SUMMARY: Question about array controllers and Tru64

From: R. Richard Hirtler <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 10:31:24 -0400

Thanks to everyone who replied.


    (remember D0 = D000)
    (oh also where you have LUN that is actual unit number) so:
    unit number = D0 = D000 = Dx0y
    rz = rz(y as letter)( ( 8 * bus number) + x )
    where (y as letter) means if it is 0 then letter is a,
    So D0 = rza( (8*busnumber) + 0 )

    In this case I'm guessing that your HSZ is sitting on SCSI bus 5.

    So to continue D1 = D001 so
    rzb( ( 8* 5) + 0 ) = rzb40
    D102 is
    rzc( ( 8 * 5 ) + 1 ) = rzc41

Here is the solution worded differently:

    It's based on bus number first, then the D# is the target number, then
    apply the lun. Formula is (Bus * 8) + SCSI target ID. Throw your LUN
    and you have it. So for your example, rz40 is on bus 5 so;
    ( 5*8 ) + 0 = rz40
    40 + 0 = 40 =rz40
    ( 5 * 8 ) +1 = 41 = rz41 add a LUN of 2 ({ 0...7} = { a...h }) and you

R. Richard Hirtler Senior Consultant/Northeast Region Collective Technologies
It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom
to listen. ‹Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.


> How does Tru64 map logical units on an array controller to a UNIX device?
> I have a HSZ70 and a 8200 running 4.0F. The HSZ70 has the following units
> defined:
> LUN Uses
> D0 M0
> D1 S1
> D100 S100
> D101 M101
> D102 M102
> These LUN devices map to rz devices in /dev. I understand that MAKEDEV is
> used to create the rz devices. However, I am unclear on how the mapping is
> defined.
> For example, D0 maps to rz40. D1 maps to rzb40. The syntax for MAKEDEV might
> be:
> # /dev/MAKEDEV rz40 rzb40
> But how does the system ³know² which LUN to map to which device?
> TIA,
> -Ric
> -----
> R. Richard Hirtler Senior Consultant/Northeast Region
> Collective Technologies
> -----
> It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to
> listen. ‹Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Received on Fri Oct 27 2000 - 14:32:49 NZDT

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