I've had a number of further responses to this question, thanks to all
those who replied.
The fix remains the same, remove the IMPLICIT license, but I thought I'd
add these responses as it seems this is not an uncommon problem.
From: Stephen Dowdy <dowdy_at_cs.colorado.edu>
With the CSLG osf-usr license you should be able to set the #units
to any value. I believe that you usually want 400 x # cpus (so a 4cpu
2100 syste would need 1600 units). I forget the details but again,
you can set it to virtually anything. Something like:
modify osf-usr dec
(change units to whatever, then exit editor)
My beef is that LMF usually finds the *worst* (or expired) license,
rather than the best or functiona license, argh.
From: Nikola Milutinovic <Nikola.Milutinovic_at_ev.co.yu>
Unlimited licenses usually have 1100 for a number of units. Here is mine:
OSF-USR active unlimited
OSF-USR active, multiple unlimited
Looks like your license is rejected by the system.
From: John Deacon <jrd_at_star.ucl.ac.uk>
A bit late now but FYI you can sort this out without needing the
Authorization Number, you can just do:
# lmf reset
to get rid of the 4-user limit.
From: Sheila Hollenbaugh <shollen_at_cs.wright.edu>
You need to delete the IMPLICIT license (we have the same problem every
time we
do an upgrade).
From: JILL TOTH <TOTHJIL_at_aquinas.edu>
We had the same problem, which wasn't noticed until after a new server
went into production and the users couldn't login. The solution was
reloading my Unix unlimited license pak.
From: Chad Price <cprice_at_molbio.unmc.edu>
I saw your note after all was finished, but there is a point here.. I
also had multiple OSF-USR licences last year, and when I applied the
updates, I could get no users logged in (not even 4). I think DEC/Compaq
must have changed to the way the software works this year. At least I
know I'm not the only one caught out by it.
From: "Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646" <tpb_at_doctor.zk3.dec.com>
If you do "lmf list full for osf-usr" you can see what the LMF believes
for both licenses. You can remove the "implicit user" license; its
presence may be a problem in conjunction with the "unlimited" license
(which would be a bug in the LMF code). If you do remove the implicit
license and then want to put it back, there is a script in /sbin/it.d/bin
that does it for you.
And the original message, just in case...
As a University we get CSLG license paks - from Australia I think.
I've just been updating them when I noticed:
OSF-USR active 4 1
OSF-USR active, multiple 4 1
One of these is the UNIX-SERVER-IMPLICIT-USER license, and the other
(ASP-SN-2000JAN27-4639) is supposed to be unlimited user. I _thought_ it
said 'unlimited' in the 'Users: Total' column of lmf's list command before
I added the new license, but I'm not sure.
I deleted the previous OSF-USR license and did an 'lmf reset' before and
after registering the new PAK. I also tried removing the new license and
re-registering it.
Classes have just started, so this is going to be a big problem if only 4
users can get access :-(
Any/All comments welcome,
Simon Greaves voice: (+679) 212114
Computer Centre fax: (+679) 304089
The University of the South Pacific email: Simon.Greaves_at_usp.ac.fj
Suva, Fiji
Received on Sun Feb 27 2000 - 23:51:59 NZDT