DU4.0d - ypcat sluggishness (ypcat or larger problem)

From: Surlow, Jim <surlow_at_lucent.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:16:01 -0600

Tru64 Folks,

I have two DU4.0d servers. One (an AS4100) with patch kit #6 and one
(AS4000) with no patches. When I do a ypcat on the 4100, it is
sluggishness - the 4000 shows no problems.

There have been times where I have wondered if there is some greater
network problem at work with the AS4100. This afternoon, I did more
extensive tests.

On the AS4100:
"ypcat passwd" will send 8192 bytes before the first delay. Then
another 8192 and then a 3rd. And then the remainder of the lengthy
file is sent with no delay. The first delay tends towards 5 seconds,
but can be as short as 2. The subsequent delays tend towards several
seconds to no delay. [This was measured by timestamps on a tcpdump.
To verify that my rlogins weren't causing any of the problems, this
was replicated with the ypcat from the console as well.]

Our AS4000, an AS1200 (running 4.0e), an ES40 (w/5.0a), our Suns,
our HPs, our Linux boxes do not exhibit this behavior.

All the boxes point to a Sun as the NIS master. If I point the AS4100
to a slave server (Red Hat 6.1), it is a bit faster, but the delays
occur with what appears the same timing. [This wasn't verified w/tcpdump

An "ls -lR $HOME/.." traverses through our NFS mounted home directories
with no apparent sluggishness. (A reportedly slow tar off an NFS mounted
home directory was my initial impedous to investigate today).

Since we've been known to have some oddities with our network - usually
the result of bad Cat 5 cables, all were checked and swapped in and out
<This was prior to the 8192 byte discovery.> All of these are on the
same subnet, not necessarily connected to the same set of switches.
Though other unix (not DU) boxes on the same switch as the AS4100, do
not show this behavior. The AS4100 is configured for 100BaseT full duplex,
not autosensing.

Anyone seen this sort of thing before? Can you shed any light as to
whether this is just a ypcat problem or a greater one? Anything else
I should be checking? [syslog and uerf don't log this problem]

Thanks in advance,

Jim Surlow
Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 00:26:16 NZDT

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