Hi managers,
I've installed ASDU V4.1 and after that V4.1ECO1.
With this versions changing the password for the
NT-users does'nt work. In the older Version (V4.0A)
and older I can change (as root) the password
for an NT-User with the following command:
net user smith hello12
After that the passwort for user 'smith' is changed
to 'hello12'. With the new versions (see above)
the passwort for NT-User 'smith' is still the old one.
Is there someone out who knows a good work around?
Much better would be if there is a chance to fix the
bug (someone from Compaq?) or one can open a call
for this Problem (I've no support for this).
I'll give a summary (for sure).
yours sincerely
Norbert Kasperczyk-Borgmann
University of Applied Sciences - Fachhochschule Hamburg
Fachbereich E/I, Softwarelabor, Raum 1187
Berliner Tor 3, D-20099 Hamburg, Germany
phone: +49 40 42859-3167
fax : +49 40 2803770
email: nkb_at_informatik.fh-hamburg.de
Received on Wed Jul 12 2000 - 09:34:04 NZST