SUMMARY: allowing non-root user to run savegrp in 5.5.1

From: Cherie Willoughby <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 08:49:52 -0500

Hi folks,

Well, as much as I dislike using freeware on my production systems, sudo came to
the rescue. I ended up installing sudo as the safest way to allow my DB admin to
run savegrp. Compaq offered the savepnpc command as an option however, it was
not a good fit for what I was looking to accomplish. Perhaps that option would
work for other folks out there having a similar problem. Bottom line is that
there is no way to get around root being the only UID that can execute savegrp
in version 5.5.1.

Thanks to Chan Cao and John Losey for your responses.

-Cherie Willoughby

Cherie Willoughby wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I recently upgraded to version 5.5.1 of NSR (on 4.0d PK3 with ASE) and I now
> have a major problem. Each night, my database administrator account backs up our
> progress databases to disk and then kicks off the tape backup to back these
> files up DLT (using the davegrp command in a script). We have done this for
> years. Now, with the same permission files, my database admin account is no
> longer allowed to run savegrp. Has anyone else out there run into this problem
> and found an acceptable workaround to allow non root users run savegrp?
> I still find it hard to believe that this option was pulled from the software
> but there is no denying that it is now broken.
> Thanks,
> Cherie
Received on Wed Jan 12 2000 - 14:50:27 NZDT

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