When I installed our 2nd NIC, I thought I'd just be pulling out the old one,
but a little surprise jumped at me, It turns out we don't have a KZPAA
SCSI controller either. Apparantly, Our tu0 (10mbs) is combined with
our SCSI controller and I'm not sure what else.
so...What functions are on this board? And is there a replacement for
the 2100 that would have 100mbs for the ethernet and a non-narrow SCSI
for the controller (unless the B2110-AA isn't already). Since we only
have one more PCI slot, I can't replace this one board with 3.
George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220
SLACK Incorporated - An innovative information, education and management
Received on Wed Oct 04 2000 - 17:14:10 NZDT