Another routing question

From: Per Andersson <>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 17:27:02 +0200


Is there anybody out there who could explain this
for a relative newbee in this area ?

We have a switched LAN consisting of hundreds
of nodes divided into two subnets. Most nodes
are running DU 4.0d

For historical reasons the IP numbers for
the different subnets are randomly distributed
among the different user groups. As a consequens
of this two machines from two different subnets
connected to the same switch cannot talk directly
to each other, the traffic has to be routed, which
ofcourse increases the bandwith consumption.
The easiest way to solve this, I guess, would to
swap IP numbers, so they more correspond to the
actual use, however the prospect of having to
change hundreds of IP numbers is not daunting.

Recently I discovered on Linux (RH 6.0) that
one could add a static route for any subnet
to a given interface by the command:

route add -net aaa.bbb.ccc.0 netmask dev eth0
(for interface eth0)

which means that the routing is not necessary on a
local network. Even if they belong to different subnets.
So now to my actual question, anybody still with me ... :-)

Is there a way to achieve a similar behaviour on
DU ? I have failed bitterly while trying this and
I have looked in the man pages and scanned the
archive but got nada.


* Per Andersson                                 *
* Department of Physics, Stockholm University   *
Received on Thu May 11 2000 - 15:30:35 NZST

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