- SUMMARY: Locked Accounts
- SUMMARY: Locking up on CDE login
- SUMMARY: Login difficulties
- SUMMARY: Login problem: server not available or timed out
- Summary: Login to Windows NT domain from TRU64 4.0F
- Summary: Looking for a command
- Summary: Looking for Fluent Program benchmrk result on Alpha
- SUMMARY: Looking for Linux mailing list
- Summary: Loopback mounting (again)
- summary: Lost Console
- SUMMARY: lpc command on Digital Unix 4.0D
- SUMMARY: LPC status message "Waiting for xxxx to come up"
- SUMMARY: lpd debug messages
- Summary: lpr and Paper Tray Selection?
- SUMMARY: lpr segfault tru64 5.1
- SUMMARY: LPRng problems getting it to work
- SUMMARY: LSM - running volrootmir command
- SUMMARY: lsm mirror creation times
- SUMMARY: LSM setup: Internal volume daemon error
- Summary: LSM volume rename with ADVFS fileset inside
- SUMMARY: LVM question
- SUMMARY: MAC CRC errors on FDDI card
- SUMMARY: Mach 64 Video Card on AS200/166 (again)
- Summary: Mail Problem
- SUMMARY: Main and Standby AlphaServers Sharing Single IP Address
- SUMMARY: make a process non swapable
- SUMMARY: Makemap crashes on Tru64 UNIX 4.0F
- SUMMARY: makemap for hash database type
- SUMMARY: Making 4.0f see a quad card...
- SUMMARY: Making the Delete key work from command line
- Summary: Malloc Problems stopping expire
- SUMMARY: Managing Remote StorageWorks Installation
- Summary: manipulation of time values in shell script
- summary: manual of PERL
- SUMMARY: Many troubles when upgrading from 4.0d to 4.0g
- Summary: max disk storage for gs140
- SUMMARY: maximum PID value in TU5.0A
- SUMMARY: Media changers under TruCluster5.0A
- Summary: Memory error
- SUMMARY: Memory Management
- summary: memory problem - production machine down
- SUMMARY: Memory resident objects
- Summary: memory upgrade
- SUMMARY: mfs and pipes
- SUMMARY: mh - "domain name required"
- SUMMARY: mh mail conversion pine/imap
- Summary: Migrate to EMC disks in TruCluster 1.6
- Summary: Migration Tools for VMS - UNIX
- Summary: Mirroring an ADVFS Volume with LSM
- SUMMARY: modifying the root device's disklabel
- SUMMARY: monitor and FC
- SUMMARY: Monitor Program for V5.0A (fwd)
- SUMMARY: Monitor trouble on AlphaStation 200
- Summary: monitoring a HSZ70
- SUMMARY: Monitoring System, Memory, and Disk performance with MIBs and snmp
- SUMMARY: Most CPU-consuming processes
- SUMMARY: motif libraries
- SUMMARY: mount option 'nogrpid' has no effect
- SUMMARY: mounting cdrom
- SUMMARY: Mounting Linux-root via NFS from Tru64 server
- SUMMARY: Mounting LSM disks to a non-LSM server?
- Summary: Mounting on to a CDSL
- SUMMARY: mounting warnings
- SUMMARY: Mouse/pointer problems
- SUMMARY: moving /tmp
- SUMMARY: Moving ADVFS filesets
- SUMMARY: Moving root from one disk to another
- SUMMARY: Moving tape between slots on a tz8x7 with the Robot?
- Summary: msfs_bread: msfs_getpage returned error 5
- Summary: Multia Boot problems
- Summary: Multiple emails sent from cluster
- SUMMARY: Multiple IP Addresses for Tru Cluster Service?
- SUMMARY: multiple nic question
- SUMMARY: mysql compile: "ld broken" -Addendum
- Summary: mySQL on Tru64
- SUMMARY: Mysterious DLT tape drive fault
- SUMMARY: named complains!!!
- SUMMARY: Nameserver on Unix 4.0d
- SUMMARY: need bigger partition on /
- Summary: Need clarification on AdvFS V3 and V4 compatibility
- SUMMARY: Need Help Compiling gdb-4.17
- SUMMARY: need help deleting a route
- SUMMARY: Need Help, Quick -moved shlib->shlib.old
- SUMMARY: Need printing help - fast!
- Summary: Need to access a remote tty as local?
- SUMMARY: need to change inetd.conf
- SUMMARY: netatalk under Tru64 Unix
- SUMMARY: netconfig problem in Tru 64 UNIX 5.0
- SUMMARY: Netpartitioning
- SUMMARY: Netrain on clusters
- SUMMARY: Netrain question
- SUMMARY: netscape cache ignoring set limit
- Summary: Netscape server crash during startup
- SUMMARY: Netscape Versions for V4.0d
- SUMMARY: Netscape4n +Java +xterms
- SUMMARY: netstat
- SUMMARY: Network Address Translation
- Summary: Network Crossover Cable Question
- SUMMARY: Network IP Problem.....
- SUMMARY: network monitor
- summary: Network printer configuration
- Summary: Network Routing
- SUMMARY: Network security problem - Open email relay
- SUMMARY: Networker 5.5 will not see the TL891 jukebox
- SUMMARY: Networker License
- SUMMARY: Networker vs other products
- Summary: Networker Y2K problems
- SUMMARY: New 5.1 cluster install and OPS 8.1.6 dynsym indes error from dbassist
- SUMMARY: new dupatch revision
- SUMMARY: New wtmp-file?
- SUMMARY: NFS and rpcinfo problem
- Summary: NFS file size limit
- SUMMARY: NFS Hangs Between Tru64 Unix 5.0 and Network Appliance
- SUMMARY: NFS limitation ?
- SUMMARY: NFS mount from Tru64 to Linux 2.2.5-15
- Summary: nfs mounting a cd on a Solaris 7 box
- Summary: NFS performance between linux and tru64
- SUMMARY: NFS problems
- SUMMARY: NFS question
- SUMMARY: NFS root mount not quite
- SUMMARY: NFS timeout/delay problem
- SUMMARY: NFS3 problems
- SUMMARY: NIC Configuration
- SUMMARY: NIS across the pond
- SUMMARY: NIS between 5.1 & 4.0f?
- Summary: NIS Client binds to wrong server
- SUMMARY: NIS problem after re-install
- SUMMARY: NIS reliability under load; can anyone testify
- SUMMARY: No available network ports
- SUMMARY: No free inodes
- Summary: No login: Too many users!
- SUMMARY: No mails from tru64-unix-managers ?
- SUMMARY: No more beep on XP1000 - beep came back
- Summary: No remote printer access
- SUMMARY: No Subject ( Should have been "Sendmail hanging with process state 'U'" )
- SUMMARY: Non UNIX Question?
- SUMMARY: Non-deterministic startup scripts
- SUMMARY: Non-kernel dbx without development license?
- SUMMARY: Nonrecoverable Medium Error when booting and CAM_ERROR p acket
- SUMMARY: Not enough units to load OSF-BASE?
- SUMMARY: nslookup
- SUMMARY: NSR schedule problem
- SUMMARY: number of mem-modules?
- SUMMARY: number of ptys and sshd2
- SUMMARY: NW Interface Card Speed setting
- SUMMARY: offline a cpu
- SUMMARY: Oldies but goodies
- SUMMARY: on process creation and termination
- SUMMARY: OpenGL on Tru64 V5
- Summary: OpenGL Package
- SUMMARY: OpenGL question
- SUMMARY: OPS 8.1.6 + OFIN 11i + TruCluster 5.1
- SUMMARY: Oracle 7.3.4 on V5.0A
- SUMMARY: Oracle 7.3.4 under 5.0
- SUMMARY: Oracle 8.1.5 instances
- SUMMARY: Oracle 8.1.6 OPS disk setup
- SUMMARY: Oracle on Digital UNIX 4.0D - OS problems
- SUMMARY: Oracle Parallel Server
- SUMMARY: Oracle, raw partitions and block sizes
- SUMMARY: OSF/1 system " Check-Up "
- SUMMARY: ot: conferences
- SUMMARY: OT: strange hardware problem with alpha oem-board-based server
- SUMMARY: Other backward compatibility problem
- SUMMARY: Packet Filtering
- SUMMARY: Part Numbers for Software Support Contract.
