From: M selcukkaraca <>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 11:23:51 -0700

Hi Admins,

Yes, Just our DBA has removed the tape from driver before the tar process
completed ...
responses and original question are listed below...
Thanks to all admins who replied


A book on SCSI would be a good start for resources, since
it is a fairly straight forward SCSI error. The short
explaination is that it is telling you that there isn't
a tape in the drive.

SCSI commands can complete with a variety of status
conditions. The two most common are "success" and
"check condition". The "check condition" is not
necessarily a failure, but merely the device saying
that it has more information for the software than a
simple "success". The particular SCSI command for
this entry got a "Check Condition" as indicated by
the "SCSI Status" line. For what it is worth, the
line after the "(CDB) Command & Data Buf" is the
SCSI command that got the error. The command opcode
is 08, which is a read.

The appropriate response to a SCSI Check Condition is
to follow-up with a Request Sense command. This will
return the sense data that has the detail of what
caused the Check Condition. The sense data the device
sent back is after the "SCSI Sense Data" Packet type.

The immediately relevant bytes of data are the Sense
Key, ASC and ASCQ. The Sense Key indicates that the
device wasn't ready ("Not Ready"). The specific reason
it wasn't ready is indicated by the ASC/ASCQ, which is
"Medium Not Present". That is SCSI's way of saying
that there wasn't a tape in the drive.

If you're certain that there was a tape in the drive
when this error occured, then you have a bad drive
since it doesn't think there is a tape.

 Dr. Thomas P. Blinn

It was a tape error, labelled as a check condition. There is very little
information published anywhere on how to interpret the output of the
various service tools. Yes, that may have been output by uerf, but the
output from dia (DECevent) or ca (Compaq Analyze) would not be very much

The (false) assumption is that the analysis of the error logs is something
that should be done by a trained hardware support technician, someone who
is trained by Compaq to do that work. So the information that you need
to correctly interpret the error log analysis isn't documented for you as
a "self maintenance" customer.

Anyway, I'd say the error was probably transient, and may have been caused
by bad media. If you've only got one tape drive, try using the "tapex"
utility with the "-E" option (test everything) and known good media to see
if the drive is generating repeated errors. If it is, it may need to be

-Cyndi Smith M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Texas

> NOT READY - Logical unit is NOT ready

When I have gotten this error, it was because I tried to use the
tape before it was mounted.

Original Question....

Hi friends,
I have got the follwing entry with the sys_check (possibly it took it from
uerf =binary.errlog
I could not comment on the folllowing on that data. What is the meaning of
it .
OR is there any resource teaches how to analyze the following data. Thanx in

******************************** ENTRY 3 ********************************

Logging OS 2. Digital UNIX
System Architecture 2. Alpha
Event sequence number 1001.
Timestamp of occurrence 30-MAR-2000 08:56:23
Host name alpha

System type register x00000016 Alpha 4000/1200 Series
Number of CPUs (mpnum) x00000002
CPU logging event (mperr) x00000000

Event validity 1. O/S claims event is valid
Event severity 3. High Priority
Entry type 199. CAM SCSI Event Type

------- Unit Info -------
Bus Number 1.
Unit Number x0068 Target = 5.
                                     LUN = 0.
------- CAM Data -------
Class x01 Tape
Subsystem x01 Tape
Number of Packets 9.

------ Packet Type ------ 258. Module Name String

Routine Name ctape_iodone

------ Packet Type ------ 260. Hardware Error String

Error Type Hard Error Detected

------ Packet Type ------ 257. Device Name String

Device Name DEC TLZ09 (C)DEC0173

------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String

                                     Active CCB at time of error

------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String

                                     CCB request completed with an error

------ Packet Type ------ 1. SCSI I/O Request CCB(CCB_SCSIIO)
Packet Revision 76.

CCB Address xFFFFFC007FE3B100
CCB Length x00C0
XPT Function Code x01 Execute requested SCSI I/O
CAM Status xC4 CCB Request Completed WITH Error
                                     SIM Queue Frozen with this Error
                                     Autosense Data Valid for Target
Path ID 1.
Target ID 5.
Target LUN 0.
CAM Flags x00000040 Data Direction (01: DATA IN)
*pdrv_ptr xFFFFFC007FE3ADA8
*next_ccb x0000000000000000
*req_map xFFFFFC007FE0A700
void (*cam_cbfcnp)() xFFFFFC0000579450
*data_ptr x0000000140030000
Data Transfer Length 10240.
*sense_ptr xFFFFFC007FE3ADD0
Auotsense Byte Length 64.
CDB Length 6.
Scatter/Gather Entry Cnt 0.
SCSI Status x02 Check Condition
Autosense Residue Length x26
Transfer Residue Length x00002800
(CDB) Command & Data Buf

          15--<-12 11--<-08 07--<-04 03--<-00 :Byte Order
0000: 00000000 00000000 28000008 * ...(........*

Timeout Value x0000012D
*msg_ptr x0000000000000000
Message Length 0.
Vendor Unique Flags x0000
Tag Queue Actions x00

------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String

                                     Error, exception, or abnormal condition

------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String

                                     NOT READY - Logical unit is NOT ready

------ Packet Type ------ 768. SCSI Sense Data
Packet Revision 0.

Error Code xF0 Current Error
                                     Information Bytes are Valid
Segment # x00
Information Byte 3 x00
            Byte 2 x00
            Byte 1 x28
            Byte 0 x00
Sense Key x02 Not Ready
Additional Sense Length x12
CMD Specific Info Byte 3 x00
                  Byte 2 x00
                  Byte 1 x00
                  Byte 0 x00
ASC & ASCQ x3A00 ASC = x003A
                                     ASCQ = x0000
                                     Medium Not Present
FRU Code x00
Sense Key Specific Byte 0 x00 Sense Key Data NOT Valid
                   Byte 1 x00
                   Byte 2 x00

Addition Sense Data Size Allocated by Driver

Count of valid bytes: 46.

          15--<-12 11--<-08 07--<-04 03--<-00 :Byte Order
0000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 09000000 *................*
0010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
0020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Received on Mon Apr 03 2000 - 07:24:29 NZST

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