A question!

From: Domen Setar <Domen.Setar_at_IZUM.SI>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:11:18 +0100

Hi admins!

I'm new at Unix. I use Tru64 Unix V5.0 and have installed TZ89 on it. I want
to make backup of /, /usr and /var on single tape (DLT).
I tried with vdump, but if I use -UN to prevent unloading and unrewinding of
tape I got core dump message.
I also tried hostdump.sh script, but it doesn't work because tz89 is not a
NO-REWIND device.
Can someone please explain a solution either with vdump or hostdump.sh?
Thank you in advance!

Domen Šetar

IZUM Maribor
Prešernova 17, Maribor 2000
+386 2 2520331
Received on Mon Nov 13 2000 - 11:13:02 NZDT

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