maximum PID value in TU5.0A

From: Charles Vachon <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 17:10:54 -0400

Hello managers,

I'm trying to find a way to limit the maximum PID value used in Tru64
UNIX v5.0A. By declarations in header files one can find the following
about v5.0A:

in /usr/include/limits.h:
    #define PID_MAX INT_MAX /* max value for process ID
and in /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h:
    #define INT_MAX 2147483647 /* max value for an int

So this means that on TU5.0A, PID numbers could (in theory at least)
climb to 10-digit values. My concern is that various sysadmin utilities
(like top, for instance) are not able to handle such long PID numbers. I
would like to make TU5.0A behave like older 4.x versions, which BTW have
these values defined:

in /usr/include/limits.h:
    #define PID_MAX SHRT_MAX /* max value for a process
ID, >=30000 */
and in /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h:
    #define SHRT_MAX 32767 /* max value for a short */

The obvious answer is to modify /usr/include/limits.h so that the define
for PID_MAX resembles that of versions 4.x., and to recompile the
kernel. Alas, this does not seem to work. After a reboot using the new
kernel, PID numbers still climb above SHRT_MAX. Could the contents of
/usr/include/limits.h have no effect on the compilation? Or maybe I'm
just dead wrong and I miss something important here...

I've also tried to shim the same #define into the
/sys/YOUR_HOSTNAME/param.c file, just in case it would take effect
there, but it too did not work.

Any suggestions? This issue was previously discussed in the mailing list
for a 4.x host. see
for the summary.

TIA/will summarize
Charles Vachon tel: (418) 627-6355 x2760
  Administrateur de système
  FRCQ/Ministère des Ressources
  Naturelles du Québec
Received on Tue Oct 03 2000 - 21:16:17 NZDT

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