XP900 and TZ88 Problem

From: Regis Carlier <Regis.Carlier_at_univ-valenciennes.fr>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 11:22:25 +0200

        Hi ,

        I've got an XP900 DU4.0F and I need to connect a TZ88 .

        I've got 2 scsi cards a qlogic IPS10x0 with my internal disks
        and a NCR 53c895 where I'd like to connect the TZ88 .

        When I plug the TZ , the systemm does not boot and says :

        waiting for pkb0. to poll

        the TZ is a TZ88N-TA , 3 years old

        there is nothing else on this scsi chan .

        I suspect a configuration Pb (on the card) or a speed or cable pb .
        I don't know how I can change the card configuration .

Carlier Regis, Service Informatique, Universite de Valenciennes
Le Mont Houy , 59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9,  FRANCE
Tel :, mailto:Regis.Carlier_at_univ-valenciennes.fr
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Received on Mon Apr 03 2000 - 09:22:13 NZST

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