I have just installed sudo and got a new error in my life !
I am trying to give rights to my programmers to search ( with find) some
files and grep on them. I have seen sudo and installed. I have written a
script (which is myprog), and wanted to use like this
sudo mypog
but it gives me the following error ;
/usr/local/bin/myprog: function: not found
/usr/local/bin/myprog: syntax error at line 12: `}' unexpected
The place where the error talks , I have just defined a script function ;
#Gets user input and assings it to a standard variable $FOutput
function GetInput {
echo ${QText}"\c"
read UserInput
} --->> it gives error here...
I want to ask
1- is it safe to run a shell script with sudo ? ( I know it is dangerous
with setuid, for this reason I donloaded sudo ...)
2- how can I correct the problem, Can't I call a shell function within a
script running with sudo ...
Unix sys Admin
Received on Fri Sep 29 2000 - 08:25:40 NZST