I am having trouble in installing Microsoft Frontpage 2000 server extensions
on our Unix server.
The installation script error with:-
Cannot create folder "_vti_pvt".
ERROR: / installation failed.
Hit enter to continue
Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.
I have carefully followed the instructions as given on the Microsoft site:-
I have created a new user called webuser and a new group called webgroup as
stated in section 1 of the above procedure. I also confirm that the webuser
account can login via telnet to this server, and use rsh.
Can anyone offer any help this matter.
Our HTTP server is: Fasttrack type 3.1
***** log of the fp2000 server ext ******
# pwd
# ls -la
drwxr-xr-x 10 root system 8192 Sep 5 10:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 root system 8192 Jul 3 17:02 ..
drwxr-xr-x 6 root system 8192 May 22 13:35 Acrobat3
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 8192 May 22 13:35 bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 May 22 13:35 doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx users 18851360 Sep 5 08:48 fp40.alpha.tar.Z
-rwxr-x--- 1 xxxxx users 55592 Sep 5 08:48 fp_install.sh
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 Sep 5 10:37 frontpage
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 May 22 13:32 include
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 May 22 13:32 lib
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 May 22 13:32 man
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 May 22 13:32 share
# ./fp_install.sh
Step 1. Setting Up Installation Environment
Setting umask 002
Logged in as root.
Revision: 1.1
Date: 1998/12/02 21:58:21
This script will step the user through upgrading existing and installing
new servers and webs. As with any software installation, a backup should be
done before continuing. It is recommended that the FrontPage installation
directory, server configuration file directory, and all web content be
backed up before continuing with this installation.
Are you satisfied with your backup of the system (y/n) [N]? y
Directory /usr/local exists.
Root has necessary access to /usr/local.
Where would you like to install the FrontPage Extensions. If you
select a location other than /usr/local/frontpage/ then a symbolic
link will be created from /usr/local/frontpage/ to the location that
is chosen.
FrontPage Extensions directory [/usr/local/frontpage/]:
WARNING: Directory /usr/local/frontpage already exists.
Installation will overwrite existing files.
Continue the installation (y/n) [N]? y
Step 2. Untarring the Extensions and Checking Protections
Version 4.0 FrontPage Server Extensions found.
Would you like to overwrite? (y/n) [Y]?
Looking for tar file...
Platform is alpha.
Uncompressing/Untarring file /usr/local/fp40.alpha.tar.Z into /usr/local...
echo Step 3. Upgrading/Installing the extensions
Checking for existing web servers to upgrade...
No existing web servers found to upgrade.
Note: If you have not installed the root web then you need to do it now.
Do you want to install a root web (y/n) [Y]?
Installing the root web...
Server config filename:
FrontPage Administrator's user name: webtest
Unix user name of the owner of this new web:[nobody] webuser
Unix group of this new web:[] webgroup
1. ncsa
2. apache
3. apache-fp
4. netscape-fasttrack
5. netscape-enterprise
6. stronghold
What type of Server is this: 4
Installing root web into port 80...
installing server / on port 80
Will chown web to webuser as part of install.
Will chgrp web to webgroup as part of install.
Starting install, port: 80, web: "root web"
Password for user "webtest":
Confirm password:
Cannot create folder "_vti_pvt".
ERROR: / installation failed.
Hit enter to continue
Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.
------------ end --------------
At the time of error message it is running this program:-
/usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/bin/fpsrvadm.exe -o install -p 80 -s
/usr/opt/netscape/suitespot/httpd-xxxxxx/config/magnus.conf -u webtest -type
netscape-fasttrack -xUser webuser -xGroup webgroup -m
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and do not necessarily represent those of MFI Furniture Group PLC or its associated companies.
Received on Tue Nov 21 2000 - 17:36:09 NZDT