- SUMMARY: passwd API
- SUMMARY: passwd lock
- SUMMARY: password and group files are currently locked by another user
- SUMMARY: password cracker
- SUMMARY: password expiration date
- SUMMARY: Password Lifetimes DU4F & C2
- SUMMARY: Password replcements, more questions!
- SUMMARY: password syntax settings - Tru64 4.0F
- SUMMARY: passwords inoperable
- Summary: Patch 6 for Tru64 V4.0 D
- SUMMARY: Patch download problem
- SUMMARY: Patch Kit 2 4.0f
- SUMMARY: Patch Kit 3 for DU v4.0D
- SUMMARY: Patch kit installation
- SUMMARY: patch kit installation problem
- SUMMARY: Patch Level
- SUMMARY: Patch t64v51as0001-20001144
- SUMMARY: patches (not) installed?
- SUMMARY: PB73B 1000A 4/233 & 18GB 7200rpm disks?
- SUMMARY: PCI Adaptec SCSI controller
- SUMMARY: per-proc-datasize
- SUMMARY: performance monitoring tools
- SUMMARY: Performance tuning for Digital Unix and/or Apache
- SUMMARY: Performance tuning for Digital Unix and/or Apache - Updated due to new pointers and further feedback from the group
- SUMMARY: Periodic reboots?
- SUMMARY: Perl script in cron
- SUMMARY: perl,tru64 5.0, db-hash test fails
- SUMMARY: Permission denied
- SUMMARY: permissions in / and down got messed up
- Summary: PHP4
- SUMMARY: Physical memory usage
- SUMMARY: pine and gv: LD_LIBRARY_PATH visibility
- SUMMARY: PK3 on 4.0F
- Summary: pkgadd for Tru64
- Summary: Places to buy an alpha
- SUMMARY: polish posts (SORRY)
- SUMMARY: POP3 server and passwords
- Summary: Port in Use
- SUMMARY: portsentry and logcheck
- SUMMARY: Posix threads (fwd)
- Summary: power management question
- SUMMARY: Power-on errors
- SUMMARY: print filters
- SUMMARY: Print Graphics on T64U 4.0F
- SUMMARY: print queue hanging repeatedly
- Summary: Print Services APIs
- SUMMARY: Printcapentry for Lexmark networkprinter
- SUMMARY: Printer - headings missing
- SUMMARY: printer daemon won't start
- SUMMARY: Printer escape codes
- SUMMARY: Printer Form Length
- Summary: Printing Audit Information
- SUMMARY: printing directly to port 9100
- SUMMARY: Printing problem with HP and Jet Direct Cards
- SUMMARY: Printing to serial printer via printserver doing the sta ircase
- SUMMARY: problem booting multia desktop
- SUMMARY: problem compiling elm under 4.0F
- Summary: Problem compiling Mysql
- SUMMARY: Problem copying "local socket" mode files
- SUMMARY: Problem initializing lsm
- SUMMARY: Problem installing Tru64 UNIX on DS10
- SUMMARY: Problem printing in CDE
- SUMMARY: Problem printing man pages
- SUMMARY: Problem removing directory in Tru64 4.0F
- SUMMARY: problem running DS20 ethernet card at 100 Mbits
- SUMMARY: Problem running psemon on V4.0F with PSE160
- SUMMARY: Problem with AltaVista Tunnel on 4.0F
- SUMMARY: Problem with CSLG OSF-USR license?
- Summary: Problem with DEGPA-SA...
- SUMMARY: Problem with directories ownership when restoring with tar
- SUMMARY: problem with display
- SUMMARY: Problem with dxadvfs
- SUMMARY: Problem with find (or something else)
- SUMMARY: Problem with find in 5.0?
- SUMMARY: Problem with GS60E and RCU
- SUMMARY: Problem with installupdate & disklabel
- SUMMARY: problem with networker: nsrexecd cannot map port
- SUMMARY: problem with rsh
- SUMMARY: Problem with scp / rcp
- SUMMARY: Problem with TZ89 on ES40
- Summary: problem with usermod
- SUMMARY: Problem with vrestore
- SUMMARY: Problems adding a new SCSI Card
- SUMMARY: problems compiling MySQL under 4.0D
- SUMMARY: Problems creating AdvFS domain
- SUMMARY: Problems printing to HP ColorJet 5 in Tru64
- SUMMARY: Problems recognizing a new SCSI controller
- SUMMARY: Problems Using vdump to archive to a DLT 35/70
- SUMMARY: problems with auto_action on 164LX
- SUMMARY: Problems with class scheduling
- SUMMARY: problems with cvs, rcs and diff
- SUMMARY: Problems with NFS
- SUMMARY: Problems with POP server on one acct.
- SUMMARY: Problems with writeback cache on an HSZ40 controller
- SUMMARY: process status per processor
- SUMMARY: Process tracking/auditing tool
- SUMMARY: Process up or down?
- Summary: processor speed
- Summary: programs to convert alpha nt servers and workstations to unix servers and workstations
- Summary: Progress database on a V5.0A cluster
- SUMMARY: pthread_create_problem
- SUMMARY: PWS600au and a KZPSA
- SUMMARY: Q: what to do with "log half full" panic
- Summary: QLogic Fibre Channel HBAs
- SUMMARY: Question about array controllers and Tru64
- SUMMARY: question about kernel virtual memory size
- SUMMARY: questions about "ioscan" -like commands
- SUMMARY: Questions on KZPSC
- SUMMARY: quota
- SUMMARY: quota.user size
- Summary:
- SUMMARY: RA3000 & Trucluster5.0
- SUMMARY: RA3000 on UPS
- SUMMARY: RA8000 configuration
- SUMMARY: RAID 5 across RA3000 channels a benefit?
- SUMMARY: RAID 5 question
- SUMMARY: RAID Configuration Problems
- SUMMARY: RAID reconfiguration
- SUMMARY: Raising the datasize limit/ulimit system wide.
- SUMMARY: raising ulimit
- Summary: Ramifications of these security implementations
- SUMMARY: rcmd: socket: permission denied
- SUMMARY: rcp
- SUMMARY: RCS ci/co modifies binary files
- SUMMARY: re entering license info
- SUMMARY: re network config
- SUMMARY: Re-partitiion disk
- SUMMARY: Read old LSM rootdg after CD installation
- SUMMARY: Reading a VMS-floppy on Tru64
- SUMMARY: Reading TLZ07 tar tape on TLZ04 unit ??
- Summary: Reading VMS tapes on tru64?
- Summary: Reboot vs Init 0
- SUMMARY: Recognizing the tape drive when booting off of 4.0F CD-ROM
- SUMMARY: Remote backup strange behaviour
- SUMMARY: Remote backup using vdump and two new questions.
- SUMMARY: remote or local access??? - also, new question
- Summary: remote restore to system booted off 4.0D CD
- Summary: remote vrestore takes forever
- SUMMARY: Remote X access under enhanced security.
- SUMMARY: Remove patches when upgrading to DUV4.0G & TCR 1.6
- SUMMARY: Remove the BINARY directory
- SUMMARY: Removing a disk from a StorageWorks cabinet
- SUMMARY: removing a lot of old files
- Summary: Removing tu0...
- SUMMARY: Renaming a system
- SUMMARY: Renaming cluster services
- SUMMARY: Repair disk
- SUMMARY: repartitioned... no tape dev?
- SUMMARY: Replacing a scsi advfs hard disk
- SUMMARY: Request for help with Latin-2 (Yugoslavia?)
- SUMMARY: Resizing partitions in AdvFS (very long)
- SUMMARY: Restarting nfsd/nfsiod daemons
- SUMMARY: restoring a file from a tar file with a "*" in it's name ...
- SUMMARY: restoring system to another system (Disaster Recovery)
- SUMMARY: Restricting printing
- Summary: Rewinding / Non-rewinding tape devices (on Tru64 5.0)
- Summary: RISC?
