There were two utilities that could be used.
rdist - Comes with the DU/Tru64 release.
Used with the -y option will not copy over a newer file.
rsync - Open source from
Would do the job as well. Ideal for mirroring.
After reading the readily available man page for rdist, it
seems that it will work fine. It's also simpler to set up (apparently).
It has an option (-n) to use to for debugging (everything runs but
the actual copy.
Once again the greatest technical mail-list comes through !
Thanks to the following for their responses:
Grant Ward
Paul Sand
Phil Thomas
Garry Optland
Richard Jackson
Joel Votaw
-----Original Message-----
Dear Friends,
I would like to keep certain files on my two member
TruCluster DU 4.0D systems mirrors of each other.
I'm talking about things like:
/etc/routes, /etc/hosts, and
Oracle's config files, etc.
I have a script to copy a list these desired files over
to the other but thought I would get slick and
check the time on the files and then copy the newer one
over the older one.
Nothing's fool proof, but I thought this check would help.
I don't want to use NFS for obvious cluster-wise reasons.
I'm trying to avoid copying over the file to do the "find -newer" or
GNU find version.
Is there a fancy version of rcp out there that does this
Wayne Sweatt
Principal Software Analyst
Litton / PRC
Received on Tue Jan 11 2000 - 16:59:23 NZDT