restoring AdvFS file systems

From: Karen Byrd <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 07:24:53 -0400 (EDT)

I had a system disk go south on aa 2100 server(4.0e running oracle 8.1.5).
I did the usual thing on the new disk:

1) boot install CD for unix shell
2)disklabel -rw -t advfs "disk disk_type"
3) mkfdmn/mkfset for the root file system
4) mount the filesystem
5) make tape device

But I could not boot the disk to single user mode to complete
the rest of the restores for the other file systems for the
Karen Y. Byrd Suite 600
Systems Manager 3440 Market St.
Tech Sup. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Info. Ser. Div. Voice: 215/615-0659
UofP Health System Fax: 215/349-5846
Received on Fri Sep 15 2000 - 11:24:26 NZST

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