- SUMMARY: rmfset and ftp?
- SUMMARY: root disabled
- SUMMARY: Root login refused on this terminal
- SUMMARY: Routing question
- SUMMARY: Routing Question, I think????
- SUMMARY: rpc.lockd Dies Mysteriously
- Summary: Running a binary loaded elsewhere
- SUMMARY: running out of resources
- SUMMARY: Samba & gcc (LONG)
- SUMMARY: Samba versus Compaq's commercial offering
- Summary: SAS with Xwindows
- SUMMARY: Screen Resolution
- SUMMARY: Screensaver passwd v login passwd
- SUMMARY: script for printer control from a menu
- Summary: Script Location
- SUMMARY: Script not running from rc2.d upon reboot
- Summary: Script to monitor log sizes
- SUMMARY: scripted ftp - is it possible and if so how?
- SUMMARY: Scripting problem with rhost
- SUMMARY: SCSI config utility
- SUMMARY: SCSI controller for XP1000
- SUMMARY: SCSI ID's for internal Devices:
- SUMMARY: SCSI peripherals upgrade on DEC 3000/500
- SUMMARY: SCSI/CAM Layered Product on 5.0
- SUMMARY: Search ORNL/LMES Public Mailing List Web Server
- SUMMARY: searchable archives?
- SUMMARY: secure file transfers
- SUMMARY: secure ftp & netscape roaming access
- SUMMARY: Secure FTP question
- SUMMARY: secure passwd in heterogeneous network
- SUMMARY: Segfault buildning gcc-2.95.2 with Tru64 5.0A
- SUMMARY: Sendmail 'not Senmail' 8.9.3 & 8.10.0
- SUMMARY: sendmail 8.10.1 on 5.0a TruCluster not posting statistics
- SUMMARY: Sendmail 8.11.1 build on Tru64 UNIX
- SUMMARY: Sendmail Configuration
- SUMMARY: Sendmail Encryption and Security
- SUMMARY: sendmail: persistant read lock on aliases.db
- SUMMARY: Serial console on a XP1000
- Summary: serial port query
- SUMMARY: Serial ports
- Summary: service pack
- SUMMARY: setld problem
- Summary: Setld Problems
- Summary: setld removed all files under /usr/bin!
- SUMMARY: setpgrp: Deviation from manual
- SUMMARY: setting maximum open files with ulimit
- SUMMARY: Setting up Insight Manager on DU4.0F
- Summary: settling question
- SUMMARY: setuid on a C program that then tries to execute scu to eject an mo disk fails.
- SUMMARY: setup for LaserJet 2100M ?
- SUMMARY: shared library RPATH oddities
- SUMMARY: shared memory error with Oracle
- SUMMARY: Shared memory segment with 0 attaches
- SUMMARY: Shell question
- SUMMARY: shmx error
- SUMMARY: show date from x number of days ago
- SUMMARY: shutdown problems
- SUMMARY: single-user mode -> no home directory
- SUMMARY: slow backups over the network
- SUMMARY: Slow startup after moving
- SUMMARY: SmartUPS+PowerChute+Tru64 problem
- SUMMARY: smauthd man page on V5.1
- SUMMARY: SMB mounts
- SUMMARY: smp processor utilization as reported by collect
- SUMMARY: Software RAID-5 versus Hardware RAID-5
- SUMMARY: Some problem around my own Xmodmap table
- SUMMARY: Some questions about joind.
- SUMMARY: source for pronounceable passwords algorithm?
- SUMMARY: Speed up AdvFS-Cloning and NetWorker-Saving to 4-Drive-Library
- SUMMARY: ssh vs. ssh2
- SUMMARY: ssh2/tcp_wrappers on 4.0f
- SUMMARY: SSL on Tru64 4.0f
- SUMMARY: stdargs.h bug? V4.0F, PK#3
- SUMMARY: Storage Works Command Console not working with HSG80 ACS V8.5F
- SUMMARY: StorageWorks Command Console (SWCC) HSZ50 Agent Install
- SUMMARY: Strange Java Problem
- SUMMARY: Strange LSM issues
- SUMMARY: Strange Tru64 Networking Issue
- SUMMARY: Stripe size for Raid0+1
- SUMMARY: Stripping vmunix
- SUMMARY: stty ? and man pages
- Summary: stupid scripting question
- SUMMARY: su problem with cron
- SUMMARY: SU root on ?
- SUMMARY: su under Tru64 UNIX version 5.1
- SUMMARY: SU/Security Problem
- SUMMARY: Sudo 1.6.3p5 and expect 5.32.1 on OSF1 V5.0 1094 alpha / OSF1 V4. 0 1229 alpha
- SUMMARY: sudo and script
- SUMMARY: sudo and UPM
- SUMMARY: support for Tru64 4.0X
- SUMMARY: swap and RAID
- SUMMARY: Swap Space killing processes
- SUMMARY: swap space on different disks?
- SUMMARY: swapon -s output confusing - (pretty long)
- SUMMARY: swcc
- SUMMARY: SWXCR controller and crashed disks
- SUMMARY: SYSCHECK 119 coredump
- SUMMARY: SYSCHECK 119: wrong results on ES40 T64 5.0a
- SUMMARY: Syscheck bugs?
- SUMMARY: sysconfigdb
- SUMMARY: syslog stops logging
- Summary: syslogd
- SUMMARY: syslogd on v5.0
- SUMMARY: system configuration
- SUMMARY: System crash
- SUMMARY: System crashes while accessing advfs
- SUMMARY: system error while backing up with networker
- SUMMARY: System halting
- SUMMARY: System hang on level 3 boot
- SUMMARY: System hangs on boot ...
- SUMMARY: System V Environment install problem
- SUMMARY: System V Message Queues
- SUMMARY: t64 5.0 patchkit 2 precheck error message
- SUMMARY: tape block size problem
- SUMMARY: tape device busy on SAN Fabric attached DLT7000
- Summary: Tape error
- SUMMARY: Tape problem ( more info)
- SUMMARY: Tape Problems
- SUMMARY: tar & suppressing absolute path
- SUMMARY: tar problems on DU 4.0D
- SUMMARY: tar symlink problem
- SUMMARY: task table full
- Summary: Tcp Packets
- SUMMARY: TCP throughput problems
- SUMMARY: TCP/IP printing
- SUMMARY: tcp_output REXMT panic
- SUMMARY: tcpdump help
- Summary: tcpdump question
- SUMMARY: tcpwrappers (response messages)
- SUMMARY: tcpwrappers allowing access
- Summary: tcsh - word to long
- SUMMARY: tee
- SUMMARY: Telnet "connection refused" error
- SUMMARY: Temparature limits on an AlphaServer
- SUMMARY: termcap/terminfo
- SUMMARY: Terminal type undefined
- SUMMARY: Terminal users, password change problem
- SUMMARY: tif to postscript conversion
- SUMMARY: Time drifting
- SUMMARY: time server config
- Summary: time sync-cron
- SUMMARY: Timezone Question
- SUMMARY: TL800 Blues
- SUMMARY: TL892 problem
- SUMMARY: TLZ7L useless after 4.0F->5.0 Upgrade?
- SUMMARY: To disable coming FTP on Tru64 box.
- SUMMARY: top not found
- SUMMARY: Tracing system calls
- SUMMARY: Training Materials for Tru64 (5.0)?
