I have what will probably be a pretty simple question. I have just upgrade the box I run oracle on from a 1200 with 2G of ram to a Ds20E with 4G. I upped the tuning params in oracle to use more ram, but 4.0F will not seem to let me set the SHM-MAX param to larger that 2.1G. If this is as high as I can set it, how can I get oracle to use all this ram? Oracle will be the only thing running on this box.
Here is how I have all the ipc params set.
bash-2.02# sysconfig -q ipc
msg-max = 8192
msg-mnb = 16384
msg-mni = 64
msg-tql = 40
shm-max = 2100000000
shm-min = 1
shm-mni = 128
shm-seg = 32
sem-mni = 16
sem-msl = 25
sem-opm = 10
sem-ume = 10
sem-vmx = 32767
sem-aem = 16384
num-of-sems = 60
max-kernel-ports = 29399
port-hash-max-num = 1469950
port-reserved-max-num = 29399
set-max-num = 3333
ssm-threshold = 8388608
ssm-enable-core-dump = 1
Received on Sun Mar 19 2000 - 12:33:15 NZST