where did it go?

From: North, Walter <wnorth_at_state.mt.us>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 06:58:48 -0600

This morning I went looking for downloadable kits and such that I remember
being accessable via the /public dir from ftp at digital. Nothing is there
anymore except os patches etc.

Where did the other stuff go?

Perhaps I remember wrongly, it has been a while.


<rave mode=on>
And as an aside for the web designers at Compaq,
The compaq website has become quite inscruitable; and it is very difficult
to find things anymore. Unless I want to buy something.

Is it a service? or a support? or a product? or a solution?
Software, Hardware, etc, info/etc have been split up into these catagories
with the definition of the above being different from company to company.
And even within the same company.

But then this is true for almost every corporate web site anymore.

In the rush to sell things on the web it is often forgotten the other
purposes of a web site are to educate, inform, support, and help the
customer, and so, simple terms and clear groupings have disappeared into the
babble of corporate speak.

It's sort of like how architects design museums for the wonder of the
building instead of designing the building first and foremost around the
display of the objects within.

But somehow Digital hardware remains a fine product. Thanks be for that.

Enough of this, back to work.

<rave mode=off>

Walter North         406-444-2914
UNIX systems administration
wnorth_at_state.mt.us <mailto:wnorth_at_state.mt.us>
"With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine."
                                            -- RFC 1925
Received on Thu Jun 29 2000 - 13:00:13 NZST

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