Original problem is attached at the end of this message.
Thank you to those who answered...... Most notably
- Frank Wortner ----> Who wrote
> The deinstallation procedure in /usr/.smdb./LGTOCLNT551.scp looks for
> processes that need to be halted before removing Networker.
> Unfortunately,
> one Networker program is named "recover," so when
> /usr/.smdb./LGTOCLNT551.scp does a "ps -ef | grep recover" it finds
> "/dbms/ingres/bin/iidbms recovery." Sigh!
> If you are a brave sort, edit /usr/.smdb./LGTOCLNT551.scp;
> look for the
> lines that read
> #
> # Kill daemons
> #
> PROCESSES="nsrexecd|save|recover|networker|nwadmin"
> KILL_PROCESSES="nsrexecd|networker|nwadmin|save|recover"
> and delete the "recover" from both of them. If all goes well
> -- and no one
> is running Networker's recover program while you are trying
> to delete the
> client software -- you should be able to run setld -d LGOTCLNT551
> successfully. Of course, you do this at your own risk,
> etc., etc., etc.
- Knut Hellebų ----> Who wrote
> In /usr/.smdb./ there's a script called LGTOCLNTxxx.scp. This script
> takes care of the subset deletion preparation. Take a look at this
> script and check if the processes to be killed does include the ingres
> process. I think you will be OK if you find this section and modify it
> accordingly.
> Good Luck ;-)
- LHERCAUD_at_bouyguestelecom.fr -----> Who worte
> The bug is inside the script /usr/.smdb./LGTOCLNT551.scp
> which you need to modify first then delete the kit.
> Pay attention as the installation of the new kit MAY do the
> same to you
> ingress db.
Anyone of the above will lead the reader to a speedy resolution.....
Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Leo Kliger
Sent: Wednesday, 15 March 2000 10:06:AM
To: 'tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov'
Subject: setld problem
Hello Managers,
I have a DU4.0f system running Ingres Database and Legato Networker.
I am trying to update my Legato Networker from 5.5.1 to
but in the process of uninstalling 5.5.1 I get the following message:-
# setld -i | grep LGT
LGTOCLNT550 Legato Networker Basic Client
LGTOCLNT551 installed Legato Networker Basic Client
LGTOMAN550 Legato Networker Manpages
LGTONODE550 Legato Networker Driver & Storage Node
LGTONODE551 Legato Networker Driver & Storage Node
LGTOSERV550 Legato Networker Server
LGTOSERV551 Legato Networker Server
# setld -d LGTOCLNT551
The following background processes are still running and will be killed
during the Legato NetWorker Client version 551 deletion:
8224 ?? S 0:58.16 /dbms/ingres/bin/iidbms recovery
(dmfrcp) AM
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [ y ]: n
LGTOCLNT551 will not be deleted
setld: LGTOCLNT551, deletion declined by subset control program.
Does anyone know how I might remove the above without shutting down my
Ingres Database?
Many Thanks,
Leo Kliger
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Received on Wed Mar 15 2000 - 21:11:26 NZDT