PB73B 1000A 4/233 & 18GB 7200rpm disks?

From: Christopher C. Stevenson <csteven_at_kelvin.physics.mun.ca>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 16:33:57 -0330 (NST)

Greetings, list

We have an older AlphaServer 1000A 4/233 (Model B3-PB73B-B9, so we know
exactly what we're talking about) with a single RZ29B-VA 4.3GB disk on the
top position of the integral StorageWorks bay. The rest of the bay is
empty. A number of narrow, external SCSI disks hang off the back; we want
to migrate back inside the case and speed things up a tad by putting an
18GB wide disk in position three down (next free SCSI ID). Our first
attempt - purchasing a wide SCSI Quantum Atlas V (7200rpm, 18.2GB) - was
stymied because we couldn't locate a sled/shelf/caddy/holder for the disk
that accepted WIDE disks; we turned up three that took narrow, and we
could've used that disk if we'd had the itty bitty ribbon cable in the
sled/shelf/caddy/holder that physically connected the drive to the back
plane connector. It's not possible to locate this ribbon cable, it seems.

We returned the drive (which we bought for $800CDN), and purchased a
COMPAQ disk, which we were assured would come "ready to plug in". It
arrived, $1000CDN later; another bare 18GB 7200rpm wide SCSI disk! THIS
has been returned. I'm now wondering what a disk+caddy will cost! In
trying to hammer home to our rep. just what we wanted, I passed along our
model number. He immediately reported that "18GB 7200 disks are not
supported in 1000/1000A's earlier than PB75 because of heat issues".

I'm getting tired of this run-around. Anybody out there with such a
disk in a (okay, "pre-PB75") 1000A?

Thanks in advance.

Christopher C Stevenson C3004 office: (709) 737-2624
Dept. of Physics & Physical Oceanography fax: (709) 737-8739
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA A1B 3X7
URL: http://www.physics.mun.ca/~csteven
Received on Fri Jan 28 2000 - 20:04:48 NZDT

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