- SUMMARY: transmit FIFO underflow: how to prevent occurence
- Summary: Troubleshooting sendmail (and a followup)
- Summary: Tru 64 V4.0g & Fibre Channel Tape Controller II
- SUMMARY: tru-64 5.0A and 6-digit pids
- SUMMARY: Tru-unix versions
- Summary: Tru64 "hobbyist" license
- SUMMARY: Tru64 4.0F on DS10
- SUMMARY: Tru64 4.0f PK4
- SUMMARY: Tru64 4.0f, DS10 and swap space
- Summary: Tru64 4.0G+ and Tru64 5.0
- SUMMARY: Tru64 5.0 and NIS
- SUMMARY: Tru64 5.0 to 5.0A upgrade - suddenly NFS problems: 'xdrmbuf_getmbuf failed' error
- SUMMARY: Tru64 5.0A - BASE to ENHANCED conversion problem
- SUMMARY: Tru64 5.0A - Howto duplicate a boot disk and boot from t he new created disk
- SUMMARY: Tru64 and Limiting # of logins
- SUMMARY: Tru64 equivalent commands
- SUMMARY: Tru64 on AlphaStation 300
- SUMMARY: Tru64 sees wrong disk size of raidset on HSZ22
- SUMMARY: Tru64 Unix 5 and UniData
- Summary: Tru64 UNIX File System Administration Handbook
- SUMMARY: Tru64 Unix upgrade to v4.0f fails in middle
- SUMMARY: Tru64 v5.0 and CDROMs
- SUMMARY: Tru64 v5.0A java upgrade question.
- SUMMARY: Tru64 ver. 5.0a Apache ver. 1.3.12 and MS ASP
- SUMMARY: TRU64, IP/UDP ----> Why is it so?
- SUMMARY: Tru64/StorageWorks Q: wide vs narrow SCSI
- SUMMARY: TruCluster 1.5: What Does /usr/sbin/cluinfod Do?
- SUMMARY: TruCluster 5.0 and Oracle
- SUMMARY: TruCluster 5.0x
- Summary: TruCluster 5.1 Configuration
- SUMMARY: Trucluster and SAP
- SUMMARY: TruCluster Available Server Fail Over Problem.
- summary: Trucluster Available Server Software
- SUMMARY: TruCluster V5.0A member support
- SUMMARY: ttsession hogging resources
- SUMMARY: tu0: transmit FIFO underflow
- SUMMARY: TU4.0F lpd errors w/read_some_chars function
- SUMMARY: TU5.0 and jb_config
- SUMMARY: TU64 v.4.0D & Patch Kit 6
- SUMMARY: Tuning 4.0F with Apache Server
- SUMMARY: Two questions about btcreate (Bootable tape)
- SUMMARY: TZ877 to TL891 Tape Upgrade
- SUMMARY: tz89 densities, DLT IV, and tz88's
- SUMMARY: tz89 jb_config
- SUMMARY: UFS and Tru64 Unix version 5.1
- SUMMARY: UFS compatibility
- SUMMARY: ugen: internal: binasm decls write compilation error in pin
- SUMMARY: UID length limit?
- SUMMARY: ulimit -d can't increase after being set
- SUMMARY: unable to set non-blocking on pty
- SUMMARY: undelete
- SUMMARY: uninterruptible sleeping process
- Summary: Unix Patch level
- SUMMARY: Unpack a license
- SUMMARY: unresolved externals with NAG 17 library calls.
- SUMMARY: UP1000 Alpha Clone and Tru64 Unix
- SUMMARY: updadmin removes essentials files !
- SUMMARY: Update Fails (bad options)
- summary: update on broken 100mbps ethernet
- SUMMARY: Update: Problems with raid sets on HSZ70 Raid controller
- SUMMARY: UPDATE:How do I get Client Name?
- SUMMARY: Upgrade 4.0e --> 4.0f caused lost devices
- SUMMARY: Upgrade AS2100 to AS4100
- Summary: Upgrade from 4.0B to 4.0F - Major Problem !!
- summary: Upgrade of Legato Networker on Tru-64 machines.
- summary: Upgrade to V4.0f - disk space required.
- SUMMARY: Upgrade Vs. Install
- SUMMARY: upgrade/recovery question
- SUMMARY: Upgrading Berkeley DB
- SUMMARY: Upgrading firmware in a cluster
- SUMMARY: Upgrading from v4.0d to v4.0f
- Summary: Upgrading FW on AS500/333
- SUMMARY: Upgrading graphics card to ELSA Gloria Synergy on a XP1000
- Summary: Upgrading our 10mb Tulip card to a 100mb card
- SUMMARY: urgent requirement for file transfer.
- SUMMARY: Urgent, can't resolve host in same domain
- Summary: urgent: kill rmvol ?
- SUMMARY: URGENT: PTY problems on Alpha 4100 w/ Tru64 v5.1
- SUMMARY: URGENT: Shutdown RA3000/HSZ22 and now it's not seen by D U!
- SUMMARY: User can't login from CDE
- SUMMARY: user logon problem
- SUMMARY: Users can't log in - no directory error message
- SUMMARY: Users couldn't print
- SUMMARY: Using Event Management (EVM)
- SUMMARY: Using multiple domains with one IP
- SUMMARY: using setld to reinstate a package
- SUMMARY: Using TZ887 autoloader in vdump backup scripts
- SUMMARY: using vdump to backup nfs mounted filesystem
- SUMMARY: v4.0f, Ctrl-C doesn't work sometimes
- SUMMARY: V5.0A : Quorum disk in use
- SUMMARY: V5.0A CD boot on ES40 with only HSG80 units hangs
- SUMMARY: V5.0a Patch Kit 2
- SUMMARY: V5.0A: "hwmgr -scan scsi" does not provide all available devices
- SUMMARY: v5.1 -- I love this list
- SUMMARY: Variables not staying set under 4.0f?
- SUMMARY: vdump and media tape question
- Summary: vdump error [13] on AdvFS volumes in single-user
- SUMMARY: vdump Question with large entries for and qu ota.user
- SUMMARY: veritas file system not on DEC but on solaris
- SUMMARY: Veritas Netbackup agent on a TruCluster 5.1 system
- SUMMARY: Veritas vs Networker
- SUMMARY: very strange problem!
- SUMMARY: VI and escape sequences (in insert mode, ctrl-v esc)
- Summary: vm_map_pageable failed
- SUMMARY: VMS backup tape
- SUMMARY: VMS list?
- SUMMARY: vrestore "incomplete read" problem
- SUMMARY: Vrestore Problem
- Summary: Want to add a 18gb drive to a RAID (JBOD) set
- SUMMARY: Web console for serial console devices?
- Summary: Web Server performance problem
- Summary: Weird automounter behaviour, 4.0E pk1
- SUMMARY: weird NCD problems
- SUMMARY: What can be done to check alpha hardware
- SUMMARY: What does "unexported fs" message mean.
- SUMMARY: what does <OACTIVE> ifconfig flag mean?
- SUMMARY: What is this file - restoresymtable?
- SUMMARY: What's going on here?
- SUMMARY: Where can I configure the max number of files a user can open????
- SUMMARY: Where is the other 4GB?
- SUMMARY: Where is the web password protection program: htpasswd
- SUMMARY: Where to find C++
- SUMMARY: Which Netscape under 4.0E.
- SUMMARY: Which Oracle 8i version for Tru64 5.0 ?
- Summary: which popd
- SUMMARY: who command
- SUMMARY: Why is it possible to access disks not configured in kernel?
- SUMMARY: Wide SCSI 8-15
- SUMMARY: Will DHCP Server (joind) support subnets?
- SUMMARY: Wireless Peripherals
- SUMMARY: WU-FTPD 2.6.0: Can't list directories with ls command
- Summary: X Configurator
- SUMMARY: X emulator
- SUMMARY: X Server for Macintosh
- SUMMARY: xconsole/dxconsole display
- SUMMARY: Xlib error trying to run dusetup from 4.0g Associated Pr oducts CD
- SUMMARY: xntp3-5.93 and DUÂ 4.0D:Â kernel bug? (fwd)
- SUMMARY: XP1000 and dxpower
- SUMMARY: XP1000 serial port speed
- SUMMARY: XP1000, KZPCA and EXB-8900: They are not getting along too well...
- SUMMARY: XTERM error message
- SUMMARY: XWindows Client Software
- SUMMARY: ZSh question
- SUMMARY:(?)Unresolvable symbols..after upgrade
- SUMMARY:(ASDU) Can't change passwort for NT-user
- SUMMARY:(sort of) /var/adm/messages file unique errors,failed probe
- SUMMARY:: reboot on telnet request
- SUMMARY:Accounting Options!!
