Question about array controllers and Tru64

From: R. Richard Hirtler <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 10:04:00 -0400

How does Tru64 map logical units on an array controller to a UNIX device?

I have a HSZ70 and a 8200 running 4.0F. The HSZ70 has the following units

LUN Uses
D0 M0
D1 S1
D100 S100
D101 M101
D102 M102

These LUN devices map to rz devices in /dev. I understand that MAKEDEV is
used to create the rz devices. However, I am unclear on how the mapping is

For example, D0 maps to rz40. D1 maps to rzb40. The syntax for MAKEDEV
might be:

    # /dev/MAKEDEV rz40 rzb40

But how does the system ³know² which LUN to map to which device?


R. Richard Hirtler Senior Consultant/Northeast Region Collective Technologies
It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom
to listen. ‹Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Received on Fri Oct 27 2000 - 14:05:06 NZDT

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