verifying PowerStorm install

From: Peyton Bland <>
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 16:58:06 -0500


After installing the software for our PowerStorm 350 on an XP1000 running
5.0A, it looks like the verification software fails. The tar archive that
I downloaded from Compaq is named ps3x0v151-V50.tar . Following the
instructions, I generated a new kernel with doconfig running under the
generic kernel. I know that SOMETHING was loaded and configured, as the
display now shows windows in the expected sizes rather that having the
large and coarse "VGA" appearance as they did before the install. The name
of the verification program that the instructions say to run is
/usr/bin/X11/gl_ivp. When I run this program, the system hangs, and I have
to power cycle to get it back.

I'll summarize any interesting/helpful advice.


University of Michigan, Radiology
voice: 734-647-0849
FAX: 734-764-8541
Received on Mon Nov 06 2000 - 21:59:34 NZDT

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