Dear managers
We have several Alphastations that are running 4.0x. Anyways, we
want to be able to share files with our Department-wide NT (mainly
desktop) environment with NT running on DELL PC's. Anyways, I compiled
the binaries on our Alpha server, updated the /etc/exports directory and
/etc/hosts directory, added the smbd to /bin/rc3.d startup directory and
had our NT administrator setup the NT side.
It works for our NT adminstrator because she has a NFS client running on
her PC, but we were told that we shouldn't have to have one on our PCs.
I was, also, told that it working from a Sun Sparcstation without an
NFS client on the NT box. Am I perfectly configured on the Alpha box?
There isn't that much configuration other than modifying /etc/exports,
adding the hosts to the /etc/hosts file, and having the daemon start-up
at boot time.
Sincerely yours !!!
Sherman owens
Received on Mon Feb 14 2000 - 18:00:58 NZDT