I rounded up a bunch of old disks and a raid controller and mounted them in a SW shelf. I ran thru the ra200rcu util and configured the disks to a raid 0 array. Then initialized them and went home. Came back this morning at the init was done. Then I rebooted and saw the new controller in the boot sequence.
Feb 4 08:54:22 build vmunix: xcr1 at pci1 slot 1
Feb 4 08:54:22 build vmunix: RAID-ctlr-1-unit-8 at xcr1 unit 8 (unit status = ONLINE, raid level = 0)
Feb 4 08:54:22 build vmunix: (WRITE BACK cache operation SUPPORTED if battery backup enabled)
Feb 4 08:54:22 build vmunix: Initializing xcr0. Please wait....
My question is how do I know which device this is in tru64 5.0. I have a mirrored drive as /dev/disk/dsk0a, and a raid 5 array that is /dev/disk/disk1g. How can I tell what these new drives device name is under 5?
Received on Fri Feb 04 2000 - 15:45:25 NZDT