Tru-64 Alpha knowledge data-base
Since I no longer administer Tru64 systems (sorry,
folks - I took a job with the 'enemy', Sun) I have
remained out-of-the-loop on very recent goings-on.
Despite this - I am constantly getting email, calls,
and faxes from my former [consulting/company]
employers who have requirements for tru64
people (for primarily 'contracts' not perm).
So....If you are 'looking' - send me off an email to:
and I'll do a 'hook-up' if appropriate.
Please: DO NOT send me 'resume's - please
just an email with your contact info and a short
of your osf3.2, Digital Unix 4.0 (B,D,E,F,) or
Tru64 5.0 experience (particularily if you have
any experience with Sierra Clusters, Quadrics
switches, etcetera) - include experience with Oracle
if applicable.
Thank you.
Reply to - burns_m_at_yahoo.com
but "better" [less crowded mailbox]
Reply to alfa6_at_rocketmail.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
Received on Fri Sep 08 2000 - 21:07:59 NZST