Hello Collect fans. This is a survey of 13 short questions
to give us an idea of how Tru64 Unix's Collect tool is
currently being used, and to solicit your input so that we
might improve it to better suit your needs. Please forward
this survey to anyone you know who uses collect, but may
not be on our mailing list.
Taking part in our survey is easy... simply reply to this
email answering each question below as it applies to you.
For each question, enter your answer after the A: tag
provided. You may elaborate after answering each multiple
choice. As you fill out the survey, be careful not to
overwrite the Q/A tags.
Thank you for taking the time to help us help you.
Your input is very important to us.
Q1: How often do you use collect?
a. Never
b. Once/Month
c. Once/Week
d. Everyday
e. Continuously (24x7)
Q2: How often do you use homegrown scripts for parsing
collect output?
a. Never
b. Occasionally
c. Once/Month
d. Once/Week
e. Everyday
Q3: What is your opinion on our possibly adding
thresholding to collect?
a. Bad Idea
b. No Thanks
c. No Opinion
d. Yes, I might use that.
e. Definitely
Q4: How useful would you find an NT or Linux tool to
read collect's compressed datafile? (like 'collect -p
<file>' plays back the data on UNIX)
a. Bad Idea
b. No Thanks
c. No Opinion (I don't use collect -p feature now)
d. Yes, I might use that.
e. Definitely
Q5: How often do you use cfilt? - including using it
via the collgui interface.
a. Never, or I don't know what cfilt is.
b. Occasionally
c. Once/Month
d. Once/Week
e. Everyday
Q6: Can you catagorize your usage of cfilt output?
After answering the multiple choice, please suggest
other output formats that would be useful to you
- cfilt currently outputs gnuplot/Excel format
a. I don't use cfilt at all.
b. I use gnuplot exclusively
c. I use Excel exclusively
d. I use both gnuplot and Excel to graph cfilt output
Q7: How often do you use collgui?
a. Never, or I don't know what collgui is.
b. Occasionally
c. Once/Month
d. Once/Week
e. Everyday
Q8: Collgui currently has 'live' mode (collgui -live).
Is this a feature you find useful.
a. I didn't know of this feature; I can't say.
b. Not at all useful.
c. No Opinion either way
d. Yes.
e. Definitely
Q9: How useful would you find an NT or Linux
visualization tool to display collect data?
a. Bad Idea
b. No Thanks
c. No Opinion
d. Yes, I might use that.
e. Definitely
Q10: How useful would you find a canned report
generator? ie. An executable that would parse
collect output and create a text or html file
reporting on average and peak subsystem usage.
a. Bad Idea
b. No Thanks
c. No Opinion
d. Yes, I might use that
e. Definitely
Q11: In the context of the last question: How useful
would you find a web interface for viewing server
generated reports?
a. Bad Idea
b. No Thanks
c. No Opinion
d. Yes, I might use that.
e. Definitely
Q12: We are trying to gauge the usefulness of adding
various new subsystems to collect. We have a short
list of potential additions. Please let us know
what you think of these candidates and suggest
others if you like. ( memory channel, advfs, DRD,
CFS, FibreChannelAdapters, HSZ/HSG, Wildfire, Numa stats )
Q13: Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Thank you for your time.
For other collect support email, please use:
Received on Mon Mar 06 2000 - 21:25:19 NZDT