- SUMMARY:Adding FC Storage
- Summary:Advfs renaming question
- SUMMARY:Any body print bar code?
- Summary:apache/oracle/PHP problem
- SUMMARY:Attaching HP DLT 40/80 tape drive to DS20 box
- SUMMARY:Baffled about host ip change after upgrade
- SUMMARY:C-Compiler/Loader problems libm.a
- SUMMARY:cache memory efficiency
- SUMMARY:Can I add a ufs disk with content to LSM?
- SUMMARY:cannot update firmware
- Summary:checksum error (tu0, XP1000)
- SUMMARY:Counter for Apache Server
- SUMMARY:Cron Syntax!
- SUMMARY:DU on DS20 - HDD config; swap space
- SUMMARY:Ethernet Chip 21040
- SUMMARY:fatal error
- SUMMARY:Filesystem remote copy
- SUMMARY:Half/Full-Duplex
- SUMMARY:Help about ACL
- SUMMARY:How can I add the path to all users' initialization (.pro file, .login, and .cshrc) files by one step?
- SUMMARY:How to prevent users from running a shell (command)
- SUMMARY:How to set gh-chunks correctly
- SUMMARY:How to tell what is running on each processor?
- SUMMARY:I/O Error accessing shared storage
- SUMMARY:Information with inodes...Updated
- SUMMARY:Interrupts, I/O addresses - how to check which device is usig what ?
- SUMMARY:IP-problem
- SUMMARY:Java Virtual Machine for Tru64 4.0e or f
- SUMMARY:Kernel re-build needed for new KZPAC-CB controller?
- SUMMARY:KZPAC & 18g drives
- SUMMARY:list of major companies using tru 64 platform
- SUMMARY:locate/updatedb for Tru64 4.0d-f
- SUMMARY:locked system files
- SUMMARY:Looking for ethernet packet filter program
- SUMMARY:low cost SCSI-CD
- SUMMARY:Mac Address
- SUMMARY:Manual Password change...
- SUMMARY:Message on messages file and console window.
- SUMMARY:More Mail Observations!
- SUMMARY:mounting advfs
- SUMMARY:mqueue!
- SUMMARY:oracle tablespace problem
- SUMMARY:pam in Tru64
- Summary:Pine Question on Tru64 OS V4.0D
- SUMMARY:Poppassd and Enhanced Security
- Summary:ppp question
- SUMMARY:Print Software Graphics on Tru64 Unix
- Summary:Printing on Printers attached to NT Machine
- Summary:Printing with xerox printer
- SUMMARY:Problems upgrading from 4.0g -> 5.1, sizer version
- SUMMARY:quota files and oracle physical backup
- SUMMARY:RA7000 HSZ70 with 18GB disks
- SUMMARY:Resend with detail information: DEC LA75 LAT printer w/ 72lines/page set
- SUMMARY:Root Default Shell
- SUMMARY:SBB Shelf configuration
- SUMMARY:script to change passwd file
- SUMMARY:searching for file transfert program via serial line
- SUMMARY:Secure Console (firmware level) for 2100
- summary:setting fast ethernet
- Summary:Shadow password file.
- Summary:shadow password under 5.0a
- SUMMARY:su command without password entry from non 'root' account
- SUMMARY:swxcrmgr
- SUMMARY:TCB Auth File Entries
- SUMMARY:Template CA_W_CPU_MINOR_CLASS does not exist for assert
- SUMMARY:TruCluster Available Server Questions
- SUMMARY:TruCluster IP Addresses
- SUMMARY:TruCluster Server Cluster and LSF
- SUMMARY:TruCluster service configuration
- SUMMARY:Two Questions
- SUMMARY:Unaligned Memory Hole
- SUMMARY:unixware/oracle/acu cobol problem
- SUMMARY:Upgrade to 4.0G and Mylex controller
- SUMMARY:Upgrading from 4.0d to 4.0f
- Summary:Virtual memory faults
- SUMMARY:Why swap Reserved space so big
- SUMMARY:Xdec -core
- SUMMARY[2]: How to exclude Files from Backup
- SUMMARY[2]: Netscape Versions for V4.0d
- SUMMARY[2]: Problem with find (or something else)
- SUMMARY[2]: Tru64 5.0 to 5.0A upgrade - suddenly NFS problems: 'xdrmbuf_getmbuf failed' error
- SUMMARY[3]: Netscape Versions for V4.0d
- SUMMAY: Syntax error in system header in 4.0F
- SUMMERY (kinda): Converting from NT to DEC UNIX
- SUMMERY 4D50T graphics card questions
- Summery ASE problem
- Summery ES40 problems
- Summery setld problem
- SUMMERY: alpha 800 boot failure
- Summery: system hang
- Summery: telnet problems
- SUMMERY: Using groff
- summery:shutdown from cron failed
- SUN E1000 with EMA12000
- Sun Maililg list.
- SUNNARY: iiostat for disks on shared bus
- Supp:ATI Mach & V5.1
- Supplemental: help with disks
- support for Adaptec SCSI card
- support for Tru64 4.0X
- Supported Visuals with Gloria Synergy
- Surrmary: Printing to a remote queue on VMS
- SURVEY: Tru64 UNIX Mail Services
- Suspected nfs problem
- Suspicious Mail Log! (Hacker)
- svrsys_fru_parse error message
- SW for chating with other users with microphone
- swap and RAID
- Swap can one force system to just use memory
- Swap Space killing processes
- swap space on different disks?
- swap space used temporarily
- swapon -s output confusing
- swapspace problem, extra info
- swapspace problems
- swcc
- SWCC 2.2
- swcc v2.1 HSZ agent for tru64 blind for HSZ22
- SWCC WARNING messages flood console screen
- SWCC211 Agent problems
- Switched FC-Raid on several Servers ?
- switching tapes on TL-819 jukebox NOT using NSR
- SWXCR controller and crashed disks
- SWXCR errors - serious?
- swxcrmgr
- swxcrmgr//Fatal error !
- SYMMARY: rpc not port mapping legato client deamons
- Syntax error in system header in 4.0F
- Sys_Check Errors with LSM
- sys_check install problem
- sys_check report!
- Syscheck
- SYSCHECK 119 coredump
- SYSCHECK 119: wrong results on ES40 T64 5.0a
- Syscheck bugs?
- sysconfigdb
- syslog stops logging
- syslog.dated problem not solved
- syslogd
- syslogd on v5.0
- syslogd running on a daily basis
- sysman -station reports problems with niff?
- System Backup
- system call to return CPU serial number
- System Cloning possible?
- system configuration
- System crash
- System crash - /etc/group corrupted
- System crash debug
- System crash ES40 DU4.0F
- System crashes
- System crashes while accessing advfs
- System doesn't listen to root's crontab
- SYSTEM ERROR during Legato backup
- system error while backing up with networker
- System freezes
- System halting
- system hang
- System hang on level 3 boot
- System hangs on boot ...
- System hangs on bootup
- system hung + add more memory
- System Panic
- System reboots frequently
- system start daemon env. variable setting ?
- System V Environment install problem
- System V Message Queues
- system V Utilities
- System weights
- System will not boot ERROR eeai0.
- t64 5.0 patchkit 2 precheck error messages
- T64 Truc Cluster & SAN Summary
- T64 v5.0 : /usr/bin/last returning wrong info
- T64 V5.0A and Device renaming
- take2-changing isp's revisited
- tani (unknown charset) kana³ zwrotny do internetu z satelity - jak?
- tape device busy on SAN Fabric attached DLT7000
- tape device can't be accessed after I break the opration of tape device,why?
- Tape Device Specifications for NSR on V5.0A
- tape drive
- Tape drive curiosity
- tape error
- Tape from OpenVMS to DEC
- Tape Library NOT Visible
- Tape problem
- Tape problem ( more info)
- Tape problems
- Tape problems amendment
- tape_drive
- tar & suppressing absolute path
- tar not working as advertised?
