My question was why Linux sets the initial group of a file differently than
tru64 does and how to change that...
Thanks to:
Stan Horwitz <>
Michael A Crowley <>
Udo de Boer <>
Piotr Konieczny <>
Stan meant one could always reset the group of a created file, however I
want it to be set 'correctly' the first time.
Michael pointed out that there are two different types, how groups are
grpid or bsdgroups / nogrpid or sysvgroups
These options define what group id a newly created
file gets. When grpid is set, it takes the group
id of the directory in which it is created; other
wise (the default) it takes the fsgid of the cur
rent process, unless the directory has the setgid
bit set, in which case it takes the gid from the
parent directory, and also gets the setgid bit set
if it is a directory itself.
That's what I was looking for, the reason for the difference is that tru64's
default is grpid, Linux' default is nogrpid!
Thanks again to everyone!
Horst Reiterer
Received on Sat Feb 26 2000 - 19:03:17 NZDT