My original message:
> Hi all,
> inside a sub-directory there are xxxx.dat.old (more than 100k) files
> that I have to remove.
> I mustn't remove the subdir.
> Searching in the archieve, I found the following suggestions:
> # find ./ -type f -exec rm {} \;
> answer: /usr/bin/find: arg list too long
> and
> # ls | xargs -i rm -f {}
> answer: /usr/bin/ls: arg list too long
> I tried these and some variants commands but... not success :-(
> TIA,
First of all, sorry for post twice but at first time I received a
msg due my S/MIME Cipher so I understood my msg was not read.
I received 21 messages about this subject. Many thanks to all you :-)
This list is great!
The problem was to remove *only* those xxxxxx.dat.old files.
The large amount of files was not considered for all readers. So,
it was not possible to use wildcards: this cause an arg list overflow.
There are 2 possible solutions for the problem (St. Suika Fenderson
Roberts and John J. Francini), marked as WORKS in the original replies.
Again, thanks a lot for the replies.
Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646
Are you a total UNIX newbie? "cd" into the directory and then do an
"rm *"..
What do you mean by "not success" ?
Have you simply tried :
rm -f *
or rm -f *.dat.old
Gwen Pettigrew
why not just cd to the sub directory and do
rm *.dat.old
You might want to check that hasn't been aliased to rm -i first. (
check you login scriptd for what ever shell you use)
Finn Rasmussen
If I understand you correct, use the command:
rm *.dat.old
inside the subdir. This will delete all files whos name ends in ".dat.old"
Nikola Milutinovic
What is the error message?
Paul Crittenden
Can't you go into that sub-directory and do a rm *.dat.old?
John Losey
If you want them all gone, and they are all of the format xxxx.dat.old, then
(from inside the directory)
rm ????.dat.old
Dave Paper
you might want to try
ls -1 | xargs -i rm -f {}
though, that's strange that find and ls give you an error. They shouldn't.
Try something like
echo * | xargs -i rm -f {}
if that fails.
Joerg Bruehe
1) These commands will remove _all_ files,
please check if that is what you want.
2) The easiest way will be to remove the subdirectory
and then to re-create it:
cd parent ; rm -fr subdir ; mkdir subdir
possibly followed by chown, chgrp, chmod for the subdir
3) The commands you typed should also work, and IMHO the
error messages do not fit the commands. Please double-check
whether you really did
find ./ and ls
or you called
find ./* and ls *
You must not use the '*' here because it makes the shell expand
all file names, and that causes the arg list overflow.
4) In such a full directory, you might also do
rm -f a*
rm -f b*
and so on, because that restricts the file names expanded (and
hence the arg list) to those starting with 'a', then with 'b'
and so on; repeat that for all starting characters.
You might get a book or tutorial on shells and shell programming
telling you how to avoid such an overflow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WORKS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
St. Suika Fenderson Roberts
find /path/to/subdir/ -name \*.dat.old -exec ls -l \{\} \;
should list them all nicely, to make sure you are only chosing the ones
to be removed, then
find /path/to/subdir -name \*.dat.old -exec rm \{\} \;
will remove them.
Jerome M Berkman
Those should work. I don't see why "ls" wouldn't unless you
started "ls * | ...". Try:
% ls > /tmp/names
% xargs -i rm -f {} < /tmp/names
If the "ls" doesn't work, maybe you have it aliased in a funny way
or are using a weird shell. You could write a short Perl program
to scan the directory and remove all files, but that shouldn't
be necessary.
George Gallen
what happens if you just do a "rm *.dat.old"?
since all the files end in .dat.old
You do have delete rights? possibly why it didn't work?
if you want to clear all the files, then just do a "rm *"
this will NOT remove subdirectories. but you must execute
it from within the subdirectory you want cleared (same with
the above statement).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WORKS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
John J. Francini
# cd dir-with-all-the-files
# find . -name "*.dat.old" -exec rm {} \;
Note that the quotation marks around *.dat.old are required to keep
the shell from expanding the wildcard.
Gary George
How about:
ls | xargs -n 10 rm -f {}
(And then go for coffee.)
Cyndi Smith
Here's what I have in my root crontab to clean out /var/tmp, maybe
a variation would work:
find /var/tmp -type f -atime +2 -exec /usr/bin/rm -f {} \;
perhaps what you need would be:
# find ./ -type f -exec /usr/bin/rm -f {} \;
maybe it need the path to rm specified. The other comment I make is the
I use gnu's find.
Also, are there any files in that subdirectory that you need to keep?
If not, why not just cd into that directory, then
# /usr/bin/rm -f *
or # /usr/bin/rm -f ????.dat.old
if you want to be more specific.
Piotr Konieczny
1) for i in `find . -type f`; do rm $i; done
2) for i in a b c d e f ... z; do rm $i*; done
3) for i in a b c d e f ... z; do for j in a b c d ... z; do rm
$i$j*; done; done
Udo de Boer
try find . wsithout the slash.
Thomas M. Payerle
That is very odd. Are you sure you did not include a * anywhere? Check your
aliases for find, rm, ls, and xargs?
ls * will expand to ls file1 file2 file3 .... file100001, etc. and can very
well overflow the arg list, but plain ls doesn't have any args.
Can you do a plain ls on the directory? If so, an uglier alternative to the
suggestions shown (and tried) is ls > temp.file
Then edit temp.file (may need to use sed, or split -l 1000, etc because of size)
and simply change each line to read
rm file1
rm file2
and run as shell script. But doubt will work if others failed.
Have you considered mv'ing the directory, creating an empty one, xfer any files
not to be deleted, and delete the renamed directory? (Not sure how stringent
the not delete directory requirement is)?
The find example fails because the command line generated
is longer than the exec(2) family of system calls support.
I'm not sure why the ls fails, since an ls by itself only
opens the current directory and runs through listing the
files. I'd use:
find . -type f -print | xargs rm -f
Craig Cole
Try sending through a for loop so that it takes the files one at a time:
for i in `ls`
echo removing $i
rm $i
don't bother with the "echo" line if you don't want any output to the
screen. I just like to make sure the command is doing what I think it's
Jim Belonis
If the filenames have some way you can select a subset, you might be able
to do it by parts e.g. by deleting all that start with 'a', then all
that start with 'b' etc.
You can
ls -1 > some_filename
then select filenames from the file one at a time
or a bunch at a time (to the limits of the rm command-line)
using a short shell script.
Altamiro M. Diniz
Received on Fri Feb 25 2000 - 11:12:54 NZDT