- tar problem
- tar problems on DU 4.0D
- tar symlink problem
- tar to DAT influences NFS
- task table is full
- TCB Auth File Entries
- Tcl panic with Perl/Tk
- tcl/msql question
- Tcl/Tk 8.3.1 on Tru64 UNIX
- Tcl8.3.2 on V5.0a
- tcp client problems on tru64
- TCP dump
- tcp java oracle error?
- TCP Packets
- TCP ports for dxadvfs
- TCP throughput problems
- Tcp Wrappers and hostname/ip mismatch...
- TCP/IP printing service
- tcp_output REXMT panic
- tcpdump help
- tcpdump question
- TCPIP Window size
- tcpwrappers
- tcpwrappers allowing access
- TCR 5.0a - backing out patch kit 1
- TCR 5.0a alias not visible from all machines
- TCS 5.0a and the Quorum Disk...
- TCS 5.1 NetRAIN...
- tcsh - word too long
- tcsh for Tru64 UNIX 5.0
- Tech question on UNIX 4.0F
- Technical question about this list
- tecram video cards
- tee
- Telnet "connection refused" error.
- telnet daemon and parameter Kernel
- telnet kerberos software for Tru64 anywhere ??
- telnet not working after 5.0a patch installed
- Telnet problems
- Telnet timeout delay
- Telnet to 'com1' port
- Telnet via a router
- telnet with socks
- telnetd: All network ports in use
- telnetd: login_tty: Not a typewriter
- Temp Disable CPUs and Memory
- Temparature limits on an AlphaServer
- Template CA_W_CPU_MINOR_CLASS does not exist for assert.
- termcap/terminfo
- Terminal Disabled
- Terminal server / LAT Problems ....
- Terminal server printing over WAN
- Terminal Server Question
- terminal servers
- Terminal type undefined
- Terminal users, password change problem
- text based user maintenance
- Thank you: ip/udp
- thanks and ?
- Thanks: Some question about df utility.
- the 'cu' command
- The cc compiler (fwd)
- the problem of lpstat after apply patch kit
- The tar command to retreive data from tapes .
- TIF to postscript conversion
- TIG error?
- Time drifting
- time server config
- time slice/granularity
- time sync-cron
- Timezone question.
- Tivoli NetView
- TL800 Blues
- TL892 problem
- TLZ error
- TLZ06 + TLZ07 compatible for 60m + 90m DAT ?
- tlz09
- TLZ09-AA and -LG ?
- TLZ6l
- TLZ7L useless after 4.0F->5.0 Upgrade?
- TLZ9 media changer
- TLZ9L and TU64 4.0F.
- To disable coming FTP on Tru64 box.
- too many environment variables
- Too many users logged on already?
- Tool to monitor system calls of certain command?
- Tools to manage the group file V Advise on writing own tools
- Top and Monitor
- Top Command - Free Memory?
- top not found
- Trace utilities...
- Tracing system calls
- Training Materials for Tru64 (5.0)?
- Training Sites
- transfer Wlodarczyka
- Translation of Sendmail to Qmail
- Transparent Proxy and Ip Port Forward
- trap: invalid memory write access from kernel mode
- Trend Micro Alert - Virus Outbreak! "ILOVEYOU"
- Trend Micro Alert - Virus Outbreak! -- Update
- trouble compiling
- trouble compiling Python 1.5.2 with gcc
- Trouble w/ PHP3.0.15 as a DSO
- Trouble with Alphastation 255/233
- trouble with display / colors
- trouble with SWCC Agent
- Trouble with Tru64 UNIX 4.0f PK4
- Trouble with Tru64Unix 4.0F pk3 and Oracle 8.1.6...
- Troubleshooting ASE 1.6 on Tru64 v4.0F
- Troubleshooting client/server smtp/sendmail problem
- Tru 64 on XL 366 ??
- Tru 64 V4.0g & Fibre Channel Tape Controller II
- Tru-unix versions
- Tru64 "hobbyist" license
- Tru64 & ProEngineer
- Tru64 + Netscape Admin Server 3.5.x
- tru64 - Informix
- Tru64 - MQSeries queue monitor needed..
- Tru64 4.0D backward compatible with 4.0F?
- Tru64 4.0D Patch Kits
- Tru64 4.0F on DS10
- Tru64 4.0f PK4
- Tru64 4.0f, DS10 and swap space
- Tru64 4.0G and old workstation
- Tru64 4.0G installation failure on DS20E
- Tru64 4.0G+ and Tru64 5.0
- Tru64 5.0 and Identd
- Tru64 5.0 and NIS
- Tru64 5.0 on DEC 3000
- tru64 5.0, Infortrend RAID, hwmgr
- Tru64 5.0A
- Tru64 5.0A - BASE to ENHANCED conversion problem
- Tru64 5.0A - Howto duplicate a boot disk and boot from the new gr eated disk?
- tru64 5.0A and informix 7.31
- tru64 5.1
- Tru64 5.1: how to su to root?
- Tru64 6 digit PIDs
- Tru64 AND HDS7700E
- Tru64 and Limiting # of logins
- Tru64 and NLS vulnerabilities?
- TRU64 and optimizing Disk Performance
- TRU64 and optimizing Disk Performance 2
- Tru64 and oracel applications
- Tru64 and SCSI
- Tru64 C optimisation
- Tru64 dtksh problems ........
- Tru64 equivalent commands
- Tru64 Open Source Apache Admin used with Oracle iAS?
- Tru64 Patch Kit numbering
- Tru64 Reporting Products?
- Tru64 sees wrong disk size of raidset on HSZ22
- Tru64 Unix 5 and UniData
- Tru64 Unix and Tivoli Storage Manager
- Tru64 UNIX File System Administration Handbook
- Tru64 UNIX Kernel Memory Leak When Running with Accounting
- Tru64 UNIX System Administration documentation survey
- Tru64 Unix upgrade to v4.0f fails in middle
- Tru64 UNIX V4.0F patch kit 4 warning
- Tru64 Unix V5.0 and Networker
- Tru64 Unix v5.0 and SWXCR Raid management
- Tru64 UNIX V5.0A and HSZ40 Multibus failover?
- Tru64 UNIX V5.0A update kits should be shipping about now..
- Tru64 UNIX V5.1 / Oracle 8.0.6 / SAP R/3 4.6D
- Tru64 UNIX V5.1 and TruCluster software
- Tru64 UNIX's Collect questions
- Tru64 v The Rest of the World
- Tru64 V4.0F and TruCluster V1.6...
- Tru64 V4.0F New Hardware CD Version 2 ( or later)
- Tru64 V4.0G upgrade rebuilds magtape device special files?
- Tru64 v5.0 and CDROMs
- Tru64 v5.0 and disk cloning
- Tru64 v5.0A
- Tru64 V5.0a - fstab woes
- Tru64 v5.0A java upgrade question.
- Tru64 ver. 5.0a Apache ver. 1.3.12 and MS ASP
- TRU64 Version 5.0 CDE root access from desktop
- Tru64 with iPlanet needs to install local WebMail Server
- Tru64, Emulex LP8000 and CMD Titan CRA7280
- TRU64, IP/UDP ----> Why is it so?
- Tru64/StorageWorks Q: wide vs narrow SCSI
- Tru64UNIX Anti-virus Software
- TruCluster & arp tables.
- trucluster - relocation that shouldn't have happened.
- TruCluster 1.5: What Does /usr/sbin/cluinfod Do?
- TruCluster 5.0 and Oracle
- TruCluster 5.0A and size of quorum disk
- TruCluster 5.0A and SPSS 6.1
- TruCluster 5.0x
- TruCluster 5.1 Configuration
- TruCluster 5.x and EMC Symmetrix
- TruCluster and batch services (like NQS or PBS).
- TruCluster and r commands
- Trucluster and SAP
- TruCluster and scipts.
- TruCluster Available Server Fail Over Problem.
- TruCluster Available Server questions
- TruCluster Available Server Questions.
- TruCluster Available Server Software
- TruCluster Demo License??
- TruCluster IP Addresses
- TruCluster on 5.0
- TruCluster problem
- TruCluster Server 5.0a & Subnet masks...
