Two mornings in a row I've come in to work to find my Alphaserver 4000
down. The first morning it was at the console prompt. This morning it
appeared as though it was off all together, no prompt and I actually had
to hit the power button on to get it to start.
Comes up fine after a few file system checks of the drives. Shows no
crash dumps, no errors in the Uerf log.
Only way I know what time it went down was the webserver stopped logging
at 6:00am on the nose and started again when I brought it back up.
It feels like someone hit the power button, but the doors are locked
tight. No logins on the machine between 3:00am and 8:00 when I booted it.
Any ideas? Does it sound like the power supply is bad?
-Ed Silver
Received on Thu Apr 20 2000 - 12:21:27 NZST