creating some directories on another macine

From: Hasan Atasoy <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:56:21 +0200

        Hello Friends

        I have two machine and I want to create some directories on another
machine ( printer spool directories)
        when I execurte the command

                find /app/spool/ -type d -exec rsh macineB mkdir
/usr/tmp/work/{} \;

        it tries to create /usr/tmp/work/{} directory on machineB for each
directoy in /app/spool.
         why I am trying to do this procedure is ; each directoy except files
will be copied to the another machine at nights.
        so I cant use tar or dump and ftp

        how can I do this .

Hasan Atasoy
Sistem İletişim Müdürlüğü
E-mail :
Tel : +90 212 454 1362
Gsm : +90 532 284 3959
Received on Thu Nov 30 2000 - 11:56:05 NZDT

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