- TruCluster Server Cluster and LSF
- TruCluster Server documentation
- TruCluster service configuration
- TruCluster V5.0A member support
- TruCluster/OPS Performance Problems
- True64 on Digital Server 3305?
- Truss equivalent for Tru64?
- truss equivalent on Tru64
- ttloop error
- ttsession hogging resources
- TU 5.0A release?
- tu0: transmit FIFO underflow
- TU4.0F lpd errors w/read_some_chars function
- TU5.0 and jb_config
- TU5.0, NFS and IRIX6.x
- TU64 v.4.0D & Patch Kit 6
- TU64v5.0a: Problem with setld in RIS installation
- Tuning 4.0F with Apache server
- tuo: transmit FIFO undeflow: threshold raised to : 256 bytes
- Tur64/Sun NFS issue
- turning console messages off.
- Turning off RIP
- Turning off RIP Summary and further questions
- Two nuisances with NIS
- Two questions about btcreate (Bootable tape)
- Two questions!
- TZ877 to TL891 Tape Upgrade
- TZ88 Capacity
- tz887 again
- tz887 loader fault
- tz89 densities, DLT IV, and tz88's
- tz89 jb_config
- U [DIGITAL] Uninterruptible sleeping process.
- ubc-borrowpercent seems ok but _still_ paging out
- ubc-maxpercent
- uerf reports DISK errors
- uerf reports heaps of DISK errors (fwd)
- UFS and Tru64 Unix version 5.1
- UFS compatibility
- ugen: internal: binasm decls write compilation error in pin
- UID length limit?
- ulimit -d can't increase after being set
- Ultrix compatibility library (
- ULTRIX partition info found...
- Umask problem
- Unable to boot genvmunix
- Unable to compile qpopper3.0b34 on DU4.0E
- unable to doconfig after applying T64 5.0 2nd patch
- Unable to find new scsi card
- Unable to request more than 918MByte memory
- unable to set non-blocking on pty
- Unable to set non-blocking on pty.
- Unaligned Memory Hole
- undelete
- Unexpected characters showing up after, 'salvage'
- Unexpected Single user problem
- uninterruptible sleeping process
- Uninterruptible sleeping process. ...maybe a RAID problem.
- Unix 4.0F Backup
- UNIX 4.0F boot broblem
- unix and Ms exchange integration
- Unix Patch level
- Unix Printing thru NT-- Formatting issues
- UNIX problem
- UNIX Random Number Generator
- unixware/oracle/acu cobol problem
- Unknown daemon
- Unknown files
- unknown process using large files in /tmp
- Unknown process..
- Unknown user
- Unpack a license
- Unresolvable symbols..after upgrade
- unresolved externals with NAG 17 library calls.
- unsub
- Unsubscribing
- unsubscription
- unsupported systems
- unwanted emails from ""
- UP1000 Alpha Clone and Tru64 Unix
- UPD: differences in filesizes/diskusage
- updadmin removes essentials files !
- Update 2: ftp hanging on bare linefeeds
- UPDATE : CDE / NIS problem on V5.0a...
- update daemon hanging?
- Update Fails (bad Options)
- update on broken 100mbps ethernet
- UPDATE!: How do I get the SIPs for KZPBA-CB cards?
- UPDATE2: GB Ethernet cards and 4.0F
- update2: Lost Console
- UPDATE: 20480 characters
- UPDATE: [kernel idle] taking up %CPU
- UPDATE: Can I break a mirror without getting cut?
- Update: Can't create new printer entries
- Update: Cannot boot from spare system disk
- update: cannot login to cluster member
- Update: Changing indentity of boot device permanently to EMC disk.
- UPDATE: Compiling error
- UPDATE: confusion?
- UPDATE: Crash/It is happening again
- UPDATE: Default interface
- Update: ftp hanging on bare linefeeds
- UPDATE: GB Ethernet cards and 4.0F
- Update: Hacked?
- UPDATE: How do I migrate an AdvFS file domain from one server to another?
- UPDATE: inconsistencies between showfdmn and showfsets?
- Update: IP-Alias with duplicate IPs
- UPDATE: KSH question: test, [ ... ] and [[ ... ]]
- UPDATE: Locking up on CDE login
- update: Lost Console
- UPDATE: Makemap crashes on Tru64 UNIX 4.0F
- UPDATE: NFS mounts FreeBSD -> Tru64 5.0
- Update: Problems with raid sets on HSZ70 Raid controller
- UPDATE: Problems with writeback cache on an HSZ40 controller
- UPDATE: Q: disappearing tape drive?
- Update: Sound Support
- Update: Strangeness and the 4100
- Update: SWCC211 Agent problems
- Update: SWCC211 Agent problems...TCPDUMP Questions...
- UPDATE: Tru64 v5.1 unusually high system load
- UPDATE: Tru64/Sun NFS issue
- UPDATE: TZ877 to TL891 Tape Upgrade
- Update: Upgrading our 10mb Tulip card to a 100mb card
- UPDATE: vdump/vrestore problem
- UPDATE:How do I get Client Name?
- UPDATE:Problem in 5.0A, with "who -M" command.
- UPDATE:SUMMARY:URGENT:Shutdown RA3000 - etc.
- Updated Do I need more memory??
- Updated kern_mod_40e.tar patch file should be ready..
- Updated Summary: Shell Question
- Updated timezone files?
- Updating DEC Alpha Server 2100 FIRMWARE
- Updating from 4.0G to 5.0A
- upgrade
- Upgrade 4.0e --> 4.0f caused lost devices
- Upgrade 4.0G to 5.0<X> really not possible ?
- upgrade AS2100 to AS4100
- upgrade for decevent?
- Upgrade from 4.0B to 4.0D to 4.0F - Major Problem !!
- upgrade from 4.0D - 4.0F or 5.0?
- Upgrade from 5.2 to 5.7 HSOF Firmware
- upgrade from Tru64 4.F to Tru64 5.0 with TruCluster Failover
- Upgrade of Legato Networker on Tru-64 machines.
- Upgrade options for Alpha station 600 (260MHz) model
- Upgrade to 4.0F, problem with LSM, rootdg cannot be imported
- Upgrade to 4.0G and Mylex controller
- upgrade to V4.0f
- Upgrade/Installupdate.
- upgrade/recovery question
- Upgrading Berkeley DB
- Upgrading firmware in a cluster
- Upgrading from 4.0d to 4.0f
- Upgrading from v4.0d to v4.0f
- Upgrading FW on AS500/333
- Upgrading graphics card to ELSA Gloria Synergy on a XP1000
- Upgrading our 10mb Tulip card to a 100mb card
- upgrading system drive
- Upgrading/Migrating NIS master
- UPS for an AS2000 running Tru64
- Urgent - can't resolve host in same domain
- urgent requirement for file transfer
- URGENT!:malloc_mem_alloc errors
- urgent: kill rmvol ?
- URGENT: PTY problems on Alpha 4100 w/ Tru64 v5.1
- URGENT: Shutdown RA3000/HSZ22 and now it's not seen by DU!
- Use doconfig to upgrade network card on Alpha ?
- Use of Zuausr
- Used equipment
- user account lockout infor requested
- User Accounts
- User can't login from CDE
- user id ?
- User Maint. Problems
- User Name Length
- User Names > 8 chars. (again)
- user Privileges for Mounting CD
- useradd
- useradd does not work
- userdel: Two entries with the same group name but different GID's were found
- Username with more than 8 characters
- Users can't log in - no directory error message
- users can't login and more
- Users couldn't print
- Users disappearing
- Using /sbin/fwupgrade to update I/O options firmware
- Using 2 button mice...
- Using 4.0G licenses over 5.1
- Using Clariion FC5700 with Tru64 5.x
- Using Compaq Insight Manager under 4.0f
- Using CUPS with printers connected using LAT
- Using DLT Compac III tapes with TL894
- Using Event Management (EVM)
- Using groff
- Using multiple domains with one IP.
- Using rdist with ssh
- Using Sendmail and Exchange
- using setld to reinstate a package
- Using SSH as root
- Using SU
- Using sysconfigdb
- Using tape loader/jukebox with Tru 64 and Networker
- using Tapes / disks on remote machines or vice versa
- Using TU64 for net news - which file system?
- Using TZ887 autoloader in vdump backup scripts
- using vdump to backup nfs mounted filesystem
- Using vdump with a tape library
- Using VMS editor keypad from DU telnet session
- usubscribe
- utility defragcron
- V4 cluster crash when idle node rebooted.
- V4.0F dupatch problem
- V4.0F Installupdate
- V4.0F kernel/paging problems?
- v4.0f pk2 kernel memory leak
- v4.0f, Ctrl-C doesn't work sometimes
- V5.0 login, ls and pine problem
- V5.0 rz26L HWID is set to -1
- V5.0 vs V3.2 a bunch of questions
- V5.0A : Quorum disk in use
- V5.0A CD boot on ES40 with only HSG80 units hangs
- V5.0a Patch Kit 2
- V5.0A Tape devices
- V5.0A, cluster. LSM and grep fail
- V5.0A: "hwmgr -scan scsi" does not provide all available devices
- Vacation Program
- Variables not staying set under 4.0f?
- variations of sed on True 64 Unix
- varying system clock
- vdump -N
- vdump / dd / DLT problem
- vdump and autoloader
- vdump and media tape question.
- vdump error [13] on AdvFS volumes in single-user
- Vdump has died
- vdump or dd problem
- vdump permission prob 4.0f-3
- vdump problem
- vdump question on advfs
- vdump Question with large entries for and quota.user
- vdump strangeness
- Vdump vs. Networker
- vdump/vrestore problem
- Verify or Salvage
- Verify or Salvage (fwd)
- verifying PowerStorm install
- veritas file system not on DEC but on solaris
- Veritas Netbackup agent on a TruCluster 5.1 system
- Veritas Netbackup for Unix
- Veritas NetBackup vs. Legato Networker
- veritas question on volume manager
- Veritas vs Networker
- Version 5 bus Numbers
- Version 5 TruCluster Server & NFS mounts.
- Version of HSOF
- Very high cpu usage
- very strange problem!
- VI and escape sequences
- Video card for Alpha 500au?
- vipw & 'vi /etc/passwd'
- Virtual memory faults
- Visa Elektron w Hiszpanii i Portugalii
- vm_map_pageable failed
- vms dumpfile
- VMS list?
- VMS real numbers to DIGITAL UNIX real numbers.
- VMS to Unix
- VMS/Unix printing direct to thermal transfer and dot-matrix and laser printersÂ… .one product for all printers
- vmstat -M
- vmubc for Tru64 5.0 ?
- Vmunix FRU table binnary error log packet
- vmunix: msfs_bread: msfs_getpage returned error 5
- vmware 2.0.1, win2k and already running samba-server
- vnode table is full message in kern.log
- voldg "internal volume daemon error"
- volsetup -o force
- voluntary context switches
- vrestore "incomplete read" problem
- vrestore core dump
- vrestore from spanned tapes
- Vrestore Problem
- Vrestore Problem.
- vrestore question`
- VT to graphics console
- VT510 and LA30N companion printer
- vxt2000+ boot
- w (summ sys. info) wrong
- w does not function correctly
- w output (revisited) wrong
- Want to add a 18gb drive to a RAID (JBOD) set
- want to find a Tru64 5.x laptop
- Want to Specify both return address and subject with mailx
- wanted for oracle - DU - thinclient environment administrator
- WAP gateway for DU
- WARNING messsage in /var/adm/messages file..
- WARNING: 4.0[BC] Upgrade / Firmware Update V5.2 bug
- Warning: Cannot convert....
- Web Administration
- Web Administration --- Thank you
- Web console for serial console devices?
- web email on Tru64
- WEB Server Options for Tru-64
- Webinterface for printerqueues..
- Weird automounter behaviour, 4.0E pk1
- weird firmware upgrade problem
- Weird NFS behaviour...
- weird NFS problem (RFS3_LOOKUP authentication failure)
- weird terminal problem
- What can be done to check alpha hardware?
- what command?
- What controller do i need ?
- What does "unexported fs" message mean???
- What does "warning: Symbol table header magic is 0x0" mean?
- What does ft3tovp: bad length: 0 mean?
- What does vmunix: flush buffer for non-exptd interrupt meant
- What I/O functions are on a B2110-AA (2100 system)
- What is "64ELEL" ?
- What is the best firewall running in tru64?
- What is the current version of Compaq Analyze ?
- What is the latest SWCC ??
- What is this file - restoresymtable?
- What mean these ASE Warning and Notice Mesg ?
- What processor upgrades are available for the EV6/500?
- What version is shipping?
- What version of sendmail in TU V4.0G
- What's going on here?
- What's mean about "tb_shoot ack timeout"
- Where can I configure the max number of files a user can open????
- where did it go?
- Where does system shutdown start: 0 or 99?
- Where is Data Collector SW?
- where is HSZTERM?
- Where is libsocket.a in Digital UNIX?
- Where is the other 4GB?
- Where is the web password protection program: htpasswd
- Where to buy an alpha?
- Where to find C++
- Where to find netrain-software?
- Where to find software to run a DVD-RAM on tru64
- Where'd my disk space go?
- Where'd my disk space go? (more info)
- Whet's the error reported when doing this file nrmt*h?
- Which Oracle 8i version for Tru64 5.0 ?
- Which Remote Access Server do you use?
- Which versions of vdump had problems backing up nfs partitions.
- Who command
- Why can't I connect to port 25?
- Why does "CPU machine Check Error" occur ?
- Why is current value of sys paramater different from boot time value after rebo
- Why is it possible to access disks not configured in kernel?
- Why swap Reserved space so big?
- Wide SCSI 8-15
- Wildfire GS??
- Wildfire Technology
- Windows Readable Directory!
- Wnn system account
- Workstation 433au wont boot cause of kloadsrv error
- WTB: Alpha Station Upgrade from 600 2/266 to 600 5/500 (PN:PB62U-CA)
- WU-ftpd on 4.0e
- wuftpd 2.6.1 on 4.0f PK4
- wuftpd on 5.0 system with C2 security
- X application over a modem too slow
- X emulator
- X Server for Macintosh
- X windows workspaces
- X-Window Workspaces
- Xclient connection on a machine that has a serial console.
- xcolors --> no colors
- Xconfigurator
- xconsole/dxconsole display
- xcr panics during boot -after installation
- xcr panics during boot -after installation (FOLLOW UP #2)
- xcr panics during boot -after installation (FOLLOW UP)
- xCursion session through a firewall
- Xcursion Software for Tru64UNIX
- Xdec -core
- XDM access!
- xdm error
- Xerrors
- XFree...
- XFree11
- xfs died
- xjoin, joind, DHCP and UNICAST vs MultiCast
- Xlib error trying to run dusetup from 4.0g Associated Products CD
- xlogin fails on DS20/4.0F
- xlogin fails on Tru64/DS20 More Info
- xntp3-5.93 and DUÂ 4.0D:Â kernel bug?
- xntpd and proxy
- xntpd and proxy (Update)
- XP1000 and dxpower
- XP1000 DAT
- XP1000 max serial port speed?
- XP1000, KZPCA and EXB-8900: They are not getting along too well...
- XP900 / Elsa card / P1610 monitor
- XP900 and Multimedia
- XP900 and TRU-64 5.0
- XP900 and TZ88 Problem
- XP900,DS10
- XTERM error message
- Xterm question
- Xterm, Video Mode w/S3, and DNS client questions
- xwd2ps executable problem
- Xwindows Client for windows.
- xwindows software
- YASSP/Titan clone for Tru64 project is looking for volunteers
- yppasswd, root and the old password...
- yppasswdd: prpasswd ndbm update failed (Tru46 V5.0/C2/NIS)
- Zamiennik 80C188
- Zombie Processes
- ZSh question
- {S} disklabel question
- {S} need a newer m4?
- {S} swap question
- Last message date: Mon Jan 01 2001 - 07:31:03 NZDT
- Archived on: Wed Nov 08 2023 - 11:53:49 NZDT